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04/24/2006 18:54 #28359

Bandits Represtation
Category: photos

Wish My camara Bateries didn't die on me so I would have more pics to chose from but this is a good representation of the game. The Wrestling PPV last night was good.








metalpeter - 04/25/06 18:28
I think one of there many outfits are cargo fatigues they look lake cargo pants live.
jenks - 04/24/06 19:30
are those cheerleaders wearing cargo pants?

04/23/2006 19:10 #28358

Update on the update
Category: lax
I decided to get the Wrestling Pay Per View it should be preaty good. I sure hope it is. The Bandits won a verry tight Game By one goal. They started out really quickly in the beginging. But Lacrosse can sometimes be streaking. Meaning that a team can get on a roll and score a few goals in a row. The Bandits play there next home game on saturday that will be a blast.

On another subject I know some of us here me included seem to cumplane (my new spelling should only be used when talking about bad sex) about a lot of stuff. Things that suck still suck and it is good to vent and get things off your chest. But it is also important to remember all the good things and the things you are forunate enough to be able to do. Best example I can give is the Bandits and Sabres I would love to go to there games with two hot chicks and when the smooch came comes on we have a 3 way kiss for everyone to see. But I also remember that I have a good job that lets me be able to go to the games and some sabres games and concerts. I am also able to walk in to the games and don't have to sit in the wheel chair section. Some cities don't have Hockey and Lacrosse teams to watch. Often it is hard to think positivly but it is important to at least try to think that way. It is good to see what others have and to want that and to strive for it. Aslong as it isn't so much that it bums you out. Hopefully one of these days I'll have some other interseting political ideas or issues to talk about.

04/23/2006 11:16 #28357

Last night I saw most of the Sabres game. It was really a great game to watch. It seemed like a really rough game and Esche played a great game in Goal for Philly. Monday should be very interesting.

Last night I taped Family Business and watched it this morning it is a verry interesting show for those who want to find out more about it you can go to . I also listened to and then watched some of Bill Maher. Is it political yes, do I agree with all of it, No Do I find it interesting and funny, Yes.

I was thinking about going to See "Movin Out" after the bandits game today. Gotta get ready for that soon and go. But then I forgot there is a TNA Wrestling PPV I want to watch tonight so since I still havn't got tickets I guess it will be the PPV but I have to get tapes first. Maybe I'll check online and see if there are any tickets but I'm guessing I'll go with the PPV.

On another note I noticed something interesting about (e:strip) the other day. You know above your page it lists how many you have of everything like videos, images, hangman. Myself and some others who post pictures don't have images listed and somepeople do, does anyone know why that is? Not sure if there is anyway to celebrate earth day but for those of you who did something or helped clean up somewhare I hope you enjoyed your day. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I also wish that I had more to say to peeps on line in chat, but oh well.

04/22/2006 16:26 #28356

Last night went out to eat Indain Food and had great converstations with my sis's roomate. I have been to the indain place on elmwood a few times but always forget the name it was verry good. AFter eating a lot of tasty food a fell out on wrestling. I also missed Bill Maher, that is an interesting politcal/comedy show. I also missed family business. Hopefully tonight I will tape one and watch the other.

Tonight The Sabres play there first playoff game. Should be a great game, I'm not going I'll watch on TV. I am going to the Bandits game at 2pm on sunday the bandits had better win. It should be a great game also.

I Saw Scary Movie 4 today. It was funny and goofy and sord of what I expected. The one disapointment was that it was PG-13 instead of R. There where a couple scenes where boobs could have been shown. I just spelled saw like the movie Saw that is funny I will keep the capital.

04/20/2006 19:05 #28355

Category: 420
For those of you who like weed I hope you had a great 420. For those who don't I hope it was still a good day. I have heard a term or two for today but can't remember the exact term. I don't know if there are any Celebrations in Buffalo. I thought that they used to have a lot of people light up on the Rainbow Bridge but I don't know if they still do that or if that is just on the canadian side of the bridge. There was an interesting article in the Buffalo News today about how Joel Thinks people should talk about legalising drugs. I completely agree with him on something for once. Not sure if they have other smoking events in other cities but I'm sure they must. My view is anyone who wants to do drugs will weather it is legal or not. But if you legalize them you can tax it and sell it in stores and regulate it. Then put a certain percentage of the tax into rehab centers for people who want to quit. If drugs arn't sold on the street then that takes the gang element and the killings over turf and drug deals gone bad. That will also let the cops focus on more crimes. Will some people still steal for drugs of, course but those same people would do that if it was illegal. I didn't mean to get politcal I just think that as long as what you do dosn't hurt anyone else you should be allowed to do it.
jenks - 04/21/06 09:56
Can you imagine walking into 7-11 and asking for a pack of doobs?? heh. I think alcohol and tobacco are FAR more destructive to our society than weed, and they are the legal ones. (In fact I think pot should be legal and tobacco should be illegal, but that's just me, sick of seeing people dying from smoking.) But really... Etoh causes liver failure (and societal ills), tobacco causes cancer... what does pot do? Not much. Crack, heroin, etc- ok that can stay illegal. I learned recently that a lot of Cook County's trauma center's budget is from a percentage of highway fees- e.g. if you are drunk and in an accident, something like 20% of the penalties go to the hospital. Sounds like a good plan to me! (and one last rambly thought- at ECMC we are not allowed to comment on if a trauma patient was drunk- b/c if they were the hospital doesn't get paid. So we have to ignore it. Very shady if you ask me.)
metalpeter - 04/20/06 19:50
Hey thanks. I understand that some people and for legalizing and some are strongly opposed but I think it is a topic that government should sit down and discuss. I know some places it is legal for medical purposes but I hope it can make it farther then that. In any event I hope everyone who does it and enjoys it had a great day today.
joshua - 04/20/06 19:24
Shit... everybody knows my opinion on legalization.

Happy holidays!
scott - 04/20/06 19:19
I agree with (e:metalpeter) on that. Well said.

If marijuana was made legal (and taxed) it could benefit the economy. I'm all for the amsterdam method, where it's a controlled, legal substance (much like alcohol, but a bit stricter control).