I sort of hate everything right now. I guess staying up till 2 or so and then waking up at 6 to drive for 4 hours kinda sucks, but why do I STILL feel exhausted? That was like…3 nights ago. I mean I know I’m generally a loser who goes to bed early, yadda yadda…but I just feel so tired and blah. And neither of my jobs are very uplifting or energizing, so I just sit and wallow in my crappy feeling. I’m hoping after work I’ll at least feel better…voice lesson, running 3 miles (or trying) and shoe shopping…of course after all these activities I’ll still be exhausted. But maybe I'll feel better. And maybe go out...we'll see, we'll see.
I decided to make my dress for Chris’s sister’s wedding. I know, who makes their own clothes…at least, nice dresses. But after trying just about every mall in the area and trying on like 30 dresses…my mom suggested looking for a pattern and doing the damn thing myself. So, here goes. Well, she will help a lot. I feel like Chris is worried that I’m not going to look as nice or something because it’s like homemade or whatever. Well, he may not be. Frankly as long as the dress fits me, that’s all I care about. I tend to have issues with that like…constantly. I guess I have a weird body. Anyway stop bitching. I picked out a cool pattern and I also can’t wait to pick out shoes. That may just be the key to dragging myself out of this crap rut. I have a friend at school who said she would rather go shoe shopping than have sex.
Anyone agree with that?
Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/28/2004 13:55 #29200
sex vs. shoe shopping07/28/2004 13:21 #29199
Taming of The Shrew07/27/2004 10:35 #29198
PMTMatt or Paul or Terry...where did you camping this weekend? If it is in Westfield, then that isn't far from Fredonia at all. It looks really nice and I'd love to get in some good camping time in the beginning of the school year, since that is about the only time when the weather is nice.
In other news, my cell phone is either in the Adirondacks or Albany, soooo if anyone wants to get in touch with me, call my house. Hopefully I will have it back in a week, maybe two...presuming that it actually is in one of those places and didn't fall out of the car or in a lake, or I drove away while it was on top of my car...who would ever do something like that...
In other news, my cell phone is either in the Adirondacks or Albany, soooo if anyone wants to get in touch with me, call my house. Hopefully I will have it back in a week, maybe two...presuming that it actually is in one of those places and didn't fall out of the car or in a lake, or I drove away while it was on top of my car...who would ever do something like that...
07/21/2004 13:17 #29197
boo radley[inlink]springfaerie,27[/inlink]
(e:Springfaerie), along with that top ten list (which are all great...well ok I've read half of them but they are good titles)...I really enjoy "To Kill a Mockingbird". I read it in like sophomore year and then reread it last summer. The movie is good too if you want to cheat a little. So I recommend that. I think it counts as a "Classic"...maybe? Even if it isn't that old???
(e:Springfaerie), along with that top ten list (which are all great...well ok I've read half of them but they are good titles)...I really enjoy "To Kill a Mockingbird". I read it in like sophomore year and then reread it last summer. The movie is good too if you want to cheat a little. So I recommend that. I think it counts as a "Classic"...maybe? Even if it isn't that old???
07/20/2004 10:59 #29196
woo hoo[inlink]robin,227[/inlink] courtesy of robin...

[inlink]matthew,302[/inlink]So does this mean I should start calling (e:matthew) pussycat? Hmmm...
And I think it's funny how they choose to word it...I "resemble" Sophia...no wonder people in front of the bus get up and move when I get on...

[inlink]matthew,302[/inlink]So does this mean I should start calling (e:matthew) pussycat? Hmmm...
And I think it's funny how they choose to word it...I "resemble" Sophia...no wonder people in front of the bus get up and move when I get on...