Um...Jesse...is there another MK in your life...??? Or is that actually my mouth and I don't remember that situation at all...?
I am deeply saddened. I better go look at a picture of Al and Tipper smooching to really cheer myself up...
Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/16/2004 23:21 #29208
i am baffled10/02/2004 19:03 #29207
SaturdayWell it's a chilly Saturday afternoon here in Fredland. This morning I had a concert for Homecoming Weekend where an alumni comes in and we just sing high school repertoire and have to wake up at 9:30 for rehearsal. Yes good times.
Today is a lazy day. Well I just went running. I guess I should say lazy night. I could go to another party at Brian's but I dunno...I have a midterm Monday. And on Friday I'm supposed to be singing in a Masterclass by this guy who I just looked up online. He's a famous baritone who has sang lots of places and went to Yale and he looks really good and I know I will be scared shitless to sing for him. But anyway I think it will be really cool. SOOOO therefore I probably shouldn't be all drinkey drinkey tonight.
Who uses Schick Intuition Razors? Because they are amazing in my opinion! They're the kind where you don't need soap or shaving gel or anything! I recommend highly. Even guys. I actually know lots of girls who use men's razors. What's the difference really?

Don't know how to end this, sooooooo bye
Today is a lazy day. Well I just went running. I guess I should say lazy night. I could go to another party at Brian's but I dunno...I have a midterm Monday. And on Friday I'm supposed to be singing in a Masterclass by this guy who I just looked up online. He's a famous baritone who has sang lots of places and went to Yale and he looks really good and I know I will be scared shitless to sing for him. But anyway I think it will be really cool. SOOOO therefore I probably shouldn't be all drinkey drinkey tonight.
Who uses Schick Intuition Razors? Because they are amazing in my opinion! They're the kind where you don't need soap or shaving gel or anything! I recommend highly. Even guys. I actually know lots of girls who use men's razors. What's the difference really?

Don't know how to end this, sooooooo bye
09/23/2004 12:38 #29206
fall breakTomorrow I'm going to Atlanta to see my grandma and family I hardly ever get to see. My cousin just had a baby last week so it will be cool to see both of them. We're leaving tonight and missing classes on Monday because our plane doesn't get back until 1:30ish. I actually am not happy about missing classes, haha, even though I didn't think I would really care. This year I feel like I actually need to be in my classes all the time, maybe because they are harder but I think I actually like them too.
Happy early birthday to my roomie and to Chris and to my grandma and to brad.
p.s. I was a Kenmore Middle gal, along with (e:beast) and (e:maureen) and (e:anne). :)
Happy early birthday to my roomie and to Chris and to my grandma and to brad.
p.s. I was a Kenmore Middle gal, along with (e:beast) and (e:maureen) and (e:anne). :)
09/19/2004 23:59 #29205
craziness of all kindsOK I am absolutely terrified by Mike's most recent journal entry. [inlink]mike,249[/inlink] How did I not here about this considering that is um like 1 street away from me? I mean clearly I am here in Fredonia but there are people and dogs that I love very nearby there! How crazy...
What is also crazy in a less violent, I-live-in-the-ghetto way is that one of my friends got married yesterday. I mean we aren't really very close anymore but I've known Andrea since I was like, 7 years old and now she is married. It seems like only yesterday we were playing softball and singing about chocolala sticks and yelling into fans waking up my mom two stories up and waving taboo buzzers at them and using hand sanitizer while listening to innappropriate stories. Anyway, it was a nice time. Congratulations to the new husband and wife!
October 19...new Jimmy Eat World...
What is also crazy in a less violent, I-live-in-the-ghetto way is that one of my friends got married yesterday. I mean we aren't really very close anymore but I've known Andrea since I was like, 7 years old and now she is married. It seems like only yesterday we were playing softball and singing about chocolala sticks and yelling into fans waking up my mom two stories up and waving taboo buzzers at them and using hand sanitizer while listening to innappropriate stories. Anyway, it was a nice time. Congratulations to the new husband and wife!
October 19...new Jimmy Eat World...
09/05/2004 22:30 #29204
still hereSo I guess in honor of summer ending, I'll make a new entry since it has been uber long. I don't really love when people say uber but I guess I just did...
Last night was my first naked party...my first time skinny dipping![size=m] yay! [/size] It was quite invigorating and liberating, although I still think my nude body definitely contributed to Mike's sickness, and he's just too nice to say so.
So I guess Labor Day = summer over. Well, here's to a new year...the last year for many people I know. Of school that is. Well undergrad I guess. How crazy. It may not be my last year, since I am going crazy and switching around my life, but more on that later. Everyone's lives are changing before our eyes I guess. Weird.
And I'm at work and should not be doing this entry, but I guess it never stopped me before. But now I'm actually being watched. Well ok I'll write more soon. Happy Labor Day everybody (do you say that?) and thanks to the nudies for a good time. haaaaaaaaa
Last night was my first naked party...my first time skinny dipping![size=m] yay! [/size] It was quite invigorating and liberating, although I still think my nude body definitely contributed to Mike's sickness, and he's just too nice to say so.
So I guess Labor Day = summer over. Well, here's to a new year...the last year for many people I know. Of school that is. Well undergrad I guess. How crazy. It may not be my last year, since I am going crazy and switching around my life, but more on that later. Everyone's lives are changing before our eyes I guess. Weird.
And I'm at work and should not be doing this entry, but I guess it never stopped me before. But now I'm actually being watched. Well ok I'll write more soon. Happy Labor Day everybody (do you say that?) and thanks to the nudies for a good time. haaaaaaaaa