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09/11/2004 18:23 #28749
Diana Is 21!09/08/2004 00:44 #28748
Thesis MadnessSo I had my first official thesis meeting. What a crock this is. I am not interested in writing a 40 page paper just to have my diploma say with honors from Canisius. But alas I must do it. At least I have an offical advisor now, Thanks Dr. Christian! ANd I am going to write something to do with big shopping especially Walmart and its effects on communities and how people interact. Anyone wanna write it for me? lol....ok so if you are looking for me the library is where I will be for the rest of my life....or i will procrastinate and do it all in the last week.
09/07/2004 13:29 #28747
The Wizard of the Gold Ounce Did anyone know that the Wizard of Oz was written as like a populist argument about the gold standard in the United States.Dorothy was the American people, Oz stood for an ounce of gold, Dorothy's slippers were origianlly sivler and walking on the yellow brick road represented the bimettacllic standard but MGM changed them to red cuz they were more flashy on the screen.
The Good WIthches of the NOrth and South represent New England and the South which were populist strongholds while the Wicked Wtich of the East was the Eastern banking and industries. The scarecrow was western farmers, the tinman was eastern workers who were so dehumanized they didn't even have a heart, the cowardly likon was Wiliam Jenings Bryantand the Emeral City was Washington DC. THe Wizard was President Mckinley.
Insanity...I always just thoguht it was a movie for kids.
The Good WIthches of the NOrth and South represent New England and the South which were populist strongholds while the Wicked Wtich of the East was the Eastern banking and industries. The scarecrow was western farmers, the tinman was eastern workers who were so dehumanized they didn't even have a heart, the cowardly likon was Wiliam Jenings Bryantand the Emeral City was Washington DC. THe Wizard was President Mckinley.
Insanity...I always just thoguht it was a movie for kids.
09/05/2004 15:22 #28746
Summertime FunI want a mansion on the beach. Last night we went to a party at a beach house mansion. It had a tennis court and gym and everything. It was quite amazing. The party was a lot of fun and slowly fell into naked water revelry. Who knew you could learn the entire history of Native Americans from someone with no pants on, or that I would give someone a piggy back ride while they were just wearing a thong. I'm not normally inot being naked but it was fun, although I did throw up from being in the water too much. I am so ridiculously weak stomached. It wasn't even that wavy and i got like motion sickness from being in the water and running around. BOnfires are so nice. Surprisingly we found our way there and home pretty without trouble. THat's all for now...
09/02/2004 14:13 #28745
And so it has begun....So school and my 21st birthday happened this week. My classes seem alright except I don't love 830 class on Tues/Thurs especially since it is basically a class I have already taken in another department but they are making me take again. Research Methods are research methods if you are in sociology or communications. It is so dumb that I have to take it for comm since i took it for sociology especially considering I am trying to finish two majors and the honors program and so don't really have time to waste.
Relatedly, I have a thesis I need to do with the first meeting being on Tuesday where I am supposed to have a topic, advisor, and begining bibliography and I have none of the three. The meeting is actually friday but I am sayign I can't go and am instead going to the makeup meeting Tuesday. Hopefully by then I can work something out. I am so sick of this thesis and I haven't even started it. GRrr..
On my birthday I got a huge surprise when I was blindfolded and taken to a suripsei person's house. It turned out to be my 10th grade global studies teacher. Now that might not sound so exciting but she is like my hero/idol. SHe seriusly is probably one of the people that has shaped me most in the world and that I look up to most. So yes it was a little odd to be blindfolded and brougth to her house but it was great. My face, as the pictures show which I might post later, was glowing the entire time. I will actually proibably devote a whole nother entry at some point to her but for now this is enough.
We went to Goodbar at night and I didn't drink so much b/c I was sick and had already thrown up that day just from being sick but I think i drank enough the week before at my party so it was ok. We snuck Diana into goodbar over the railing and then instead of trying to lay low since the bouncer knew we had tried to get her in and were denied before we snuck in, she decided to show her boobs sort of and win a chair. It was all lots of fun!!! Thanks everyoen for a great birthday week and then some...
Relatedly, I have a thesis I need to do with the first meeting being on Tuesday where I am supposed to have a topic, advisor, and begining bibliography and I have none of the three. The meeting is actually friday but I am sayign I can't go and am instead going to the makeup meeting Tuesday. Hopefully by then I can work something out. I am so sick of this thesis and I haven't even started it. GRrr..
On my birthday I got a huge surprise when I was blindfolded and taken to a suripsei person's house. It turned out to be my 10th grade global studies teacher. Now that might not sound so exciting but she is like my hero/idol. SHe seriusly is probably one of the people that has shaped me most in the world and that I look up to most. So yes it was a little odd to be blindfolded and brougth to her house but it was great. My face, as the pictures show which I might post later, was glowing the entire time. I will actually proibably devote a whole nother entry at some point to her but for now this is enough.
We went to Goodbar at night and I didn't drink so much b/c I was sick and had already thrown up that day just from being sick but I think i drank enough the week before at my party so it was ok. We snuck Diana into goodbar over the railing and then instead of trying to lay low since the bouncer knew we had tried to get her in and were denied before we snuck in, she decided to show her boobs sort of and win a chair. It was all lots of fun!!! Thanks everyoen for a great birthday week and then some...