There is an interesting article in artvoice it is the cover story and can be found at . For any one who is interested in reading it is right there at artvoices website. In a previous journal [inlink]metalpeter,460[/inlink] I posted a long artvoice article about the writers trip to china. Towards the end of the article the writer presents idea about how the NFTA should expand the Niagara falls airport and how they could get a ot of flights from other countries. He mentions that Buffalo or Niagara Falls (if don't count them as the same) is in a great cental area for people from other countires to go to boston, toronto, montreal and a bunch of other big cities. Recntly I have read a Buffalo news article where they bascily dismissed or said this idea was stupid (if I remember correctly). I wish I would have thought to post it at that time. I'm guessing by now it is archieved but not sure. In any event in the new artvoice article they attack the Buffalo News and even give some exmples of bad ideas the Buffalo News supported. There general point there was that since so many people read the news they helped push there idea on the people and the city of Buffalo. Not sure if I really agree with that or not but it is a good point. From what I have read on both sides I agree with artvoice (or the writer of the article). I can remember years ago when the Concord was the most famous plane but it couldn't land in Buffalo because the runway wasn't long enough. That is the advantage the NF airport has you can land huge planes there and form asia it takes just as long to fly to the east coast as it does west coast. That seems had to belive but I assume there facts are correct. I think that the steps taken to improve the airport and get international flights into Buffalo is a great idea. Do I think a China town will form like in the article, no but it would be possible I think just dismissing the idea is a bad idea. Don't be affrid to chime in, even if it is to say who gives a fuck.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/08/2006 10:38 #28269
Expanding Airport/Attack on Buff NewsCategory: artvoice
01/07/2006 16:55 #28268
HushCategory: advertising
I hope to talk more about advertisng soon. But for right now I will start with one distrubing add for a place called HUSH. there is a new Lunge in Casino Niaigara called Hush. I don't know if it is supposed to be a gay club or gay friendly club. If it isn't then they sure picked a bad model. I can't tell if it is girl or a guy. I don't have any problems with guys who look like girls or vice versa, or gays or transexuals. But that being said I don't understand how that ad could be aimed at stright guys and girls. To me it seems as if they are trying to sell androgeny wich is fine. But I have a fealling that, that was not the attempt. Hopefully I can do a little more reaserch and get more answers. I don't even have time to rant about that creepy burger king who wakes up next to the guy in bed but maybe that will be my next post who knows. Go Redskins, Go Sabres I'm off to watch sports and see if I see any other weird adds. [bgcolor]#ffeef3[/bgcolor]
metalpeter - 01/08/06 09:56
The king in the old days was a good Character. But he has the scary plastic head. In the first add you could tell his hands where hairy and he had on gold rings. The newer ads arn't as creppy but looking in through the guys window. I prefer burger king food but they need to get rid of this new guy and let go of the crepy ads.
The king in the old days was a good Character. But he has the scary plastic head. In the first add you could tell his hands where hairy and he had on gold rings. The newer ads arn't as creppy but looking in through the guys window. I prefer burger king food but they need to get rid of this new guy and let go of the crepy ads.
imk2 - 01/08/06 02:46
omg! i know! that burger king guy totaly creeps me out! and his voice? i can't take it.
omg! i know! that burger king guy totaly creeps me out! and his voice? i can't take it.
01/05/2006 19:10 #28267
MarathonsCategory: tv
Over the holiday there were a bunch of marathons. I did watch some of the Monty Phyton one. I wasn't in the mood to watch the Tlight zone. But sometimes other stations willl put on atleast 3 episodes on in a row it is a good way to get caught up on shows that you have missed or that you might be interested in. I have heard of some people who wont watch a show untill there is a marathon that way they get the entire story at once instead of waiting a week. I wish I could have watche the 24 hours of 24 on A&E but that was to intense. But it is a great way to cathch up.
ladycroft - 01/05/06 19:59
my dad and i did that with like 2 seasons of was crazy!
my dad and i did that with like 2 seasons of was crazy!
