Here are schedules to two other networks that carry hockey games These I got from .
Oct 8, 2005 Canadiens 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EDT CBC,RDS
Oct 8, 2005 Sabres 0 Senators 0 7:00 PM EDT CBC
Oct 8, 2005 Canucks 0 Oilers 0 10:00 PM EDT CBC
Oct 15, 2005 Maple Leafs 0 Canadiens 0 7:00 PM EDT CBC,RDS
Oct 15, 2005 Bruins 0 Senators 0 7:00 PM EDT CBC
Oct 15, 2005 Oilers 0 Flames 0 10:00 PM EDT CBC
Oct 22, 2005 Flyers 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EDT CBC
Oct 22, 2005 Avalanche 0 Canucks 0 10:00 PM EDT CBC
Oct 29, 2005 Senators 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EDT CBC
Oct 29, 2005 Canucks 0 Avalanche 0 10:00 PM EDT CBC
Nov 5, 2005 Lightning 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Nov 5, 2005 Canucks 0 Flames 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Nov 12, 2005 Maple Leafs 0 Canadiens 0 7:00 PM EST CBC,RDS
Nov 12, 2005 Avalanche 0 Flames 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Nov 19, 2005 Thrashers 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Nov 19, 2005 Devils 0 Senators 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Nov 19, 2005 Blackhawks 0 Oilers 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Nov 26, 2005 Canadiens 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC,RDS
Nov 26, 2005 Bruins 0 Senators 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Nov 26, 2005 Canucks 0 Coyotes 0 10:00 PM EST CBC,HDNet
Dec 3, 2005 Sharks 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Dec 3, 2005 Flames 0 Penguins 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Dec 3, 2005 Bruins 0 Oilers 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Dec 10, 2005 Stars 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Dec 10, 2005 Senators 0 Flames 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Dec 17, 2005 Maple Leafs 0 Senators 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Dec 17, 2005 Oilers 0 Canucks 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Dec 23, 2005 Bruins 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Dec 23, 2005 Flames 0 Canucks 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Dec 27, 2005 Maple Leafs 0 Penguins 0 7:30 PM EST CBC
Dec 31, 2005 Maple Leafs 0 Devils 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Dec 31, 2005 Oilers 0 Flames 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Jan 7, 2006 Senators 0 Canadiens 0 2:00 PM EST CBC,RDS
Jan 7, 2006 Maple Leafs 0 Oilers 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Jan 7, 2006 Flames 0 Canucks 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Jan 14, 2006 Coyotes 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Jan 14, 2006 Senators 0 Oilers 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Jan 21, 2006 Maple Leafs 0 Senators 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Jan 21, 2006 Canadiens 0 Canucks 0 10:00 PM EST CBC,RDS
Jan 26, 2006 Sabres 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:30 PM EST CBC
Jan 26, 2006 Stars 0 Avalanche 0 9:00 PM EST CBC
Feb 4, 2006 Devils 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Feb 4, 2006 Canucks 0 Oilers 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Feb 11, 2006 Rangers 0 Maple Leafs 0 6:00 PM EST CBC
Mar 4, 2006 Senators 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Mar 4, 2006 Sharks 0 Flames 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Mar 11, 2006 Lightning 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Mar 11, 2006 Stars 0 Canucks 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Mar 18, 2006 Penguins 0 Canadiens 0 7:00 PM EST CBC,RDS
Mar 18, 2006 Maple Leafs 0 Rangers 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Mar 18, 2006 Red Wings 0 Oilers 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Mar 25, 2006 Maple Leafs 0 Canadiens 0 7:00 PM EST CBC,RDS
Mar 25, 2006 Senators 0 Flyers 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Mar 25, 2006 Oilers 0 Canucks 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Apr 1, 2006 Sabres 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EST CBC
