Season Tickets to any mayor sport are so expensive. I can only afforid Bandits tickets those games are so fun. I wish I could afforid Bills, Bisons, and Sabres that would be awesome plus that would mean I could afforid to own a house or rent a loft. If I had a loft and it was clean I would invite you all over. Well I got go and missing the sabres. On another Note (e:ladycroft) hope you feal better, (e:Beast) it was nice to meet you, sorry It only took me two hours to relise it was you and sorry I didn't have much to say your posts have allways been one of my favorites back in the old days, also sorry to (e:carey) for not being talkative I did enjoy myself.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/19/2005 19:15 #28253
SabresCategory: nhl
12/18/2005 12:03 #28252
Snow PartyCategory: photos

First of all the above link is because (e:strip) and my pictures and Internet explorer or maybe it is my camara are not compatable for some reason, so I posted the pics I took from the party at the above website. I get some weird divison by zero message and a little box with a red x in it. What is realy odd is that pictures that I only downloaded once, I have copies of in the same folder. I have a bunch of photo albums up the one you will want to look at is titled . There may be some other pictures there you might like as well. hopefully I will put up my sabres pictures and more toronto pics by the end of Jan but I may not have time I had fun I have to say that (e:ladycroft) (e:beast) and (e:theecarey) all fuckin fule. Everyone was preaty cool there. I saw some familar faces but didn't get pictures of everyone, sometimes it is hard to match the face to the name. That chocolate liquar didn't agree with me but yum did they taste good.
12/17/2005 15:17 #28251
PartyI will be there tonight and taking pictures. (Hopefully when I download them I save them correctly and they work on (e:strip), two sets of pictures I can view but not upload not sure how I messed up the downloading). In any event this morning at the bank I overheard that there was goiing to be a Christmas parade. I wound up seeing it and it wound up being short. By the time I saw Byron Brown and Tony Maisello and relised it was them and took a picture they where passed me so I got there backs. Go Sabres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/16/2005 19:06 #28250
BusySoon the Sabres are on. Then they play again on sat around 5pm. I have a check to cash pictures to get developed, Mike's Hard Lemonade to buy. Then I have stuff I've taped to watch online stuff to do. Plus there is Saturday football and then at 8 or 8:30 there is [s]The bills game Vs. Denver to watch[/s]. Actully I'm planning to go to the (E:strip) Snow party. As long as my Batteries work ok take pictures of course.
12/15/2005 19:29 #28249
ClintonCategory: photos
Well My plan was to post pictures from the sabres game but the only one that is working on Here is the Bill clinton one. On the media page I get boxes that are X'd so I will try again at some other time. I had fun at the game even though I was late I miss planed and got there as the BPO Brass was finishing god bless america from what I read they played both anthems before that but there where maybe a couple hundered people in line for tickets so I missed some of the game. All in all I had a great time and it was a lot of fun the place was pakced anunrd 16k and the atomosphere was amazing.

peter, when i went to your web gallery and saved the pics to my comp, I was able to upload them to my journal. Try it out and tell me what happens.