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01/25/2006 19:12 #28286

Animation isn't for kids
Category: art
My newest topic is maybe art and not tv, but I think art is goodenough. I found an interesting article about Al Sharpton attacking a cartoon on comedy central, called Boondocks.{it is in qute marks if anyone feals like reading it} I myself have never seen it. I am a big fan of animation. Granted there all many kinds from the basic look of South Park to some truely amazing looking Animee that almost looks real to really good computer done stuff like final fantasy, the movie. But the thing with annimation is it is often assumed that it is for kids. Often that is very wrong. For example Haintai (basicly it is porn drawn animee style). Some movies and TV shows are aimed at kids but also have humor in them that only adults will get. Some cartoons like bugsy bunny are so violant. Looking back I wonder what where my parents thinking letting me watch that as a kid. Yes there are a lot of cartoons that are made for kids and only for kids. But Movies like Shrek have a lot of adult humor (from what I remember) in them. I think this is true of a lot of cartoons. I can remember when I was a kid a saw some animated movie where everyone was blue and all the ladies where topless, if it where not animated it would have been an X-rated movie just from all the nudity. I wish I could think of another good example of an animated Movie or show that at first looks like it is for kids but isn't. I am not blaming the animaters or the writers of the show but more the parents and maybe the advertisers if they make it look like it is for kids. I know Cartoon network used to show old Bugs Bunny (and other cartoons) that by todays standards are raciset or offensive real late at night but I think they stoped doing that.

below that is an ad for a sabres game that sounds interesting. Anyone who likes local music might want to check it out, I'm thinking about it, but who knows. I know i'm not the only dagger fan on this site.

Sharpton criticizes 'Boondocks' for showing King saying the n-word
NEW YORK (AP) - The Rev. Al Sharpton has asked for an apology from Cartoon Network for an episode of edgy animated series The Boondocks that shows the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. saying the n-word.

Huey is a character from The Boondocks Cartoon Network show and comic strip.
Cartoon Network

"Cartoon Network must apologize and also commit to pulling episodes that desecrate black historic figures," Sharpton, a civil-rights activist and former Democratic presidential candidate, said in a statement Tuesday.

"We are totally offended by the continuous use of the n-word in (cartoonist Aaron) McGruder's show."


The episode, The Return of the King, aired Jan. 15, the day before the national holiday honoring the slain civil-rights leader. It shows King emerging from a coma and using the n-word in an angry speech venting his frustration toward sexually explicit hip-hop videos, among other things.

In the episode, King is branded a traitor and terrorist sympathizer for his "turn-the-other cheek" philosophy of non-violence in response to post-Sept. 11 retaliation. Exhausted, he moves to Canada, but his speech provokes a second civil-rights revolution.

Cartoon Network released a statement Tuesday saying the episode is a tribute to King and "in no way was meant to offend or 'desecrate'" his name.

"We think Aaron McGruder came up with a thought-provoking way of not only showing Dr. King's bravery but also of reminding us of what he stood and fought for, and why even today, it is important for all of us to remember that and to continue to take action," the statement said.

McGruder, who has been called a "genius" and "the angriest black man in America" as he skewered everything from the Bush White House to Black Entertainment Television, began writing The Boondocks comic strip, on which the TV series is based, in 1997.

The strip, known for its risky political and social satire, follows the adventures of two black children living in a white, middle-class suburb.

Sharpton said he could appreciate McGruder and his achievements, but added: "This particular episode is over the line."

The Boondocks airs Sundays at 11 p.m. ET on Cartoon Network. It is the centerpiece of the Adult Swim late-night block of programming.


theecarey - 01/25/06 21:16
oh yeh, Sponge Bob Square Pants..more like, Sponge Bob Hot Pants.. The merchandise alone treads on kinky. A remember a large pillow in the shape of Bob, with an enormous tongue hanging out of his mouth.
I bought two.
I can't help but think about what happens when a sponge gets know, those deyhdrated ones that grow when you slip it into some water.. uh huh..

again, I think about this stuff too deeply..
ladycroft - 01/25/06 21:08
You should go on the Sponge Bob Square Pants ride at Canada's Wonderland. Talk about inuendo! The whole thing was about him chasing his pickle!!!
jenks - 01/25/06 20:35
simpsons, family guy, anything on adult swim... all cartoons, but definitely not "kiddy"... even spongebob- i mean yeah it's for kids, but really- a sponge, that lives underwater, in a pineapple, with a squirrel in a space suit? And just HOW high were the writers?
metalpeter - 01/25/06 20:02
Now that you say that Bambi is a horid and very scary movie. Not sure if that was one of the movies you where thinking about. I think that concert is the same day as the CKY, Avenaged Seven Fold show, few tickets left or maybe sold out is that show.
theecarey - 01/25/06 19:54
Disney is dirty.. I have put too much thought into this in the past.

