Mrmike's Journal
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05/30/2006 07:20 #29520
Back to work!!05/29/2006 11:21 #29519
Leftovers of the what's left of my mindGlad I got a chance to meet a gaggle of peeps on saturday night. I had a fine time in spite of showing up way too early, and a healthy round of social anxiety (saying something stupid too soon, etc) and sundry other neuroses that are me. It was a lot of fun. Perhaps I should come out of the shell more often.
Earlier in the day, freed up from all responsibilities, I plugged my ipod into my dashboard and took off on a drive. Found myself north and east of Lockport at Becker Farms. The journey to and from was more interesting than the destination, but a Becker Farms pie did come home with me. You head out that way and you get treated to a drawbridge outside Gasport as well as a pretty wide swath of yard sales. So, saturday was great all the way around.
The Sabres lost last night and I believe it's because my little sister left us hanging. She is helping her S.O. prep to sell his North Buffalo house. They are doing this on their own schedule, so it left me a little pissed off when she called at 4:30 yesterday to say they couldn't come out to my folks to eat. I got my own kids out there, who were eager to see their aunt, only to be auntless. I haven't quite figured out my level of pissed offedness (is that a word?). It's not a thing, but it kind of is. There are ways of being a person and she didn't come through, so harrumph!
So, sunday left a strange taste in my mouth.
Monday is promising. The holiday inn on delaware has a pool club set up and I've been buying a membership for a number of years now. It's not the greatest spot, but it is close so you can either swim without driving forwever and get some exercise or have somebody bring you a drink poolside or in pool. There are virtues to both and I discovered I have enough money for opening day (today)(yay).
May have to go soak my head.....
Happy Day, ya'all
Earlier in the day, freed up from all responsibilities, I plugged my ipod into my dashboard and took off on a drive. Found myself north and east of Lockport at Becker Farms. The journey to and from was more interesting than the destination, but a Becker Farms pie did come home with me. You head out that way and you get treated to a drawbridge outside Gasport as well as a pretty wide swath of yard sales. So, saturday was great all the way around.
The Sabres lost last night and I believe it's because my little sister left us hanging. She is helping her S.O. prep to sell his North Buffalo house. They are doing this on their own schedule, so it left me a little pissed off when she called at 4:30 yesterday to say they couldn't come out to my folks to eat. I got my own kids out there, who were eager to see their aunt, only to be auntless. I haven't quite figured out my level of pissed offedness (is that a word?). It's not a thing, but it kind of is. There are ways of being a person and she didn't come through, so harrumph!
So, sunday left a strange taste in my mouth.
Monday is promising. The holiday inn on delaware has a pool club set up and I've been buying a membership for a number of years now. It's not the greatest spot, but it is close so you can either swim without driving forwever and get some exercise or have somebody bring you a drink poolside or in pool. There are virtues to both and I discovered I have enough money for opening day (today)(yay).
May have to go soak my head.....
Happy Day, ya'all
05/27/2006 19:39 #29518
Guitars for Hope, Part DuexWhile I was waiting for the hordes to come into the arena last night for the hockey game, I happened across these. Metalpeter put the thought in my head with his excellent post on the Guitars for Hope. I found these two at the top of the stairs when you walk into the arena and head up the left side. They're pretty eye-catching considering they sit among the inflatable Stanley Cups and overpriced, undernourished snacks. For that alone, they merited preservation.

Enjoy, see ya at the bumper sticker unveiling

Enjoy, see ya at the bumper sticker unveiling
metalpeter - 05/28/06 12:16
Love that sabres one it is really cool.
Love that sabres one it is really cool.
05/25/2006 22:22 #29517
I was a field trip DadIt helps to have things shooken up a little. I've lived here forever and when you do that all your extended family uses the Buffalo residence as a cheap excuse for a Niagara Falls sojourn. I've been able to see it all, but when my lovely 11 year old asked me to be a parent/chaperone how could I resist yet another Maid of the Mist boat ride, topped off with a free lunch at the Hard Rock. I couldn't despite looking like a 230 hefty bag in the Mist's free Ponchos.
But first the victims

We got send below

It's a quiet ride, despite the winday day

But soon, the minnow would be tossed. Good thing I was sealed in gladware to lock in freshness

It was a lil blustery as we went to the horseshoe falls

And jjust like that we be done

I'm not sure why my camera went back in time all the sudden, but soon after we found ourselves in the calm of

My taste buds are contemplating legal action, good thing it was free. Who knew that five eleven year old girls knew so many fart and burp jokes (and funny ones at that). I insulted one of the boys they deemed annoying and I was suddenly the cool parent on the trip.
Nice day off.
But first the victims

We got send below

It's a quiet ride, despite the winday day

But soon, the minnow would be tossed. Good thing I was sealed in gladware to lock in freshness

It was a lil blustery as we went to the horseshoe falls

And jjust like that we be done

I'm not sure why my camera went back in time all the sudden, but soon after we found ourselves in the calm of