Apr 1, 2006 Flames 0 Oilers 0 10:00 PM EST CBC
Apr 8, 2006 Maple Leafs 0 Flyers 0 7:00 PM EDT CBC
Apr 8, 2006 Flames 0 Canucks 0 10:00 PM EDT CBC
Apr 15, 2006 Senators 0 Maple Leafs 0 7:00 PM EDT CBC
Apr 15, 2006 Avalanche 0 Canucks 0 10:00 PM EDT CBC
Oct 5, 2005 Rangers 5 Flyers 3 7:00 PM EDT OLN RECAP
Oct 10, 2005 Penguins 0 Sabres 0 7:00 PM EDT OLN
Oct 11, 2005 Coyotes 0 Stars 0 8:30 PM EDT OLN,TSN
Oct 17, 2005 Panthers 0 Rangers 0 7:00 PM EDT OLN
Oct 18, 2005 Bruins 0 Canadiens 0 7:30 PM EDT OLN,TSN,RDS
Oct 24, 2005 Red Wings 0 Blue Jackets 0 7:00 PM EDT OLN
Oct 25, 2005 Panthers 0 Penguins 0 7:30 PM EDT OLN
Oct 31, 2005 Canadiens 0 Rangers 0 7:00 PM EST OLN,RDS
Nov 1, 2005 Blackhawks 0 Red Wings 0 7:00 PM EST OLN,TSN
Nov 7, 2005 Penguins 0 Rangers 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Nov 8, 2005 Bruins 0 Flyers 0 7:00 PM EST OLN,TSN
Nov 15, 2005 Lightning 0 Capitals 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Nov 16, 2005 Penguins 0 Flyers 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Nov 22, 2005 Lightning 0 Flyers 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Nov 29, 2005 Bruins 0 Devils 0 7:30 PM EST OLN,TSN
Dec 5, 2005 Wild 0 Rangers 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Dec 6, 2005 Islanders 0 Blues 0 8:00 PM EST OLN
Dec 6, 2005 Thrashers 0 Sharks 0 10:30 PM EST OLN,TSN
Dec 12, 2005 Penguins 0 Red Wings 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Dec 13, 2005 Penguins 0 Blues 0 8:00 PM EST OLN
Dec 19, 2005 Stars 0 Wild 0 8:00 PM EST OLN
Dec 20, 2005 Avalanche 0 Predators 0 8:00 PM EST OLN,TSN
Dec 26, 2005 Stars 0 Blues 0 8:00 PM EST OLN
Dec 27, 2005 Bruins 0 Capitals 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Jan 2, 2006 Lightning 0 Islanders 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Jan 2, 2006 Stars 0 Kings 0 10:30 PM EST OLN
Jan 3, 2006 Wild 0 Red Wings 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Jan 9, 2006 Blues 0 Avalanche 0 9:00 PM EST OLN
Jan 10, 2006 Red Wings 0 Hurricanes 0 7:00 PM EST OLN,TSN
Jan 16, 2006 Lightning 0 Sharks 0 8:00 PM EST OLN
Jan 17, 2006 Devils 0 Blues 0 8:00 PM EST OLN,TSN
Jan 23, 2006 Bruins 0 Capitals 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Jan 23, 2006 Mighty Ducks 0 Kings 0 10:30 PM EST OLN
Jan 24, 2006 Coyotes 0 Wild 0 8:00 PM EST OLN,TSN
Jan 30, 2006 Flyers 0 Rangers 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Jan 31, 2006 Wild 0 Avalanche 0 9:00 PM EST OLN
Feb 6, 2006 Lightning 0 Islanders 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Feb 6, 2006 Flames 0 Sharks 0 10:30 PM EST OLN
Feb 7, 2006 Blackhawks 0 Coyotes 0 9:00 PM EST OLN
Feb 12, 2006 Avalanche 0 Red Wings 0 5:00 PM EST OLN
Feb 28, 2006 Wild 0 Avalanche 0 9:00 PM EST OLN
Mar 5, 2006 Stars 0 Blackhawks 0 7:00 PM EST OLN,TSN
Mar 6, 2006 Islanders 0 Capitals 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Mar 7, 2006 Avalanche 0 Blues 0 8:00 PM EST OLN
Mar 13, 2006 Canucks 0 Stars 0 8:30 PM EST OLN
Mar 14, 2006 Sabres 0 Capitals 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Mar 14, 2006 Coyotes 0 Kings 0 10:30 PM EST OLN
Mar 20, 2006 Bruins 0 Rangers 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Mar 21, 2006 Thrashers 0 Bruins 0 7:00 PM EST OLN
Mar 27, 2006 Red Wings 0 Blues 0 8:00 PM EST OLN
Mar 28, 2006 Mighty Ducks 0 Avalanche 0 9:00 PM EST OLN,TSN
Apr 3, 2006 Blackhawks 0 Avalanche 0 9:00 PM EDT OLN
Apr 4, 2006 Flyers 0 Rangers 0 7:00 PM EDT OLN
Apr 10, 2006 Capitals 0 Bruins 0 7:00 PM EDT OLN
Apr 11, 2006 Penguins 0 Flyers 0 7:00 PM EDT OLN
Apr 17, 2006 Stars 0 Red Wings 0 7:00 PM EDT OLN
Apr 17, 2006 Kings 0 Sharks 0 10:30 PM EDT OLN
Apr 18, 2006 Blues 0 Blackhawks 0 8:30 PM EDT OLN,TSN
I know that won't cover all the the games that will be on TV but it is at least a verry good starting point. On adelphia I get OLN on Chanel #140.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/07/2005 20:00 #28193
CBC OLN schedulleCategory: hockey
10/07/2005 19:39 #28192
Sabres on MSGCategory: nhl
I got this schedulle from the buffalo news.
