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News's Journal

My Podcast Link

01/13/2004 00:14 #29743

The new quickUpdate box provides you with both a styleBox and an image upload function. It is seriously the fastest way to publish a new journal entry to the web. Try using it instead of your update page next time!

You will still need to use the "write" page to edit your links, upload sounds, explore your image library, change you userPic, update your email, change your password and/or edit and delete old journal entries.

01/10/2004 21:05 #29742

Email Change Form
I have added an user email chnage request form to the update page. You can now change your contact email address to something new if desired. However, you must confirm the email address by clicking on the link sent to you via email in order to confirm the new address. If you do change your contact email, you will be automatically prevented from logging in until you confirm a new addr.

01/10/2004 20:38 #29741

Display Errors
Sorry about the major display errors that occurred on Saturday, January 10th. I had made some changes to the site that looked fine on Internet Explorer for PC and had not checked Mac or Mozilla. I think it should all be okay now.

01/02/2004 18:59 #29740

Democracy Now! is here
Beginning Monday, January 12, 2004 Democracy Now! can be heard five days a week at 8 AM on WHLD-1270 AM.
Tune in and tell your friends! Finally a change in the positive direction for Buffalo.

01/05/2004 15:31 #29739

New Mail Mega Update
The mail system has been completely revised.


Spammers can no longer harvest our emails off the site and send us junkmail. Also, people sending you email can never see you personal email unless you respond. It is a great little web form based email system that involves no need for an email client. The emails look cute too and you can even send attachments. I tested them on hotmail, outlook, yahoo, canisius mail, and elmwoodstrip mail. If other people test them and have any problems, please contact me.