My taste buds are contemplating legal action, good thing it was free. Who knew that five eleven year old girls knew so many fart and burp jokes (and funny ones at that). I insulted one of the boys they deemed annoying and I was suddenly the cool parent on the trip.
Nice day off.
metalpeter - 05/26/06 18:12
Good pics of the falls glad you had a fun day off.
Good pics of the falls glad you had a fun day off.
libertad - 05/25/06 23:03
230lb hefty bag ha! Nice pics
230lb hefty bag ha! Nice pics
05/24/2006 07:57 #29516
The Hurricanes blew into townThis is a bit of a footnote to my note about business dinners. I was supposed to meet a few people from Turner and my bosses at EB Greens. If you've never been there, and I could never afford it, usually you get out of your car in the little circle by the Hyatt. I meant to do that, only to get shooed away by a US Marshall. Since he had the gun, I didn't argue. He told me a tour bus was coming in and needed the space.
I thought it must be some tour bus to require an armed escort. Turned out it was the Carolina Hurricanes arriving to stay at the Hyatt for the games with the Sabres tonight and Friday.
I parked my car across the street and met up with my party in the restaurant. It has a huge picture window which was filled with EB Greens employees trying to gawk at the arriving hockey players, many of whom filtered into the restaurant during our dinner. It was interesting to watch the various reactions of the people in the restaurant to the famous faces. Grudging admiration from some of the men, flat out gushing from some of the women I noticed. My boss, a non-fan, cracked me up. She caught me surveying the crowd and deadpanned "I fucking hate hockey," before taking a long sip of her drink. Gotta love her.
If I can clean up the picture, I'll post the one of the piece of chocolate cake they served me for desert. It was a seven layer job that truly was seven layers. I got one and one of the reps from Turner got one. This was truly gawk worthy. HEads turned to look at these cakes as they were brought out. I got about a quarter of the way through and had to say uncle.
Anybody for cake?
I thought it must be some tour bus to require an armed escort. Turned out it was the Carolina Hurricanes arriving to stay at the Hyatt for the games with the Sabres tonight and Friday.
I parked my car across the street and met up with my party in the restaurant. It has a huge picture window which was filled with EB Greens employees trying to gawk at the arriving hockey players, many of whom filtered into the restaurant during our dinner. It was interesting to watch the various reactions of the people in the restaurant to the famous faces. Grudging admiration from some of the men, flat out gushing from some of the women I noticed. My boss, a non-fan, cracked me up. She caught me surveying the crowd and deadpanned "I fucking hate hockey," before taking a long sip of her drink. Gotta love her.
If I can clean up the picture, I'll post the one of the piece of chocolate cake they served me for desert. It was a seven layer job that truly was seven layers. I got one and one of the reps from Turner got one. This was truly gawk worthy. HEads turned to look at these cakes as they were brought out. I got about a quarter of the way through and had to say uncle.
Anybody for cake?
mrmike - 05/24/06 14:33
Time Warner is coming Aug. 1st
Time Warner is coming Aug. 1st
jason - 05/24/06 12:34
Goddamn, EB Greens now, I'm telling you....ONE DAY CONTRACT.....I'll be your bitch, your yes man, anything! LOL
Gotta say that comment by your boss was A grade perfect. I had a good laugh when I read that.
I have a question, maybe you can answer, maybe you cannot. Are we going to be having Time Warner cable here sooner than later? If so, will I be able to get BET Jazz with regular Digi like my dad does in Jamestown?
Goddamn, EB Greens now, I'm telling you....ONE DAY CONTRACT.....I'll be your bitch, your yes man, anything! LOL
Gotta say that comment by your boss was A grade perfect. I had a good laugh when I read that.
I have a question, maybe you can answer, maybe you cannot. Are we going to be having Time Warner cable here sooner than later? If so, will I be able to get BET Jazz with regular Digi like my dad does in Jamestown?
OOO.... a pool club, isn't that trendy.
I'm starting a pool club too and the rules are thus:
Guys must come with girls;
Girls must come with female friends;
And if you don't have either you better not come empty handed!!!
See.. now, finally, someone has taken the place of myself and (e:Uncutsaniflush) in arriving first! Yay! We tend to be the early/just on time types... until the few times we arrived at an (e:peep) party to find one of the (e:PMT) just waking up... and needing to make a beer/booze/food/munchie run.
Wow. I didn't know that! How much is the pool membership at the Holiday Inn? I love love love swimming (well, except for all the shaving us girls need to do... and squeezing me arse into the suit!) and i miss it a lot. Our subdivision in Knoxville had a neighbourhood pool we joined and i haven't been in a pool since then, 2 summers ago.
I get it about your sister not showing. I would be a bit miffed, too. I guess, for me, it just shows a lack of respect for you, your family, but mostly your kids. Us adults (ok, those of us over 21 might not really be adults, but i think you know what i mean..) can get annoyed, and then deal with it in our own way. But bumming out kids.... not cool, man... totally not cool.
You didn't show up way to early, you showed up on time - something most of our other friends are able to get right. I keep making the start times earlier so that people actually come sometime before midnight. There sees to be a two hour rule that people follow between start time and when they arrive.