[size=l]September 9th, 2003[/size]
On this day last year we woke up at Heidi's brother's apartment in London and prepared to go to Belgium. I saw Jesse in the morning which was unexpected because he was supposed to have his internship but he got fired and exciting because it was the first time we had seen each other since he left home for England.
When I was with Jesse we walked around Russell Square and the British Museum. The British Museum was so amazing and huge. We saw the Rosetta Stone and an exhibit on mummies. We also went into the Reading Room which is like a big library with a huge list in the front of all of the famous people who have had "tickets" (library cards) to the room. I wrote down that I was particulary impressed that Karl Marx and Virginia Wolf were on the list.
After seeing Jesse we got on the train and went to Stansted Airport outside of London. There we flew Ryanair to Brussels and took an autocar to our hostel. Our hostel was unbelievably loud and busy. It was like staying in a huge club where they played overdubbed Eminem all night long. I remember that I did not sleep well that night. We stayed in a room with 6 other girls and by the time we woke up the next morning I was ready to get out of there and do some sightseeing.
Maureen's Journal
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09/10/2004 01:31 #27650
September 9th, 200309/08/2004 21:05 #27649
September 8th 2004 & 2003Hi Everyone! It's been a while since the last time I posted. I have been busy moving in to my apartment at school and starting classes. Now that the first day is over I have some time to update. First of all, I love the first day of classes. I know that is a really dorky thing to say, but it's true. I get really excited to get my syllabi and see what's in store for me. In any event, today was fun because I had my first classes. However a big let down was that neither professor gave out a syllabus! Very disappointing. I am taking Hebrew this term...don't ask me why. I thought it would be fun, but with the first day of class all we did was listen to her speak in Hebrew and then try to get us to answer her in Hebrew. I had no idea what was going on. She wouldn't even let us write anything down (not that I know how to write in Hebrew yet). I felt like I was testing my memory far too much! Anyway, I am still motivated. I already made an appointment to go for extra help. I blame my mother for not sending me to Hebrew school like all my classmates (there are 7 other kids and they can all read and write, just not speak).
In other news, I have decided to do a series of posts for the next 10 or so days because they were very special to me a year ago. On this day last year I travelled to England for the first time. It was the beginning of a 10 day trip I took with two friends before we each spent a term abroad. After the 10 days and 5 countries, I went to York England for the next four months. I kept a journal the whole time...here's the short version:
[size=xl]Sept 08th 2003[/size]
Okay so on Sept 8 I got on the plane in NYC with Heidi and Shannon to go to London, Heathrow. This was so scary for me as I knew I wasn't going to be seeing my family for so long (I am a big baby). That's pretty much all for today...I mean the flight was 6 hours.
My little drawing of the seating arrangement...

The monitor that showed Heathrow...

In other news, I have decided to do a series of posts for the next 10 or so days because they were very special to me a year ago. On this day last year I travelled to England for the first time. It was the beginning of a 10 day trip I took with two friends before we each spent a term abroad. After the 10 days and 5 countries, I went to York England for the next four months. I kept a journal the whole time...here's the short version:
[size=xl]Sept 08th 2003[/size]
Okay so on Sept 8 I got on the plane in NYC with Heidi and Shannon to go to London, Heathrow. This was so scary for me as I knew I wasn't going to be seeing my family for so long (I am a big baby). That's pretty much all for today...I mean the flight was 6 hours.
My little drawing of the seating arrangement...

The monitor that showed Heathrow...

