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11/25/2005 16:49 #28915

Thanksgiving Tidings/Night Before Fun
First of all I want to say Happy Belated Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope everyone else ate as much food and had as much fun as I did. I really think this was the first year in memory that my family was relatively calm and stress free for the whole day. My parents let me sleep in til like 1130 and dind't really make me do much to set up excpet go pick up my brother. And even when he wasn't ready for like another hour they still were ok with that. Just everything was calm and cool, which if you know my family I belive the last time we went more than ten minutes without yelling was circa 1992, maybe earlier. Eh, we're Italian, yelling is what we do! We tried to play family feud and it didn't' go so well, (e:terry) is a terrible game leader and it was much more complicated than you would think. Later we moved on to password which was fun and we found out my mom knew all about blunts. WHo woulda thought?

Wednesday night was a lot of fun. Everyone was back in town, except (e:mk). We went to Frizzy's and were gonna see where we were going to go from there but ended up staying there the whole night. It was lots of fun seeing everyone again all together and having fun. It was nice to catch up with everyone. Ok i pretty much knew everything about eveyrone but it was nice to hear them tell each other. Guest appearances were made by (e:amanda) and her b/f and Laura and other fun peeps. erock perhaps? Thanks to Jill for being my DD...

Well the weekend has arrived, let the fun continue

Oh and I almost forgot, i got to see my cousin's new baby Sylvia who was so freakin cute!!! Babies are nice, i want

11/21/2005 23:00 #28914

First of all I want to say thanks to all the people who commented on my last journal. ALas, I think i was overreacting to a situation, as those of you who know me, know I often do. I still don't know how the situation will turn out but really it wasn't nearly as drastic as I made it out to be.

I SERIOUSLY CANNOT WAIT UNTIL 6:20 pm tomorow night when my favoritest (e:beast) TERES COMES BACK TO THE B-LO!! I NEED HER PRESENCE MAJORLY!!!

On that note, Wednesday night we are going out (as is everyoen else in the world right cuz it is the night before thanksgiving?) but we are going out to celebrate Teres coming back. A welcome back party of sotrs with the other thousands of poeple out wednesday. Everyone should join in the festivities. When i know where we are going , I will post it there. So stay tuned...

11/21/2005 00:16 #28913

How Could I Forget?
Ooops how did I let myself forget for the last few days that I am completely undesirable. How many times will I make the same stupid mistakes?
robin - 11/21/05 12:16
you're a doll. I'd fuck your brains out.
hodown - 11/21/05 12:06
Oh Mike please. We all know you are fab. If there was a contest between who was better of the Visco boys, we all know you would win.
jason - 11/21/05 10:15
Mike stop talking yourself down like that. Don't be silly - you are not undesirable. I think your biggest hurdle, and this is true for many of us, is your own self confidence. Believe you are worthy of a good relationship. Believe you are a good guy and have something to offer someone. Believe you deserve happiness. Believe in yourself, have a certain goal in mind, and do not betray your standards. Visualize a positive result for yourself. Put yourself mentally in the best possible position for success. You can do it!
leetee - 11/21/05 09:54
You so are not. If i were single, and younger, and thinner... oh, and a boy, i would so ask you out! :O)

11/19/2005 11:56 #28912

Good Few Days
So after a crazy beginning of the week with more 14 hour work days and lots of craziness and my car breaking and nothing fun the week greatly improved on Wednesday. Me and (e:amanda) who I haven't seen in waaay too long b/c she is always studying and working went out for coffee and caught up on everything going on in our lives. And it snowed that night so we went on our first snow walk which was fun. Well it as fun while we walked in one direction and the wind was to our back but once we turned around it got a little bit crazy cold and icy in our face, especially since we were wearing like spring jackets and no kind of cold weather protection but it was still fun. The first snow is always so fun. Then (e:lilho) and (e:paul) called and we decided to go to a going away party for France (a German exchange student who is living in Robin's apt while Robin is in Germany , not France the country embroiled in riots).

I was not going to go cuz it was snowy and I had my mom's car and was afraid of crashing it but I decided eh I should. I'm so glad I decided to go. After me and (e:lilho) doing our normal stay in a corner and alienate ourselves from everyone there by clinging to each other and ignoring other people (why do I always cause that effect on who I am with?) I actually ended up talking to some people and having fun. One fun person in particular who I saw again on Thursday. So I'm glad I went.

Then on Friday (e:jill) and my other friend Jen both got jobs so that means they will have money again soon and we can start going out and doing more things again. And to top it all off (e:mk) decided to come up from Fredonia for the weekend and so we hung out last night after what has been way too long of not hanging out (ok maybe like a few weeks) but it felt like foreva! So hopefully this great weekend continues for the next few days.

AND THEN MY LOVELY TERES COMES BACK FROM 6 MONTHS IN SCOTTLAND ON TUESDAY and everyone else comes back from school too and we are gonna party like we are 16 again (well we didn't party that much at 16 haha but it will be fun)

basically every one of my friends being back + the night before thanksgiving + copious amounts of alcohol = amazingness!!! I can't wait!

11/15/2005 22:32 #28911

I'm A Medicare Celebutante
So two people asked me for my autograph today! So as many of you know I have been doing presentations all over Western New York at senior centers, senior apts, church groups, bingo games, you name it, anywhere seniors hang out I have been talking about the new Medicare Prescription Coverage and trying to answer people's questions. Well today at the one apartment building the people really loved me and all told me how great I was afterwards and that all I loved me and two of the old ladies, I belive one said she was 95 asked me for my autograph. One said "i really think you are going to be someone someday, and I want to have your autograph" or something like that. Alzheimers? maybe...but it still felt good