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01/22/2006 13:18 #28283

Category: photos

Below are some pictures from the Badits game last night. I did get a pic of the entrance but it didn't come out that good. The bagpipper from Jackdaw (I belive there website is plays as "Chutes and Ladders" By korn plays. Then the bandits came down through the crowd and onto the field and then got introduced. Bandits started out kinda slow but in the end wound up winning the game. The candian fans are something else. They are hard to describe. After the game I did get a couple pictures of a great limo. Maybe I will post it later.

Warm Ups #32 used to play for the Bandits years ago.










I thought I should have pictes of Taveres and Steinhous and the cheerleaders it gives a sampling. The pictures arn't perfect but it was interesting shoting to the left gave reflection and to the right not verry much. Up close you can see how messed up the glass really is.

I also wanted to mention thanks walt for the info on the quote. Hopefully I will have a reason to use it before I forget. Also Paul I hope you have a great Birthday, not sure what day it is. I hope the Steelers can win today. It will be a very tough game in Denver. For some reason I feal like saying Ladycroft, Carey and Alex (havn't met yet but I'm sure I will some day), oh and beast to all rock. For those of you who are anti casino or even for those for it; theres an interesting long article about it in artvoice. I admit some of it I disagree with but that is part of what makes it good.

boxerboi - 01/22/06 16:58
I was at the game too. Section 107. It was my first lacross game. sweet!
metalpeter - 01/22/06 13:20
P.s. Sorry for that large gap I guess a couple of the pictures didn't come out I had no clue. In a couple days I may try to add a few pictures from around town including the limo.

01/21/2006 17:57 #28282

Category: movies
As part of my day of going to see the Bandits Tonight Hope they win. I went to go see Underworld:evolution (however you spell it). I thought it was very good. Plus Kate Beckinsale is amazing the things I would let her do to me :-) . I thought it was a very good movie. Yes it is a Vampire/Warewolf kind of movie, so if that is your thing you will most likely like. I thought that is had enough violance but wasn't to gorry plus it had a good stroy line. With out giving anything away I like that in the beging the sumed up the story from the last movie. I havn't seen the first one in some time and it was good for a refresher. It is also good for people who didn't see the first one. Before the movie I saw a great ad for the Olympics where everywhere they went was in a Chevy it was funny and showed a few of our Team USA atheletes. I also saw a couple really good previews and thought of a couple (e:peeps) when I saw them. The first one I have been waiting to see was for X3 i think they are calling it, it is the 3rd X-men movie and really looks good. The other one was for a movie called Stay Alive, it looks like The ring meets Jumanji, it is an underground Video game and what you do in the game then comes to life so if you die in the game you die the same way you did in the game. I did a bad job explaining it but it looks really cool.
metalpeter - 01/22/06 11:58
Glad you liked it to, maybe it is just me but it is so much more fun to watch a girl kick ass then a guy, maybe it is just the tight outfit.
theecarey - 01/21/06 23:59
I saw Underworld tonight.. it was damn cool. Loved the action, asskicking and gore.

01/20/2006 19:49 #28281

Category: lax
The topic is LAX it is a short hand version of Lacrosse. Bandits won there first game in Toronto and Play the Toronto Rock On Saturday Night. I have season tickets (1) on the glass so it will be amazing. I hope to post pictures on Saturday. The pics I put in the chat are Johny Tavares (not sure if I spelled them both correctly) and Mark Steinhouse [mask on]. I may go to see a movie on saturday. I never did get to see Rent or Aeon Flux but I would like to see the new Underworld looks good I can't tell about Bloodryne i think it is still out. For those of you who have never been to an indoor LAX game they are a lot of fun. It is a fun game plus they blair music during the game and don't stop during play like in hockey. In terms of price the really good seats cost around the price of the cheap Sabres tickets. But The players arn't paid like hockey player they are known as weekend warriors and have real Jobs and play LAX for the fun of it and the money also. Off to watch wrestling pic up pictures and put them in my album. I forgot to mention the increadable entrance of the bandits Bag pipes and Korn togather is amazing, ok take care all.

01/19/2006 20:21 #28280

Today is a strange day on (e:strip) I'm commenting on more journals then I will write. Thought some people might want to know that I doubt I will watch much of the sabres game as it dosn't strt till ten. But there is an interesting MTV True life about aderline junkies or extreme sports.

01/18/2006 19:21 #28279

Category: freedom
Today at lunch we all got into a little debate or discussion about Bush and wiretapping the US people. There where two people who had the argument that it was fine to do so. They said they had nothing to hide and that it was worth it if the catch terrorists. I can understand there point except that it is short cited a little bit. They don't understand that Those susposid rules that the government has to follow arn't followed. The Government does what it wants and all they have to say is they where a threat, and listen in for hours. Bush is trying to take away people's rights. There is so much coruption in the government that it isn't funny. I can't stand that people willinly give up there rights so they can feal safe when all they are doing is being more controlled by the people we supposidly ellect. But waht I think he is trying to do more is push his morality off on to others. If wiretaps are so easy to do what is to stop a Christan Presidant to go after Muslums, or Jews, or budhists and just arrest them and hold them in jail. If Americans arn't carefull we may wind up like China. I think out of 45 minutes the debate with everyone lasted about 30 minutes. On other point that came up was the 9/11 attacks, and the point was made that they brought the war to us cause we where interfearing with the middle east. Yes clinton droped the ball with the middle east but they should have never been over there. Those people have been killing each other since before colubus got lost and found america and probably before the vikians came here, lets leave them alone and let them kill each other. If they can hate each other for that long lets not become there new Enemy. I'm sure someone will chime in here on this topic I hope.
ajay - 01/18/06 20:07
Ben Franklin said, "those who would give up a little liberty for security deserve neither".

This country was founded on the mistrust of the government. That is its bedrock! It saddens me to see people giving up their rights so willingly.

Here's another radical thought: the Government has no rights that we did not explicitly give to it. Think about it: the Government cannot do anything we didn't explicitly authorize it to do.

The "war on drugs", the "war on abortion", etc. are doing nothing but taking away rights from people.

Lets talk about pot. Who cares if someone smokes something that they grow in their own house? What's next? Cracking down on people who grow their own basil or parsely?

Same for the wiretaps. The FISA allows the Govt to come to it post-facto and seek approval. There was no need to do this. What worries me is that later on down the road when Jenna Bush is the president (bear with me), she might resort to wiretapping Greenpeace, Animal Rights people, Atheists, etc. etc.