09/05/2004 12:56 #27648
Mike and Mrs. Heller Sitting in a Tree09/01/2004 18:16 #27647
Last Night and More...Last night was a lot of fun. Mike, I hope you had a great birthday because I know I had a good time. Mr Goodbar was an interesting time. Diana, who is not 21, was not allowed to go in to the bar. So Teres asked the at the door if they would let her in anyway, but the guy was really mean and said no. Not to be discouraged, we slyly devised a plan where Mike and I would go in the front door while Teres and Di walked away (in order to look like Di gave up). Then, Di would jump over the bar in the front and get in through the patio and Teres would follow. The planned worked without any problem. However, outsmarting the stupid Mr. Goodbar doormen was not satisfying enough. We needed to add insult to injury. Later that night there was a contest for all the women. The girl at the bar who could come up with the "most creative" way to use a press on tattoo would win an adirondack chair. We thought it was really sleazy, but then Di came up with the idea to cut the tattoo in half and put one side on each of her breasts. That way when she squeezed her boobs together the tattoo would be whole. SHe and Jill ran into the bathroom and applied the tattoo. Lo and behold, Di won the contest and the chair...AFTER sneaking in when the jerks told her she couldn't. Very funny night.
So anyway, my friend Jeremy from school is coming up to Buffalo to drive back to Schenectady with me this weekend. On the one hand I am excited, it will be nice to have someone to share the long drive with. However, I am also a little nervous. I have so much to get done and I am not sure if I can do it all with someone else around. Plus these are my last couple days at home. I won't see my mom for a long time, although I will see my friends for Andrea's wedding in like two weeks. Anyway, I guess I don't have much of a choice about it. Just have to get stuff done whether I want to or not.
Okay, one more gripe. I have to write this 8-10 page paper about my research this summer and the TAing I will be doing this year before I get back to school. This was totally sprung on me at the last second and now I have to rush to get it done. How frustrating! I guess I shouldn't complain. I know it only a paper and really I don't have to do any research. I just hate not having ample time to prepare work. I hate having to rush!
So anyway, my friend Jeremy from school is coming up to Buffalo to drive back to Schenectady with me this weekend. On the one hand I am excited, it will be nice to have someone to share the long drive with. However, I am also a little nervous. I have so much to get done and I am not sure if I can do it all with someone else around. Plus these are my last couple days at home. I won't see my mom for a long time, although I will see my friends for Andrea's wedding in like two weeks. Anyway, I guess I don't have much of a choice about it. Just have to get stuff done whether I want to or not.
Okay, one more gripe. I have to write this 8-10 page paper about my research this summer and the TAing I will be doing this year before I get back to school. This was totally sprung on me at the last second and now I have to rush to get it done. How frustrating! I guess I shouldn't complain. I know it only a paper and really I don't have to do any research. I just hate not having ample time to prepare work. I hate having to rush!
08/30/2004 01:30 #27646
Various A Sundries Ahhhhh. So I just spent a while writing a fairly lengthy journal and then I lost it. Oh well, maybe the forces of the universe are telling me something.
Well I am glad this week is over. It was pretty stressful and I am ready to start anew, even if the new start is only on the calendar and not really in my heart. I took the GREs and then went ok. Basically, the most important thing is that they went. Now that I don't have to study anymore I feel like summer has really started. It's funny because everyone else is starting school and I feel like I am finally on vacation. I'm glad that I don't have to go back for another week. It's nice to have a little longer then everyone else for once. I suppose the trimester system does have its rare moments of benefit.
Anyway, going back to school is bittersweet this year. I am excited to get out of my house, although I really have nothing to complain about. It will also be nice to see all of my school friends again. However, it is hard to go back to the high-stress lifestyle. I will be TAing for three classes and doing my thesis ontop of the normal course load so it should be a busy year. Andrew and I decided, after a lot of discussion and pro/con listmaking, that we are going to be crazier this year, hehe. But seriously, I do need to try to balance work and fun better this year. If I don't try to relax more and hang out instead of work I will probably explode.
Well before I end this journal I just want to resond to two other friends journals quickly.
Jesse: I have the pics of your nipple piercing. Do you want me to send them to you or even possibly post them? They came out pretty good, especially the group photo!
Teres: In response to your journal I just want to say a big I LOVE YOU! That's really all. I know you get upset and those boys are great at treating you like crap, but you deserve better. They may be nice sometimes, but sometimes isn't really good enough. I know you like to be challenged so go for whatever makes you happy...just remember, this is not making you happy. I think you are totally right for cutting them off if they are making you this upset. No matter what we all love you. I'd love to see Justin and/or Jeff and give them both a swift kick in the groin for making you feel like this.
P.S. I saw De-Lovely today and I really liked it. Although it got bad reviews I thought it was definitely worth seeing. I never agree with the critics anyway!
Well I am glad this week is over. It was pretty stressful and I am ready to start anew, even if the new start is only on the calendar and not really in my heart. I took the GREs and then went ok. Basically, the most important thing is that they went. Now that I don't have to study anymore I feel like summer has really started. It's funny because everyone else is starting school and I feel like I am finally on vacation. I'm glad that I don't have to go back for another week. It's nice to have a little longer then everyone else for once. I suppose the trimester system does have its rare moments of benefit.
Anyway, going back to school is bittersweet this year. I am excited to get out of my house, although I really have nothing to complain about. It will also be nice to see all of my school friends again. However, it is hard to go back to the high-stress lifestyle. I will be TAing for three classes and doing my thesis ontop of the normal course load so it should be a busy year. Andrew and I decided, after a lot of discussion and pro/con listmaking, that we are going to be crazier this year, hehe. But seriously, I do need to try to balance work and fun better this year. If I don't try to relax more and hang out instead of work I will probably explode.
Well before I end this journal I just want to resond to two other friends journals quickly.
Jesse: I have the pics of your nipple piercing. Do you want me to send them to you or even possibly post them? They came out pretty good, especially the group photo!
Teres: In response to your journal I just want to say a big I LOVE YOU! That's really all. I know you get upset and those boys are great at treating you like crap, but you deserve better. They may be nice sometimes, but sometimes isn't really good enough. I know you like to be challenged so go for whatever makes you happy...just remember, this is not making you happy. I think you are totally right for cutting them off if they are making you this upset. No matter what we all love you. I'd love to see Justin and/or Jeff and give them both a swift kick in the groin for making you feel like this.
P.S. I saw De-Lovely today and I really liked it. Although it got bad reviews I thought it was definitely worth seeing. I never agree with the critics anyway!