01/24/2006 20:54 #28285

Kink (ho sisters might enjoy)
Category: sex
I'm listening to the sabres game and it is currently tied. I was going to post about kink but I couldn't find a good defination. It was listed as not being vanilla but what is vanilla. To me Misonary is boaring and awakward. But hanging upside down from my balls is to kinky for me. It is amazing all the differant ways people have sex and all the Strange (differant to each person) things people do. But what about people who swing, and ingage in S&M and bondage (for example) as a life style. Would misonary be kinky for them since it is so far away from there norm? To me what is kinky is differant for each person. My defination is that kink has to be a sex act that you usaly don't do, or is outside of your usal sex acts. I also belive that A lot of people have kinky fantasys and things that they enjoy in porn but that they don't do in there sex life. They may find those acts kinky in life but not in porn. I wish I could come up with a good example. I guess a good example might be people who on line look at autofellatio pics, girls who may not be legal age, shitplay, and golden showers. But in there own life don't have the desire to do or try those things. I think what got these thoughts going was to shows I saw one of wich was The Seceret life of women: Women in porn. It was interesting and then I saw a piece on 20/20 about this lady who lived as a man and wrote a book about it, and how men where differant then women and vice versa. She visted a strip club and saw it differantly then she thought she would. Plus there are all those Sex advice shows and The L Word. One thing that also started this was the mention in someones post of Donkey Punch. I think that is insane to do. But for those who enjoy it as long as the other person is down with it who cares. But how do you bring that up in conversation? If it is someone you love how do you say "hey when you are doing me from behind will you punch me in the head". It has to be tough to admit to things you think your partner will think is strange, what if they say that is sick and end the relationship. So it seems that somehow my post has come down to saying that great communacation is important so partners can discuss this kind of stuff.

01/23/2006 20:13 #28284

I was plainning on writing a journal about kink but I'm not in the mood. I went up to sweet tooth and just pizza and ate cuzz I was locked out. Then I was amble to get my back up keys. Time to go watch the rest of wife swap, wrestling and tape 24. On another odd note I forgot to mention I set off security devices at walgreens excerd and riteaid on the way in. I think it is because there is a lot of dust where I work and then I build up static. It could also be beacues maybe the RFID tags we use give off a singnle and maybe from the dust they build up, or who knows maybe I have a hight metal count in my blood, starnge in any event.

01/22/2006 13:18 #28283

Category: photos

Below are some pictures from the Badits game last night. I did get a pic of the entrance but it didn't come out that good. The bagpipper from Jackdaw (I belive there website is plays as "Chutes and Ladders" By korn plays. Then the bandits came down through the crowd and onto the field and then got introduced. Bandits started out kinda slow but in the end wound up winning the game. The candian fans are something else. They are hard to describe. After the game I did get a couple pictures of a great limo. Maybe I will post it later.

Warm Ups #32 used to play for the Bandits years ago.










I thought I should have pictes of Taveres and Steinhous and the cheerleaders it gives a sampling. The pictures arn't perfect but it was interesting shoting to the left gave reflection and to the right not verry much. Up close you can see how messed up the glass really is.

I also wanted to mention thanks walt for the info on the quote. Hopefully I will have a reason to use it before I forget. Also Paul I hope you have a great Birthday, not sure what day it is. I hope the Steelers can win today. It will be a very tough game in Denver. For some reason I feal like saying Ladycroft, Carey and Alex (havn't met yet but I'm sure I will some day), oh and beast to all rock. For those of you who are anti casino or even for those for it; theres an interesting long article about it in artvoice. I admit some of it I disagree with but that is part of what makes it good.

boxerboi - 01/22/06 16:58
I was at the game too. Section 107. It was my first lacross game. sweet!
metalpeter - 01/22/06 13:20
P.s. Sorry for that large gap I guess a couple of the pictures didn't come out I had no clue. In a couple days I may try to add a few pictures from around town including the limo.

01/21/2006 17:57 #28282

Category: movies
As part of my day of going to see the Bandits Tonight Hope they win. I went to go see Underworld:evolution (however you spell it). I thought it was very good. Plus Kate Beckinsale is amazing the things I would let her do to me :-) . I thought it was a very good movie. Yes it is a Vampire/Warewolf kind of movie, so if that is your thing you will most likely like. I thought that is had enough violance but wasn't to gorry plus it had a good stroy line. With out giving anything away I like that in the beging the sumed up the story from the last movie. I havn't seen the first one in some time and it was good for a refresher. It is also good for people who didn't see the first one. Before the movie I saw a great ad for the Olympics where everywhere they went was in a Chevy it was funny and showed a few of our Team USA atheletes. I also saw a couple really good previews and thought of a couple (e:peeps) when I saw them. The first one I have been waiting to see was for X3 i think they are calling it, it is the 3rd X-men movie and really looks good. The other one was for a movie called Stay Alive, it looks like The ring meets Jumanji, it is an underground Video game and what you do in the game then comes to life so if you die in the game you die the same way you did in the game. I did a bad job explaining it but it looks really cool.
metalpeter - 01/22/06 11:58
Glad you liked it to, maybe it is just me but it is so much more fun to watch a girl kick ass then a guy, maybe it is just the tight outfit.
theecarey - 01/21/06 23:59
I saw Underworld tonight.. it was damn cool. Loved the action, asskicking and gore.