01/04/2006 20:26 #28266
Winter X games 10Category: winter sports
There are lots of sports to do in the winter. I used to ski some but never learned how to snowboard or race snowmobiles or any of that stuff. I admit I love watching it but don't see it as often as I like. There have been lots of differant kinds of sking in the olympics for a long time. But snowboarding was (im my opionion) put in because it was verry popular and to try and cut into A huge market and a sport wich is growing at a large rate. But that being said both snowboarding and sking can be seen live at the X games. For more info go to . One aspect that I really like is when they do Moto X on the snow that is amazing. The schedulle I got is for what will be shown on TV. Sometimes what is shown changes based on weather and snow conditions. Also some of the events that are finals the last of runs are on sportscenter live from the site and then some times they give you some sports news and then go back to the event live. I'm not going to get into the debate of if it is better for them to be live or not (they used to be taped and then showed). I have never tried it but I think there is a way you can watch all the events live over there site. I'm sure some the the athletes at Winter X will be at the olympics also it happend the same way 4 years ago, wow I can't belive that was 4 years ago I can bearly remember it.
Winter X Games 10 Live Telecast
Saturday, January 28
2 p.m.-3 p.m. ABC Snowboarder X Men's & Women's Finals
3 p.m.-4 p.m. ABC Snowboarder X Men's & Women's Finals
4 p.m.-5 p.m. ABC SnoCross Quarterfinals
5 p.m.-6 p.m. ABC Snowboard Slopestyle Men's Finals
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN Snowboard SuperPipe Women's Finals; Moto X Best Trick Finals Part 1
Sunday, January 29
2 p.m.-3 p.m. ESPN Skier X Men's & Women's Finals
3 p.m.-4 p.m. ESPN SnoCross Semifinals
4 p.m.-5 p.m. ESPN Skiing Slopestyle Finals
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN Snowboard SuperPipe Men's Prelims; Moto X Best Trick Finals Part 2
Monday, January 30
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN Snowboard SuperPipe Men's Finals; SnoCross Last Chance Qualifiers
Tuesday, January 31
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN Skiing SuperPipe Men's Finals; SnoCross Finals
ESPN's SportsCenter will report nightly from Winter X Games 10 including LIVE reports on Monday, January 30 and Tuesday, January 31 during the 11 p.m. ET show.
ESPN2 will feature daily late-night highlight programs from Sunday, Jan. 29 through Wednesday, Feb. 1. The Sunday, Monday and Wednesday shows will air from 2 - 3 a.m. and on Tuesday from 3 - 4 a.m. ET.
Winter X Games 10 Live Telecast
Saturday, January 28
2 p.m.-3 p.m. ABC Snowboarder X Men's & Women's Finals
3 p.m.-4 p.m. ABC Snowboarder X Men's & Women's Finals
4 p.m.-5 p.m. ABC SnoCross Quarterfinals
5 p.m.-6 p.m. ABC Snowboard Slopestyle Men's Finals
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN Snowboard SuperPipe Women's Finals; Moto X Best Trick Finals Part 1
Sunday, January 29
2 p.m.-3 p.m. ESPN Skier X Men's & Women's Finals
3 p.m.-4 p.m. ESPN SnoCross Semifinals
4 p.m.-5 p.m. ESPN Skiing Slopestyle Finals
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN Snowboard SuperPipe Men's Prelims; Moto X Best Trick Finals Part 2
Monday, January 30
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN Snowboard SuperPipe Men's Finals; SnoCross Last Chance Qualifiers
Tuesday, January 31
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN Skiing SuperPipe Men's Finals; SnoCross Finals
ESPN's SportsCenter will report nightly from Winter X Games 10 including LIVE reports on Monday, January 30 and Tuesday, January 31 during the 11 p.m. ET show.
ESPN2 will feature daily late-night highlight programs from Sunday, Jan. 29 through Wednesday, Feb. 1. The Sunday, Monday and Wednesday shows will air from 2 - 3 a.m. and on Tuesday from 3 - 4 a.m. ET.
- Times and events listed are Eastern Time (ET) and are subject to change. Please consult your local listings.
ladycroft - 01/04/06 20:51
I totally dig the half-pipe snow boarding!
I totally dig the half-pipe snow boarding!
01/03/2006 19:54 #28265
RollergirlsCategory: tv
Before I get to the show Rollergirls that I taped last night and watched today. When I got home last night a had a phone message on my machine from a buddy of mines father that his son had a daughter. I didn't know what to say on a call back so i left it at that. It is hard for me to imagine him with a kid.
