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03/07/2006 15:08 #29459

Random thoughts on a very long day
It's beautiful outside and I have to spend the bulk of it indoors. I must have pissed somebody off.

Here's what's on what's left of my mind.......

Not sure about the whole hotel on Elmwood thing. I guess we should be glad that somebody wants to spend some money on development, but the idea of something being there other than thoses houses seems a little weird, especially when the hotel site is diagonal from well, nothing. If it could spur a little more development, I guess that would be good, but it smacks of those projects that I should get passionate about, but I'm not. As a former Home of the Hits customer (Having New World so close cured me), it would be a little strange to hit that section of Elmwood and not see it being there. There's a wacky notion about development about that block. The logic escapes me, but it wound up kicking Platoh's to Kenmore.

Let them have that block....

Full disclosure time, I work for Adelphia and feel like Artvoice took a cheap shot. The current issue has the sporttools, er writers complaining about the arena. I'm all for constructive criticism but the Adelphia Kiosk they were bitching about aren't there. Not that we don't deserve most of the abuse shipped our way, but what made it into the paper was gratuitous bitching, instead of being useful.

That said, if you go to the Sabres game tonight, stop by the Adelphia zone. I won't sell you cable and would appreciate a friendly face, or at least one that isn't trying to load porn on the family friendly pcs.

Would they change the bulb on the 198's traffic light already?? -- the white flash still makes me doubletake.

Took my kids to the zoo on an nastily cold day and still had a blast. With so few folks around, but all the animals, it had a nice private party kind of feel.

regret of the week -- Missing the Tom Waits party the other night.


03/06/2006 16:00 #29458

once more


dragonfire1024 - 03/06/06 21:26 thats funny :)

03/06/2006 08:14 #29457

Staff Meetings
I friggin hate them. Ours are intended to be the one time of the week were the six of us who actually do the work in the department can get together brainstorm and whatnot. That actually appears to me because I work with a pretty decent group directly. But my boss's boss (he reminds me of the pointy haired boss from Dilbert, always in a hurry to look busy, but no one can truly identify what it is he actually does) has his other departments sit in. That sounds minor and apparently is to his other departments as the chiefs never show. They just call in and sometimes have their subordinates call. Upshot being, we have to have a facade of a meeting before we can actually get anything done.

Maybe when Time Warner gets here the pointy haired one would disappear.

03/05/2006 17:41 #29456

Dinnertime....and my lovely seven year old son asked to hang out for awhile longer before going home to his mom's. Dinner with the boy -- perfect end to a nice day. Slept late, enjoyed a mid day (okay, early afternoon) coco moco outside at Spot. Played some games with the young man and we're gonna break bread.

In short, spirtually renewing. I feel ready to take the whining, crying and turf battles and what not that was making me so crazy at the end of this past week. If you're headed to the Sabres game on Tuesday night, stop by the Adelphia area (you know, the one the tools in Artvoice distain) and say hi. I'll be the jerk behind the counter. Hopefully, the good vibes of days like today will carry me through it.

To the kitchen!

03/05/2006 15:54 #29455

Sleep is good
A beautiful Sunday morning. One of the virtues of a eastward facing bed room is that the day is there tapping you on the shoulder, tipping its hand as to what kind of day it will be. Today's sun put me in a good mood because it was so great, but it also made it possbile to roll over and wake up two hours later, feeling the best I felt all week. The Buffalo News was almost readable. I was able to forgive myself for being too lame and tardy for missing the Tom Waits thingy at Neitzche's last night.

Too bad tomorrow is a back to work day.