Mrmike's Journal
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03/11/2006 05:59 #29461
My entry for cuteness crap found online03/09/2006 04:11 #29460
My wife left me for a younger blondewoman
My divorce papers came last night. I'd been separated for a little more than two years, pretty amicably, but still the finality of it all still smacks you a little. Most of the wounds of all the hard conversations heal, but occasionally something like this rips the bandages off and pours a little more bourbon down the almost healed scars.
It's interesting in a sense to watch the transition. She's the one that strayed or followed a different direction, but since I'm the one that moved, the social circle that was ours closed mostly to me. There was a party at the house formerly known as mine the others night and while I knew most of the attendees, I also knew I was better off not appearing. My ten year old called me periodically (her idea) to let me know who was drunk and if I got cake left overs (from Delish, they be good people).
Given how tough her parents were on her and how useless mine were in revealing her discovery about herself, we've actually been okay with one another. I've dated a little and looked for other social venues. That has been a little slow and that is okay, but I read about somebody else here having beer and wing auditions to just broaden a social circle and that seems like a decent start.
I've been a little monastic as I've started a new job last May (so, I guess it is an old job now) and just trying to be Dad to our kids still on the weekends and it seems to be working, but I figure there has to be room for a life in there somewhere.
I used to mock that guy who had the perennial personal ad and that "matinee grin." I think he is still in Artvoice inspiring fear and loathing in the female population of Buffalo. Occasionally, you can't help but be a little scared you might turn into him.
But, you occasionally get a sign that things are turning the corner. I locked eyes with a woman at Wegmans the other week. Kid at the sub counter said those most encouraging ego soothing words "Dude, she was checking you out."
My divorce papers came last night. I'd been separated for a little more than two years, pretty amicably, but still the finality of it all still smacks you a little. Most of the wounds of all the hard conversations heal, but occasionally something like this rips the bandages off and pours a little more bourbon down the almost healed scars.
It's interesting in a sense to watch the transition. She's the one that strayed or followed a different direction, but since I'm the one that moved, the social circle that was ours closed mostly to me. There was a party at the house formerly known as mine the others night and while I knew most of the attendees, I also knew I was better off not appearing. My ten year old called me periodically (her idea) to let me know who was drunk and if I got cake left overs (from Delish, they be good people).
Given how tough her parents were on her and how useless mine were in revealing her discovery about herself, we've actually been okay with one another. I've dated a little and looked for other social venues. That has been a little slow and that is okay, but I read about somebody else here having beer and wing auditions to just broaden a social circle and that seems like a decent start.
I've been a little monastic as I've started a new job last May (so, I guess it is an old job now) and just trying to be Dad to our kids still on the weekends and it seems to be working, but I figure there has to be room for a life in there somewhere.
I used to mock that guy who had the perennial personal ad and that "matinee grin." I think he is still in Artvoice inspiring fear and loathing in the female population of Buffalo. Occasionally, you can't help but be a little scared you might turn into him.
But, you occasionally get a sign that things are turning the corner. I locked eyes with a woman at Wegmans the other week. Kid at the sub counter said those most encouraging ego soothing words "Dude, she was checking you out."
03/07/2006 15:08 #29459
Random thoughts on a very long dayIt's beautiful outside and I have to spend the bulk of it indoors. I must have pissed somebody off.
Here's what's on what's left of my mind.......
Not sure about the whole hotel on Elmwood thing. I guess we should be glad that somebody wants to spend some money on development, but the idea of something being there other than thoses houses seems a little weird, especially when the hotel site is diagonal from well, nothing. If it could spur a little more development, I guess that would be good, but it smacks of those projects that I should get passionate about, but I'm not. As a former Home of the Hits customer (Having New World so close cured me), it would be a little strange to hit that section of Elmwood and not see it being there. There's a wacky notion about development about that block. The logic escapes me, but it wound up kicking Platoh's to Kenmore.
Let them have that block....
Full disclosure time, I work for Adelphia and feel like Artvoice took a cheap shot. The current issue has the sporttools, er writers complaining about the arena. I'm all for constructive criticism but the Adelphia Kiosk they were bitching about aren't there. Not that we don't deserve most of the abuse shipped our way, but what made it into the paper was gratuitous bitching, instead of being useful.
That said, if you go to the Sabres game tonight, stop by the Adelphia zone. I won't sell you cable and would appreciate a friendly face, or at least one that isn't trying to load porn on the family friendly pcs.
Would they change the bulb on the 198's traffic light already?? -- the white flash still makes me doubletake.
Took my kids to the zoo on an nastily cold day and still had a blast. With so few folks around, but all the animals, it had a nice private party kind of feel.
regret of the week -- Missing the Tom Waits party the other night.
Here's what's on what's left of my mind.......
Not sure about the whole hotel on Elmwood thing. I guess we should be glad that somebody wants to spend some money on development, but the idea of something being there other than thoses houses seems a little weird, especially when the hotel site is diagonal from well, nothing. If it could spur a little more development, I guess that would be good, but it smacks of those projects that I should get passionate about, but I'm not. As a former Home of the Hits customer (Having New World so close cured me), it would be a little strange to hit that section of Elmwood and not see it being there. There's a wacky notion about development about that block. The logic escapes me, but it wound up kicking Platoh's to Kenmore.
Let them have that block....
Full disclosure time, I work for Adelphia and feel like Artvoice took a cheap shot. The current issue has the sporttools, er writers complaining about the arena. I'm all for constructive criticism but the Adelphia Kiosk they were bitching about aren't there. Not that we don't deserve most of the abuse shipped our way, but what made it into the paper was gratuitous bitching, instead of being useful.
That said, if you go to the Sabres game tonight, stop by the Adelphia zone. I won't sell you cable and would appreciate a friendly face, or at least one that isn't trying to load porn on the family friendly pcs.
Would they change the bulb on the 198's traffic light already?? -- the white flash still makes me doubletake.
Took my kids to the zoo on an nastily cold day and still had a blast. With so few folks around, but all the animals, it had a nice private party kind of feel.
regret of the week -- Missing the Tom Waits party the other night.
03/06/2006 16:00 #29458
once more03/06/2006 08:14 #29457
Staff MeetingsI friggin hate them. Ours are intended to be the one time of the week were the six of us who actually do the work in the department can get together brainstorm and whatnot. That actually appears to me because I work with a pretty decent group directly. But my boss's boss (he reminds me of the pointy haired boss from Dilbert, always in a hurry to look busy, but no one can truly identify what it is he actually does) has his other departments sit in. That sounds minor and apparently is to his other departments as the chiefs never show. They just call in and sometimes have their subordinates call. Upshot being, we have to have a facade of a meeting before we can actually get anything done.
Maybe when Time Warner gets here the pointy haired one would disappear.
Maybe when Time Warner gets here the pointy haired one would disappear.
this is the saddest post I've ever read. it's tearing me apart. Good luck man. Loneliness should be outlawed.
Ouch - that hurts. You sound pretty well-grounded and philosophical. That will come in handy as you navigate the twists and turns rounding that corner back into the dating world. ;-) Keep noticing those positive signs, and maybe put a few out there yourself. Good luck!