I've been thinking about posting a few ways that could help us all become a little healthier this year. although, after this afternoons chat with a few members i wonder if people really care what someone else thinks. i've done a considerable amount of research in the past year reading about nutrition, exercise, athletic conditioning and body building. i'm slowly becoming a health nut but years from now i'll feel so much better than i would had i not become neurotic about wellness.
Last year I joined the fight against obesity so I'm sorry if it feels like I'm preachin' too much about it. My ultimate goal is wellness and I believe in the law of universal recriprocation, meaning my ultimate success is dependent helping others.
I won't hurt you, I just want to help.
With love once again,
Welcome to (e:strip), (e:Mrdt).
I, too, have traveled down the same path as you. Quitting drugs and drinking, having gone to many an NA meeting. Just quit smoking a year ago... i don't do the gym thing, tho.
DT is short for deltoids isn't it!
welcome :)
The question, is, Are there any more raves? (if so, let me know!)