There is this show on A&E called Rollergirls it was on last night and is repeated tonight at 10 pm. If you go to you can get more info on the show. One thing I got from there are the pictures below. The show is a reality show that follows girls who play Roller Derby. I used to really like watching that it was fun. Plus there are a lot of fine chicks playing it. It is also a ruff sport. The league they play in is in Austin, Texas. I don't know if each show is going to be the same way. But this one Was about the Rookie Venis Envy number 9 and 1/2 and her life outside of the game and with her team mates and what goes on outside of the sport. But they also had highlites and a preaty good overview of one of there games. I think it is a good series, at least based on the first show.

There is this show on A&E called Rollergirls it was on last night and is repeated tonight at 10 pm. If you go to you can get more info on the show. One thing I got from there are the pictures below. The show is a reality show that follows girls who play Roller Derby. I used to really like watching that it was fun. Plus there are a lot of fine chicks playing it. It is also a ruff sport. The league they play in is in Austin, Texas. I don't know if each show is going to be the same way. But this one Was about the Rookie Venis Envy number 9 and 1/2 and her life outside of the game and with her team mates and what goes on outside of the sport. But they also had highlites and a preaty good overview of one of there games. I think it is a good series, at least based on the first show.

metalpeter - 01/04/06 20:11
Yeah her hair really is amazing. The shot of her on the track didn't look as good so I just saved that one.
Yeah her hair really is amazing. The shot of her on the track didn't look as good so I just saved that one.
leetee - 01/03/06 23:38
I just LOOOVE Miss Conduct's hair!!!
I just LOOOVE Miss Conduct's hair!!!
Thanks for posting the information, both in support for and against. I am a big fan of getting as many pieces of the picture before coming to a conclusion, or to challenge my own conclusion.
I found the article that I mentioned above at the Buffalo News site. As I expected it was in archives wich means it is no longer free. It was from Dec 27th I belive. But i did find an editoral that agrees with the news on there site. To be fare here is the other side of the arugment (if anyone cares).
Put Falls terminal on hold
Without a sound market study, NFTA is flying blind at airport
It's hard to imagine a more ill-considered decision than the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority's push to spend $24 billion of hard-earned taxpayer dollars on a Niagara Falls airport terminal that shows every indication of getting somewhere between little or no use at all.
The NFTA has yet to do the needed comprehensive and objective marketing study that could make or break the case for a new terminal. Instead, it relies only on a "build it and they will come" plan. That's not enough for a major capital outlay in a region that has other pressing needs for public money.
We'd love to see a thriving new terminal, but the history of trying to make the Niagara Falls airport work is one of constant failure. Every such attempt by NFTA management has failed, and those failures have had little to do with having a new terminal. Not a single solid airline or charter service has been lined up. There is no cargo service carrier ready to sign, and if there were, a new terminal would not be necessary to do so. The potential interest in terminal usage that bolstered earlier support for this project simply has not been realized.
The NFTA's inability to turn those promises into realities leaves its commissioners, and any state or federal agency inclined to throw taxpayer dollars at this idea, with serious questions:
Are any bona fide, financially stable airlines signed up to use a new terminal?
Why hasn't the NFTA commissioned an objective and comprehensive marketing study?
Even if the project gets its hoped-for $13 million in casino slot-machine shared revenue, however unlikely, don't other Niagara projects need the money more?
Despite not making the list of projects proposed to voters before they ratified the recent $2.9 billion state transportation bond act, why is there optimism that bond money - or the larger but highly competitive $35.8 billion state transportation fund - can be tapped for this project now?
Why count on charters when, despite years of charter-flight discussion, the most active charter operator in Western New York left Niagara Falls years ago for the Buffalo airport and indicates no plans for returning?
Why count on Niagara's longer runways being able to handle jumbo charter jets, when no new charters of any size aircraft have been lured to the airport?
If the NFTA thinks it has a good idea, then it needs to go about proving it without adding another $23 million to the $1 million it already has spent on concept and design work. That added expense, so far unsupported by any real signings or market analysis, could threaten improvements at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport, which already adequately serves this region including, only minutes farther than Buffalo, the tourist mecca of Niagara Falls.
It's time for Mary Martino, the acting head of the NFTA who wants to be permanently appointed, to put staff activity for this terminal on hold until she commissions a truly objective market study and NFTA management produces signed commitments from bona fide carriers that would make this project economically viable.