Sabres schedule /All games on MSG, except where noted
Ticket plan in parenthesis: Gold (G), Silver (S), Bronze (B), Value (V)
Oct. 5: N.Y. Islanders (S), 7:00
Oct. 7: Boston (S), 8:00
Oct. 8: @ Ottawa, 7:00
Oct. 10: Pittsburgh (G), 7:00, OLN
Oct. 13: @ Tampa Bay, 7:30
Oct. 15: @ Florida, 7:30
Oct. 20: @ Boston, 7:00
Oct. 22: N.Y. Rangers (S), 7:30
Oct. 26: Washington (S), 7:00
Oct. 28: @ New Jersey, 7:30
Oct. 29: @ N.Y. Islanders, 7:00
Nov. 2: Ottawa (B), 7:00
Nov. 4: Montreal (S), 8:00
Nov. 5: @ Montreal, 7:00
Nov. 9: Carolina, 7:00 (V), No TV
Nov. 11: Toronto (G), 8:00
Nov. 12: @ Ottawa, 7:00
Nov. 15: New Jersey (V), 7:00
Nov. 17: Washington, 7:00 (V) No TV
Nov. 19: @ Boston, 7:00
Nov. 22: N.Y. Rangers (B), 7:00
Nov. 23: @ N.Y. Islanders, 7:00
Nov. 25: Montreal (G), 8:00
Nov. 27: @ Washington, 3:00
Nov. 29: @ Pittsburgh, 7:30
Dec. 1: @ Montreal, 7:30
Dec. 2: San Jose (B), 8:00
Dec. 4: @ Colorado, 9:00
Dec. 8: Anaheim (V), 7:00
Dec. 11: @ Minnesota, 7:00
Dec. 14: Dallas, 7:00 (V), No TV
Dec. 16: @ Pittsburgh, 7:00
Dec. 17: Pittsburgh (B), 5:00
Dec. 19: @ Philadelphia, 7:00
Dec. 22: @ Florida, 7:00
Dec. 23: @ Tampa Bay, 7:30
Dec. 26: N.Y. Islanders (S), 7:00
Dec. 29: @ Toronto, 7:30
Dec. 30: Atlanta (B), 8:00
Jan. 1: Florida, 5:00 (B)
Jan. 5: Tampa Bay (B), 7:00
Jan. 7: New Jersey (B), 7:30
Jan. 12: Phoenix, 7:00 (V), No TV
Jan. 14: Los Angeles (B), 7:30
Jan. 16: @ Edmonton, 9:00
Jan. 19: @ Vancouver, 10:00
Jan. 21: @ Calgary, 9:00
Jan. 24: @ N.Y. Rangers, 7:00
Jan. 26: @ Toronto, 7:30
Jan. 31: @ Atlanta, 7:00
Feb. 2: Philadelphia (B), 7:00
Feb. 4: Ottawa (G), 7:30
Feb. 7: @ Montreal, 7:30
Feb. 9: Montreal (S), 7:00
Feb. 11: Florida (S), 7:30
Feb. 12: @ Carolina, 5:00
Mar. 1: Atlanta, 7:00 (V), No TV
Mar. 3: Toronto (G), 8:00
Mar. 4: @ Boston, 7:00
Mar. 7: Boston (B), 7:00
Mar. 9: Tampa Bay (B), 7:00
Mar. 11: @ Philadelphia, 2:00
Mar. 12: Boston (S), 5:00
Mar. 14: @ Washington, 7:00, OLN
Mar. 16: Toronto (G), 7:00
Mar. 18: @ Ottawa, 7:00
Mar. 20: @ Atlanta, 7:00
Mar. 22: Carolina (V), 7:00, No TV
Mar. 24: Ottawa (S), 8:00
Mar. 25: @ Boston, 7:00
Mar. 27: @ N.Y. Rangers, 7:00
Mar. 29: Boston (S), 7:00
Mar. 30: @ New Jersey, 7:30
Apr. 1: @ Toronto, 7:00
Apr. 3: @ Toronto, 7:30
Apr. 5: Ottawa (S), 7:00
Apr. 7: Philadelphia (G), 8:00
Apr. 8: @ Ottawa, 7:00
Apr. 12: Montreal (S), 7:00
Apr. 15: @ Montreal, 7:00
Apr. 16: Toronto (G), 5:00
Apr. 18: @ Carolina, 7:00
Sabres schedule /All games on MSG, except where noted
Ticket plan in parenthesis: Gold (G), Silver (S), Bronze (B), Value (V)
Oct. 5: N.Y. Islanders (S), 7:00
Oct. 7: Boston (S), 8:00
Oct. 8: @ Ottawa, 7:00
Oct. 10: Pittsburgh (G), 7:00, OLN
Oct. 13: @ Tampa Bay, 7:30
Oct. 15: @ Florida, 7:30
Oct. 20: @ Boston, 7:00
Oct. 22: N.Y. Rangers (S), 7:30
Oct. 26: Washington (S), 7:00
Oct. 28: @ New Jersey, 7:30
Oct. 29: @ N.Y. Islanders, 7:00
Nov. 2: Ottawa (B), 7:00
