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06/04/2003 19:18 #29670

Where Have I Been
Well I have suffered some major setbacks. First off the trackpad died on the powerbook which had to be sent back in to get fixed. While it was in for repair, the memory chip died. Then when I finally got a new chip, the hard drive died. So you think, why not use the iBook. Well lets just say it went swimming an dthe motherboard got fried like chicken.

So basically, I am now typing this on a firewire drive that I have booting into the powerbook until the new replacement drive comes. I lost a lot of code too. So the new color picker is on hold. However, I have deiced to go ahead with adding little windows to each journal entry.

This will all happend probably some time this week. Right now I am having a funeral for the iBook. On a good note I sold the ti4600 finally and I got a good 186.00 for it which is pretty good.

Last of all I have to go work on thew syllabus for my summer class. I am going to be teaching 3D online cartooing at Canisius College starting June 23rd. I guess I am going to have to make some sort of php cartoon frame uploader script. I only have 6 students so I am kind of excited about the whole thing.

05/16/2003 01:04 #29669

I worked a lot more to make the whole site have a common look. Although, I am not incredibly happy with the image it is set up to be easily configerable when I have a little more creative inspiration. For now my brain is zapped from too many SQL querries. I am going to go chill with my tortoise now. It feels really neglected and is tryiing to eat everything in order to get my attention.

05/15/2003 12:18 #29668

Things you can explore
To the left you find the region known as the sideBar. On each page the sideBar has information pertaining to the function of that page. I hope to be developing a control system with more customizable options in the future. I w
I am really excited to finally see my code work in a useful manor. I developed the entire code for the journal system from sratch. I also made the 3D walkthrough v1.0 myself using Maya 4.0 and Director MX. It is the beta phase for something that will hopefully develop into a 3D chatroom in the future. The chat room, forum, and mail were configured by me but opensource projects.

05/15/2003 12:23 #29667

Background Info
Well although there were a billion and a half problems most of them have been worked out. This page has most extensively been tested on a Macintosh running OS X and Safari. It is built exclusively with PHP and MySQL. All pages are completely dynamic, so the site remains extremely lite. It is currently on a Linux server in Alaska and seems to be ok. If you find any bugs please email me