So me and Jill and Di went to see Saved last night and I thought it was good in like it was funny kinda way more than social commentary kind of way. But I thought it was muy entertaining. I really like Jena Malone or whatever her name is that played Mary.
The bad news for my addiction is that the guy at Coffee & last night said he thought they may not get Mocha Jet Cafe mix in for like two weeks. TWO WEEKS!!! What's a poor addicted boy like me to do?!?! Does anyone have a secret stash of it they want to give me?
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06/13/2004 01:22 #28678
Bad News for my Addiction06/11/2004 21:41 #28677
MASHI totally remember that game Emily. It was so fun and sadly it is actually not that long ago that my friends and I last played it. Yet we always played MASHY, it added a little by also giving you the choice of living on a yacht. A nice addition, althouh I would totally get sea sick. We also used to add crazy categories like the material of your tux/wedding dress, ok that doesn't sound so crazy to the casual observer but it can get pretty crazy when that material is your arch enemies underwear. Sometimes I share too much...
06/11/2004 13:51 #28676
Fun NightWent sidewalk chalking with Jill and Paul last night. It was fun and we saw Maidencateyes through her window, not in a stalkerish way, she knew we were there and waved. Then we headed off to the Pink and met with many an estripper and had a good time. Using my brother's ID while my brother is there too I guess is not a problem which is good. It was nice seeing Liz, Chamille, TK, Terry, matt, Paul, Soyeon, Robin, Holly, and everyone else all in the same place. Jill and Paul handed out more fliers while I supervised. haha.
On a sadder note, Coffee & has been out of Mocha Jet Cafe and I am dying for one really bad right now!!! I hope it comes back soon.
On a sadder note, Coffee & has been out of Mocha Jet Cafe and I am dying for one really bad right now!!! I hope it comes back soon.
06/10/2004 17:48 #28675
Check out the Videos06/10/2004 14:03 #28674
Birthday TidingsHAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBIN, sorry to hear about your bike. Maybe if everyone on estrip keeps their eyes out for it you can get it back. ALmost like an estrip mafia type thing...hmm..