Nov. 4: Montreal (S), 8:00
Nov. 5: @ Montreal, 7:00
Nov. 9: Carolina, 7:00 (V), No TV
Nov. 11: Toronto (G), 8:00
Nov. 12: @ Ottawa, 7:00
Nov. 15: New Jersey (V), 7:00
Nov. 17: Washington, 7:00 (V) No TV
Nov. 19: @ Boston, 7:00
Nov. 22: N.Y. Rangers (B), 7:00
Nov. 23: @ N.Y. Islanders, 7:00
Nov. 25: Montreal (G), 8:00
Nov. 27: @ Washington, 3:00
Nov. 29: @ Pittsburgh, 7:30
Dec. 1: @ Montreal, 7:30
Dec. 2: San Jose (B), 8:00
Dec. 4: @ Colorado, 9:00
Dec. 8: Anaheim (V), 7:00
Dec. 11: @ Minnesota, 7:00
Dec. 14: Dallas, 7:00 (V), No TV
Dec. 16: @ Pittsburgh, 7:00
Dec. 17: Pittsburgh (B), 5:00
Dec. 19: @ Philadelphia, 7:00
Dec. 22: @ Florida, 7:00
Dec. 23: @ Tampa Bay, 7:30
Dec. 26: N.Y. Islanders (S), 7:00
Dec. 29: @ Toronto, 7:30
Dec. 30: Atlanta (B), 8:00
Jan. 1: Florida, 5:00 (B)
Jan. 5: Tampa Bay (B), 7:00
Jan. 7: New Jersey (B), 7:30
Jan. 12: Phoenix, 7:00 (V), No TV
Jan. 14: Los Angeles (B), 7:30
Jan. 16: @ Edmonton, 9:00
Jan. 19: @ Vancouver, 10:00
Jan. 21: @ Calgary, 9:00
Jan. 24: @ N.Y. Rangers, 7:00
Jan. 26: @ Toronto, 7:30
Jan. 31: @ Atlanta, 7:00
Feb. 2: Philadelphia (B), 7:00
Feb. 4: Ottawa (G), 7:30
Feb. 7: @ Montreal, 7:30
Feb. 9: Montreal (S), 7:00
Feb. 11: Florida (S), 7:30
Feb. 12: @ Carolina, 5:00
Mar. 1: Atlanta, 7:00 (V), No TV
Mar. 3: Toronto (G), 8:00
Mar. 4: @ Boston, 7:00
Mar. 7: Boston (B), 7:00
Mar. 9: Tampa Bay (B), 7:00
Mar. 11: @ Philadelphia, 2:00
Mar. 12: Boston (S), 5:00
Mar. 14: @ Washington, 7:00, OLN
Mar. 16: Toronto (G), 7:00
Mar. 18: @ Ottawa, 7:00
Mar. 20: @ Atlanta, 7:00
Mar. 22: Carolina (V), 7:00, No TV
Mar. 24: Ottawa (S), 8:00
Mar. 25: @ Boston, 7:00
Mar. 27: @ N.Y. Rangers, 7:00
Mar. 29: Boston (S), 7:00
Mar. 30: @ New Jersey, 7:30
Apr. 1: @ Toronto, 7:00
Apr. 3: @ Toronto, 7:30
Apr. 5: Ottawa (S), 7:00
Apr. 7: Philadelphia (G), 8:00
Apr. 8: @ Ottawa, 7:00
Apr. 12: Montreal (S), 7:00
Apr. 15: @ Montreal, 7:00
Apr. 16: Toronto (G), 5:00
Apr. 18: @ Carolina, 7:00
10/07/2005 18:30 #28191
sabres bruinsCategory: nhl
I thought about going to tonights game between the Sabres and Bruins (what is a bruin anyways) but knew I wouldn't go. I will watch the end of the game after wrestling and I will flip back and forth between the the two. I belive it is an 8pm start. Not sure when there next game after tonight is. There are a gew movies I want to see on saturday but i will most likely only see one of them. Waiting is the one I want to see it looks like it could be very funny. Then there is also lord of war and History of violance. Someone at work said the sabres play on saturday out of town but not sure about that if they do I will hopefully see that game also.
10/06/2005 17:56 #28190
correctionCategory: nhl
