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10/31/2005 19:04 #28216

waking up tired and lonely?
Category: feeling lonely
I admit I did enjoy the party and had a verry good weekend. I would have been there sooner but I got into the sabres game then nooded off when the game was tied, woke up saw the highlites that we won. But when I woke up on sunday I was very tired. I came here and posted the pics and watched football. I have to admit I fell asleep on the eagles and woke up on the second quarter of the Bills game. I watched the end of that game, and saw them blow the game or maybe New England was really that good. But what I don't understand is why I woke up tired. I understand during the week when I have an alarm. I know there is this internal clock sord of. But with leaving so late that should have been thrown off and my body should have rested. The other weird thing is I felt kinda lonely all day. Lonely isn't really the right word to describe it. I have felt this way in the past after big events Like Warped tour and Edgefest. Events where there are tons and tons of people. It is a kinda let down and by yourself kind of fealing but not really lonelyness. Does anyone else know what I mean and had that or Am I alone on this one? (still fealing that way a bit today but not as much)

On a seperate note The Steelers are on tonight. I hope I can stay awake during Wrestling so I can check in on commericals and catch the end of the game. Go Steelers. Hey My Raiders and 49ers won and that dosn't happen to often in the same week anymore. At 8 i'll watch wife swap. I think that is a great reality show. There is no sex invovled it isn't that kind. Wives switch familes and see how other familes live for a week. Then after a week each wife gets to change how the family they are staying with lives. I think it is a cool way to see how differant people live in there familes and the culture of families. Most of the time both families at least change a little bit from the experance but there are a lot of bumps along the way.

I hope everyone is having or had a great Halloween. I can't chat cause I don't want to bump that dancing picture of TK down. Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!![bgcolor]#d1fff1[/bgcolor]

10/30/2005 11:24 #28215

The Party
Category: photos
I had fun last night at the Halloween Party. I admit I may have been a bit on the silent side. But over time as I get to know people better I will get louder. Not that I go to verry many parties but this was a differant kind for me. There are the family get togathers for graduations, then the house party with dancing and BBq's some time. Then there are those parties after a college sporting event. Where games of asshole (no idea how to play it but funny to watch) and all out wrestling have broken out.

I know if I list people that I meet for the first time I will forget someone not on purpose or anything but here goes, (e:jim) , (e:alison) , (e:Paul) , (e:Matthew) , (e:Drchlorine) , (e:terry), (e:Leetee), (e:joshua) and TK. Some quick Observation everyone there seemed cool that I meet. I don't know how to describe everyone and it really wouldn't be fair since it is my first time meeting them with the exception of (e:Jason) and (e:ladycroft) (she rules by the way). I will say this though Paul seems like a very cool mellow guy, I don't know what I was expecting but I wasn't that. Matthew (from what I over heard) is very smart. I can say that it was a verry positive experance.

In terms of costumes I liked Comic themes like Joker and Posion Ivy, and Aqua man. But I think the best one was Timeka's from metriod. Alltough I have to admit Marilyn was verry hot. I have a bunch of pictures I took below. Hopefully I will be at the next party to and get to know everyone a little better.























matthew - 10/30/05 17:35
I admit, i socked it for part of the evening. Obviously peter's pic was taken then. Aquaman's got a big one right?
joshua - 10/30/05 16:34
Nice to meet you, Peter!

Oh yeah, I am accusing Matt of stuffing his stockings!!
metalpeter - 10/30/05 15:12
That is interseting that you have a history of pictures of your ass. I don't know if mine being the worst is a good thing or a bad thing. I havn't seen the other pictures to compare it to (i will leave it at that,but it looks good to me)I was going for a picture of mat as Aqua Man. If they ever do a movie like in the show entourage he would be a good fit. Side not the first picture is of a tree I saw on Lexington I belive going from Elmwood to Delaware. I can't wait to see how others pictures came out.
ladycroft - 10/30/05 13:42
Ok. That has got to be the worst picture of my ass in the history of pictures of my ass! Glad to see you there Peter!

10/27/2005 20:34 #28213

Category: sex
I admit that this post my wind up sounding kinda wacky but I appoligize for that in advance. Something ladycroft said in her post got me thinking. I forget what the comment was and I'm not sure what she meant entirely. It was something about how ladies don't have to look like clothes hangers. That got me to thinking about how I like some really thin un healthy looking girls like Fiona Apple and Paris Hilton (looks wise). But those are not the only type of ladies I like from a physical perspective. That got me to thinking about people who suffer from Body dismorphia, wich is basicly not matter what size you are not seeing how you really look. I know it is more complicated then that it is a disorder or maybe even a condition or mental illness. That got me to thinking about gender and how confussing that can be to somepeople. Someone can be born a man anatomicly and feal like they are a women. Then once they are a women still date women. That seems odd. Why not just be a guy and date them instead of being a lesbian. But it is more complicated then that. Just because your sex organs and your gender does or doesn't match is what makes you gay or stright those are two differant things that over lap. I know Jerry Springer wasn't the only one to say this "I'm a lesbian traped in a Man's Body" it was said jokenly because he was a stright guy. I think that if I was a chick instead of a guy I would still want to be with chicks. Ladies look so much nicer then guys do. I also think I would do guys to and do as many of them as I could, but I'm just guessing. Again I don't really have a point other then gender and sexuality is more complicated then a lot of people think. I'm a guy who likes ladies and find differant ones atractive for differant reasons and I'm lucky. Going up to someone to talk to them is hard enough. I can't imagine trying to tell if someone of my own gender is gay or stright. maybe I just watch to many educational shows and dramas like queer as folk and the L word. I did have sord of a point when I started this but I completely lost where i was going. Thanks for bearing with me, maybe I'll see you guys and gals around soon.
leetee - 10/28/05 10:54
I understand exactly what you are thinking about, Metalpeter. Sexuality and gender are confusing, and often very complex. It's not all "black and white" as the saying goes. Sometimes, there are some of us in which there are more grey areas. And that is for both gender identification and sexuality. We are all different. And even those of us that are straight when it comes to preference and feel like the gender we were born, we have all sorts of different preferences. I used to think my taste in men was very defined, that i would end up with a certain type of man. But then i met (e:uncutsaniflush) and all that went out the window... and i sure am glad i ended up with him!!!
jason - 10/27/05 21:41
I remember a long long time ago someone told me that gay folks were mentally ill. I never believed it. However - someone who was born X gender and swears on the holy bible they are Y gender...up to the point they are willing to go through the gruesome cock-splitting operation....yeah I wonder about them.
theecarey - 10/27/05 21:12
I totally followed you. I jump on the last part:
Made me think of a friend of mine who was born a girl, but entirely identified themselve as being a guy. I knew them as a male.. yet I knew otherwise. He dated girls, but for a long time I didnt understand why they didnt call themselves a lesbian. Well, it took a long time for me to figure out that they were, in fact "straight", because they figured themselves as male. Eventually this person started the transformation.. psychologists, hormones, etc.
paul - 10/27/05 20:53
Speaking of seeing us soon, are you gonna come to the party on Saturday? Hope to see you there.

