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07/12/2003 12:51 #29676

New Homepage Feature
The journals are free as always but now we are thinking of offering webspace for our users own homepages. If you re interested in this service please contact me

09/12/2003 03:45 #29675

Elmwood Update
This week I am releasing the long awaited Elmwood strip 1.2. I has many new features, most of which you can already check out. First of all you can now add links and images to your journal entires via HTML tags. You can also change you banner, even to an animated swf one. You can change you background color, and not just when you first create the blog but over and over as your heart desires. even better is that you are not limited to the color choices I selected. you can add you own hex value colors oif you would like.

The rest of the weeknend I will be producing new graphics.

09/21/2003 03:07 #29674

More Updates
I spent a lot of time working on the code this weekend. There are lots more features. You can now upload images to our server. The page then gives you the address of the image and the code you would need to display an image in your journal entry. It also gives you a thumbnail and a way to delete the images stored in your directory.

Now you can also stay logged in thanks to cookies when you are updating your journal and you switch to view your journal. There will be many more features in the next month. Hope you enjoy.

09/18/2003 02:20 #29673

I am trying to add more feature requests as they come in. One problem I am having is that as soon as many people sign up we are going to need some sort of way to categorize them in order to have them easily searchable. I am thinking of dividing it into zip code clans. That seems liek the easiest way. Do you guys have a better idea. If so please post your idea in the forum.

07/11/2003 19:21 #29672

The Powerbook is Dead
Let it long live in peices sold on ebay. The powerbook met a 40oz bottle of beer in an unfortunate accident and is no longer with us. This is the powerbook that was used to create this page. I am taking this as a message from "god" to give up on crapple computers. So I am on a little break while I wait for my new portable intel-powered openGL workstation. Fuck Apple anyways. I hate them and their lame ass hardware. If it wasn't for OS X I would have dropped them a long time ago. If you don't believ they suck, get this when my powerbook was in repair for defective parts last month they returned it to me without the battery and then tried to blame it on me asking me if I was sure it had a bettery in it when I sent it. I am moving onto Linux which is by the way the operating system this sit eis running on.