Well I have a slight correction from yesterdays journal [inlink]metalpeter,447[/inlink] for some reason I got the islanders and rangers mixed up. I knew that the team the Sabers where playing had Miroslav Satan and Alexi Zhitnic (if they are spelled right I would be amazed) but for some reason thought rangers. In any event I watched the begining of the game and saw most of the first period and then I was able to catch the end of the game as well. It is hard to judge it based on one game but the new rules seem to be an improvement so far. We will have to see if they are enforced all season long. I enjoyed what I saw of the game plus the Sabres won so that is an added bonus. I look forward to seeing more games.
10/05/2005 17:54 #28189
SabresCategory: nhl
Tonight is the sabres's opener. They are palying the Rangers at 7pm. I'm going to try and watch some of the game. I like hockey but never watch as much of it as I would like to. The saberes game is on MSG. There was an entire NHL section in todays paper. It went over the rule changes had The TV schedule and complete NHL scedulle and all kinds of information. I didn't read to much of it didn't know where to start. I should have cut out the TV schedule some games are on Ch. 5 candian and then OLN. I wish I was a big enough fan of hockey to get the hockey package. With that package every game is on live from every team. That would be amazing. But for me there are other things I like to watch like 24 and wrestling and going to concerts and Bandits games. I think it will be interesting to see how the new rules effect the game and see if it is more fun to watch.
[inlink]springfaerie,219[/inlink] Go sabres
[inlink]sbrugger,5[/inlink] I have been to a Leafs game it was a lot of fun. I even have a Go Leafs Go flag. But I'm a sabres fan. I really liked Cojo if I remember his real name was Curtis Josepeth. there are curently two hockey categories I started NHL and sbrugger started hockey I belive. If I would have read his journal first then there would only be one topic. But maybe someone likes college hockey. I know the Frozen four has been in Buffalo for a couple of years. It is really big deal for college hockey fans but isn't advertsed like the basketball is. In any event go sabres.
[inlink]springfaerie,219[/inlink] Go sabres
[inlink]sbrugger,5[/inlink] I have been to a Leafs game it was a lot of fun. I even have a Go Leafs Go flag. But I'm a sabres fan. I really liked Cojo if I remember his real name was Curtis Josepeth. there are curently two hockey categories I started NHL and sbrugger started hockey I belive. If I would have read his journal first then there would only be one topic. But maybe someone likes college hockey. I know the Frozen four has been in Buffalo for a couple of years. It is really big deal for college hockey fans but isn't advertsed like the basketball is. In any event go sabres.
i was suprised to find out that the game still had a lot of seats left. I had class, so I couldnt go.. but I was quite envious of those that did. Go Sabres!