12/06/2003 00:59 #29121
i got a new way to walk (walk walk)OMG Mike I love the pigs that sang that song! I totally remember.
So tonight was a geeky night but it was cool, I haven't hung out with my big cutie or pat or lindsay in awhile, so yay. Willy is the best speedreader I've ever heard.
It's like barely midnight on a Friday and I think I'm gonna go to bed or get some work done...HAHAHA ahh this is awful.
Brian and Pat...yes, in my shower.
the night of the SMELLY FEEEEEET!!!
11/26/2003 02:24 #29120
sloppy joe sloppy sloppy joeI love that I am updating this because only like 4 people will probably read it while we're on break but at least I'm providing everyone with other things to do instead of work once we are back at school.
Tonight we had to wait at Pano's, who does that?? Ahh I enjoyed my hummus and pita, and Di is back, YAY!!!!!!!! Awesome to have everyone back together and I'm glad I got to see everyone at least once before the family heads on down to PA for Turkey Day.
My arm still itches from the allergist office, isn't that a little ridiculous? I mean we established that I'm allergic to grass and stuff, NOW STOP ITCHING!
My break has been generally uneventful...I've been writing a lot. Always a good thing, I haven't done it for awhile. I went to sing with my mom last night at Canisius, and then watched a cinematic masterpiece at Jill's...The Real Cancun. Definitely didn't pick that one out, but it was entertaining enough, hahaha. What else? I sing and dance around my house whenever possible. I've done laundry. I had a random really really bad mood yesterday, and a random emotional outburst today. It's not even that time of the month!!! hahaha T.M.I. I'm such a silly goose. I miss my Fredonians mucho. Lindsay's beautiful Jeep is parked in my driveway.
I never really write about anything of value in here I just realized but frankly I don't believe that's what these journals are for! ENTERTAINMENT ONLY! I wish I could be here tomorrow for the biggest party night of the year. It's the first year my friends are actually gonna party...or at least try to get in somewhere that usually doesn't ID. I won't reveal the name ; ) I will most likely be asleep in a car when everyone is drinking it up. Maybe I'll drink it up in PA a little?? Only really cool people get drunk with their family members.
What do you think of having Lifetime text-message your cell phone everytime a major TV event occurs? Just wondering...
Aww my Brian just imed me. Ok I'm really dragging this entry out, I'm gonna hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more no more no more no more
11/24/2003 00:22 #29119
the bills make me wanna SHOUTSo tonight I watched A Mighty Wind, FINALLY! We also rented Finding Nemo but I already saw that, which is why I am currently in front of my old computer.
Went to the Bills game today...it was good, even though we lost. Yes, THE BUFFALO BILLS LOST!!
So it's 11:15 but I'm extremely tired so I'm calling it a night, thanks for reading, I'm gonna have some nice pictures up here soon from the evening with my Fredonia Chambies + Cucc. Stay tuned...
11/23/2003 01:23 #29118
hoooooooooooooooooooooooooomeSo I'm back in the b-lo for a little Thanksgiving break. Last night I had a little sleepover with my big Lindsay, Pat, Cucc and Brian. Of course we're huge dorks and spent half the night singing choral music, but singing with them is one of my favorite things to do EVER = ) Then Pat woke me up by screaming BEAST and humping me, at quarter to 5. Ahhh, driving on the 33 at 5:30 am is super! I seriously felt so sick to my stomach. AND I broke the law, haha. After dropping them off I didn't think I could handle highways so I took Union and I sat at this RIDICULOUS light for 4 minutes and saw one car. So after roling repeatedly back and forth, trying to set off some trigger, and screaming mucho profanity, I just went through it. Ahhh, I'm such a smooth criminal.
Today I had birds eat bird seed out of my hand while going on a little nature walk and it was soooo cool. I felt like I was in a fairy tale...it was awesome.
I'm glad break is here, I've been needing it I think. We all have. Even though I can't keep my mind off of things, it's nice to have a change of scenery and be able to hang out with my family and kenmore crew. We had Baskin Robbins tonight...so great.
Anyone remember back in the day before TRL? When Carson just interviewed people and there was no annoying screaming audience? It was actually acceptable, and I didn't hate Carson. Now I think the world has just had its fill, no offense.
What else to say? I got to see Jen for the first time in so long! YAY! Um I can't wait to live with Mike next year. My dogs are so cute. I miss my Fredonians. So many people spell ridiculous with an E. The whole family is going to the Bills game tomorrow and we're gonna tailgate and everything, YEAH!!!! I sang in Area and I sort of sucked and can't wait to do it again so I can redeem myself. = P
ok, bedtime... nighty night.
11/19/2003 15:50 #29117
"high-five"Di....I love you!!!!!