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11/03/2004 19:34 #28771

Is it time to secede?
Why can't the Northeast just secede from the Union. We seem to be the only people making sense anymore. I'd say maybe Washington State could join us but they're so far away. So definetely so much of the country seems so backwards I can't believe we are connected. What do you we really need out of the South anyway? Let's just separate, maybe join Canada? I believe we (not NY but a state in the country) now have a senator that is on record as saying gays and single unwed mothers, along with some other groups are not even fit to be teachers, WHAT???

Five more years and I can be an Italian citizen. They may have crazy governments that change weekly but still seem to be more sensible then my fellow citizens.

11/02/2004 12:10 #28770

[size=xxl]DON'T FORGET TO VOTE TODAY: POLLS ARE OPEN 6AM - 9PM[/size] [bgcolor]#bf0000[/bgcolor]

11/01/2004 00:23 #28769

Chamille send off
So it's official, Chamile ((e:southernyankee) ) has left the b-lo. I saw her drive off in her big ole UHaul that we spent hours filling with her entire life's worth of stuff. And boy do my arms ache. I am just not that strong. Too much heavy lifting more me. Seriously I can barely type. For a glitter of a moment it made me think I need to stop being such a packrack and stop saving so much crap cuz it will be a pain to move one day. BUt that idea has faded and I realize I will never stop saving everything and maybe packing it all up will actually be fun one day.

tinypliny - 11/07/11 11:45
ha, I wonder how loading up your own stuff compared to loading up (e:southernyankee)'s stuff!

10/30/2004 14:28 #28768

Halloween 03-04
It was a year ago today (or tomorrow) that I first met many of you estrip people at the PMT's Halloween Party. I was a drunken windup monkey, well it didn't start drunken but definetly ended that way. It was a lot of fun with a lot of fun pictures you can see if you look back to my entries from Oct. 03. Although I remember I chatted about Eckerd much too much. It's so weird to think that was only a year ago, it seems so much longer ago.

That is also when i had the pleasure to meet (e:southernyankee) , who is now leaving us. It is weird that for only one year she was here yet made such an impact. If every I walked into a bar or party and I saw her, I knew that night would be a fun time. There was no way it couldn't be! And all the gossiping and her crazy love life stories, which of course I won't share here. That's actually how we first started talking, I tried to get her to post her sordid life stories on estrip. At that time she was just Chamille , not yet (e:southernyankee) . Oh Chamille, I'll miss ya!! Your contagious fun and smiles and good times will be sorely missed (could I sound more liek an old lady?)!! Keep in touch and good luck in everything you do!!! DC is gaining a crazy great person, (but the clergy better watch out right?)!!!

10/26/2004 01:12 #28767

The Power
It is ridiculous how much power you have over me. How much you affect my mood. How much you can affect if I will have a good or bad day. Not necessarily talking to you, just thinking about it. You don't even know or realize I'm sure. There's no way you could. We don't often talk but somehow you still affect me so much. In a different way than anyone else ever has. I don't even really understand it or why it is this way. It's so much different than anything else in my life and I don't mean in a like so much more deep or meaningful or strong just completely different. I truly don't understand it. What is it about you that intrigues me in such an odd way. I just feel like their is potential there, potential to be better friends than we've become maybe? Everyone assumes I want something else, but I don't. I honestly don't. It's not an attraction like that, although for fleeting moments here and there I think it is. But that is just because I can't categorize it any other way. But it's not that. I just want your friendship, but then it is so weird, this odd extra strong desire for your friendship. It will likely never happen. I can't imagine it will, not anymore. At one time maybe, but now it seems less and less likely all the time. I never really have had a hard time making friends or becoming clolser with people I wanted to get to know, but somehow this time it doesn't work. I just can't make that next step for some reason. We're not much alike or similar I guess in many ways, but in my mind you know everything I want to talk about, and a lot of you is what I wish I was more like. You seem like you would be able to provide a perspective I am lacking in my life. You seem like the person I need or want just to talk to. You likely would not even know this is about you if you read this, even though I doubt you do. I don't know, maybe someday we'll be better friends. Or maybe I've already built it up to much in my head. Maybe you can never be the friend I feel you would be and so I am just setting myself up for dissapointment. But for some reason I don't think so.
tinypliny - 11/07/11 11:42
Wow - who was this? I wish someone thought like this about me... or rather I thought like this about someone. At the moment neither seems likely.