Mike's Journal
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03/27/2006 19:33 #28970
Frizzy's Photo Fun03/20/2006 19:50 #28969
Do You Wanna Hang Out"do you wanna hang out?" 5 simple words. Seems simple enough. It's not like I am asking for marriage just to hang out. Yet can i say them...alas the answer is no. I can call, I can chat, but can I say "do you wanna hang out?" , I guess I cannot!
libertad - 04/13/06 01:20
i always want to hang out w/ italian stallions
i always want to hang out w/ italian stallions
decoyisryan - 03/26/06 17:31
Those 5 words are hard to say. Some people take it the wrong way and think you are asking to be their boyfriend. I told a girl i wanted to hang out with her and she said she wasn't looking for a boyfriend. I got offended but we did end up going out so be bold and just say it.
Those 5 words are hard to say. Some people take it the wrong way and think you are asking to be their boyfriend. I told a girl i wanted to hang out with her and she said she wasn't looking for a boyfriend. I got offended but we did end up going out so be bold and just say it.
ladycroft - 03/21/06 00:44
if you asked me i'd say 'oh yah sure you betcha'. but i know what you're getting at...i vote we all sign up for lessons in boldness :)
if you asked me i'd say 'oh yah sure you betcha'. but i know what you're getting at...i vote we all sign up for lessons in boldness :)
03/18/2006 23:37 #28968
mkmk is the bnest friend dever!!!!! i just made a her adrink and its arealy strong. this may or may not be mk
and for the record, i juyst said to mk "how do all these glittery men get in my drink?"
and for the record, i juyst said to mk "how do all these glittery men get in my drink?"
03/18/2006 12:47 #28967
HAPPY BRITHDAY MATTHAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY MATT!!! I HOPE IT IS EVERYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE!!! (wow that sounds so card from your elderly great aunt type of greeting) Anywho, happy birthday. I hope I can do my part in making your party interesting and memorable.
03/16/2006 19:57 #28966
What A Great Start to the WeekendI passed the test!!! YES!! That's a load off my back. With the nervousness gone now a fun St. Patty's Day weekend can commence. Tonight some country line dancing with the crew followed by a short day at work tomorow and doing some deliveries where I get some tips which is nice. Then Jill's birthday dinner and going out tomorrow night and Matt's birthday on Saturdya. And then the St. Patty's Day Parade and all that entails on Sunday. YES WHAT A GREAT WEEK!!!
I almost forgot (how could I forget?) A visit by (e:howdown) !! YES! That is always a party!
I almost forgot (how could I forget?) A visit by (e:howdown) !! YES! That is always a party!
oh, i love old photo booth pic strips!