First of all the above link is because (e:strip) and my pictures and Internet explorer or maybe it is my camara are not compatable for some reason, so I posted the pics I took from the party at the above website. I get some weird divison by zero message and a little box with a red x in it. What is realy odd is that pictures that I only downloaded once, I have copies of in the same folder. I have a bunch of photo albums up the one you will want to look at is titled elmwoodstrip.org . There may be some other pictures there you might like as well. hopefully I will put up my sabres pictures and more toronto pics by the end of Jan but I may not have time I had fun I have to say that (e:ladycroft) (e:beast) and (e:theecarey) all fuckin fule. Everyone was preaty cool there. I saw some familar faces but didn't get pictures of everyone, sometimes it is hard to match the face to the name. That chocolate liquar didn't agree with me but yum did they taste good.
peter, when i went to your web gallery and saved the pics to my comp, I was able to upload them to my journal. Try it out and tell me what happens.