Phew, me, Jill, Stephanie and Justin got 12 years worth of pentup Real World chatter done today at Spot. We seriously talked Real World with some Road Rules and Challenges thrown in for like an hour. It was mucho fun. Does anyone else find they have to watch a Real World marathon if it is on, even if you have already seen all the episodes, even if it means not leaving the couch for 15 hours straight, even if it means not driving your wife who is in labor the hospital, cuz I know I do love it that much. Seriously if I even sort of catch a glance of one episdoe I am drawn in for the entire day of the marathon. They continue the episodes so seamlessly without the credits that their is no time to get up or change the channel. Oh I love them so! I'm glad there are at least 3 other people who feel the same way. I can't wait for the next marathon, marathon party anyone?
Mike's Journal
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10/07/2004 01:31 #28758
Real World Marathons10/06/2004 00:58 #28757
Record TheatreHow much do I love that Record Theater is now open right next to Canisius. I had a break today while we were waiting for Katrina to get out of class and so me and Amanda walked over there and I was able to buy the Wicker Park soundtrack I've been wanting so bad. It was so nice not to have to drive far away and just be able to get it right there while I had time. We then took a walk through Forest Lawn which is pretty, but Amanda is terrified of cemetaries but I was able to convince her to go in by promising we'd see ducks. We didn't end up seeing any ducks but we did go up to a personal mausoleum and look in. I went up and looked in first and when Amanda finally got enough courage to come look at it, some leaf or something fell and hit me in the face and I screamed and it freaked her out and she almost died b/c she thought the bodies had come back to life or something. Needless to say I don't think we will be visiting a cemetary together again anytime soon.
The Wicker Park soundtrack is soo good and I cannot stop listening to it. It has great songs by Postal Service, Mates of State, Death Cab for Cutie, STereophonics, Mazzy Star, a cover of The Scientist and so much more!!!! It is so good for the I"m in a funk kinda mood when you just want to sit and listen to your moody music. My favorite song by far is Strange and Beautiful by Aqualung,so my life sometimes, here's an excerpt....
I've been watching your world from afar,
I've been trying to be where you are,
And I've been secretly falling apart,
I'll see.
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful,
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see,
You turn every head but you don't see me.
The Wicker Park soundtrack is soo good and I cannot stop listening to it. It has great songs by Postal Service, Mates of State, Death Cab for Cutie, STereophonics, Mazzy Star, a cover of The Scientist and so much more!!!! It is so good for the I"m in a funk kinda mood when you just want to sit and listen to your moody music. My favorite song by far is Strange and Beautiful by Aqualung,so my life sometimes, here's an excerpt....
I've been watching your world from afar,
I've been trying to be where you are,
And I've been secretly falling apart,
I'll see.
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful,
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see,
You turn every head but you don't see me.
10/03/2004 15:40 #28756
Wicker ParkSaw the movie Wicker Park at the cheap show last night and it was actually much better than I expected. Like there were parts during the movie when you're just liek that's dumb but as a whole it was really quite good. The soundtrack was really good and I think I might go get it today except I am poor but I won $15 dollars on a lottery ticket so that would pay for it but we'll see. THe only thing about the movie was that it made me and Jill want to go out and stalk someone or not necessarily but do something devious or deceiving. I don't know if that was a good lesson to take away from the movie but I still recommend it....
09/30/2004 13:00 #28755
My Walking Shoes are Killing MeSo yesterday while waiting for (e:beast) to call about meeting out for coffee, I decided to take a walk around elmwood, I went from Bidwell to Allen and then down Allen to like Virginia and then back. Well when I got to around Allen the back of my foot really started to hurt but at this point I still had to get all the way back to Bidwell where my car was and couldn't really just stop. By the time I got back to Bidwell, I was limping trying to prevent the back of my foot from rubbing agains the shoe and the entire back of my foot was all torn up and bloody. Not a great introduction to my new shoes and now my foot hurts in any shoes. Then (e:beast) called and decided she didn't want to go out. So all in all a letdown useless night...
09/28/2004 23:06 #28754
Ok so I was wrongOk i was partially wrong. After talking to Terry I realized I was only kinda right. Well 80 degrees is not twice as hot as 40 degrees but not because of the reason I said. I coudln't really remember the reason or Dr. Wigley didn't really explain it well but either way the fact is right the reasoning is not. Look at the obviously smarters Terry's journal to see why...[inlink]terry,323[/inlink]
I watched this movie and it was terrible - but I used to love the Postal Service's cover of Phil Collins in the soundtrack.