10/29/2005 16:07 #28214

Current Beast Artvoice
Category: politics
As I'm sure a lot of you know there is a new "shitrag" as (e:jason) might call it called BUFFALO CURRENT. (I assume it is new and not the beast repackeaged, if you want to find out where there are a lot of strip clubs pick up nightlife magazine they have a lot of strip clubs listed in the back) I picked one up for two reasons there is an article I havn't read about Buffalo getting a stripclub or would that be not getting one. Plus my former bosses brother is a basketball coach and it might be interesting to read about him. Here is the part that I don't get. Why can't there be a Strip Club in Downtown Buffalo. I heard it wasn't the type of entertainment or venture that they are looking for. The same people who say this think A casino is Ok and and all the chipewa bars. For those of you who don't rember there used to be strip clubs there. I wasn't old enough to go. There is a strip club called the Colony in north buffalo. Not sure if Club Chit Chat is techniquly in Buffalo or not. But I think there is nothing wrong with having a strip club above a localy owned downtown restruant. Yes plays, galleries,sports, gambiling, drinking and finding a girl to take home with you is all fine and I don't have a problem with any of it. But I think it is hypocritical to say it is ok to get crazzy on the chip strip and bet all your money away but you can't look at topless girls dancing as you eat or drink. I think that what makes an area of a city or town is diversity. I will use Downtown toronto as an example. I don't know a lot about it so this is all just from personal knowledge. To me China town is part of downtown. You have small shops, places to eat, adult bookstores, various places to eat chains and non chains, drug stores, stripclubs, Theatre, movies, sports (leafs, raptors, blue Jays, the rock, The Argonots), The Eaton Center, and things at Dundas Square. I think that is what get people to come someplace. I have never been to NYC. But if I went to see {don't remeber the exact name of it} the stage verision of Monty Paythons Holy grail I would want to do more then just that. I would like to Visit Fuze, MTV, Hardrock cafe, Statue of liberty, maybe a rangers game and some fun at night. I don't think a city should turn down something down because it isn't part of what they think fits the city. Maybe some people who normally go see hot young girls in falls would go see the tamer Downtown version. Plus who is to say that once the casino is bulit that the Indains won't put a strip club on there land, who knows. It just pisses me off when everyone gets overly political and they wind up stopping things from happening. I don't think I'm ever going to see a new bridge built to canada. If this was a little ranty sorry, just wait untill I read the article maybe it will change my view a little.

I hope that the pictures I added to the post help to show my point. Since I have gotten the digital camara I do have Toronto pics but not as many diverse places as i would like. But I think that some of these pictures help to show what I mean. Yeah so one of the places I thought had a funny name. I don't think I have posted any of these pics before if I have sorry










10/26/2005 19:16 #28212

Category: epeeps
Last night I went to see Henery Rollins (e:ladycroft) has a great post about it [inlink]ladycroft,92[/inlink] . It is hard to discribe spoken word. I'm sure she does a much better job of it then I do. I got to meet (e:jason) and (e:thecarrey) also briefly. It turns out we where sitting in kinda the same place but on oposite sides of the stage. I thought Rollins was great. I think he spoke for close to 2.5 hours. Some of it was really funny, some a little sad. But it was all very entertaining. I did buy a DVD of "the shock and awe tour" of his. I look forward to watching it. I missed him the last time he was here. Next time he does a tour I would love to see him again. I think it would be interesting to see him in another town and see if any of what is says changes and how. I don't see him bashing Oklahoma City if he was near by there. I Think that you can even not agree with most of what he said and still have a good time. You could go, I see his point but disagree and still find stuff funny. I got go and try to see some of that hockey game. Friday I go downtown again to see Gerorge Carlin. One thing I dissagred with was the hotness. Nobody ever checks me out, but that is ok I do so much of it I think I make up for all the people who dodn't check me out.
ladycroft - 10/26/05 21:52
It's ok Peter, you can call me Ladycroft, it's all good! I'm glad you liked it too.
jason - 10/26/05 19:38
Hi Peter it was a pleasure to meet you also.