Today I'd like to talk about my mother (random, I know).
I think that having an amazing person for a mother is one of the best gifts a person can have. My mom is probably the human I look up to most in the world. She is smart and determined and somehow she handles whatever comes her way with grace. In all of the stories I've been told about my mother by our family and friends she is always painted as a fun-loving and generous person. It's not that I really need people to tell me this, I have experienced my mother's best qualities firsthand for all of my life. However, sometimes I like to hear what she was like before me. When she could be more carefree and follow her own ambitions.
The most unbelievable thing about my mother to me is that she embodies the kind of strength that often goes unnoticed. She makes everything look easy and never gets to recognition she deserves for all of the things she has been through. My mother never complains or takes advantage of anyone. I don't really appreciate her enough. We have always had a very special bond because for all of my life it was literally just the two of us. My father was never in my life (except to make it more difficult) and my parents got divorced before I could remember. My mother could have easily felt overwhelmed with the idea of raising me by herself, without any family in the area, but she never complained. She was an amazing parent from day one and never let me down or allowed me to feel unsafe. I always knew everything was taken care of as long as my mother was around. She was my best friend, my support, and my strength. I have learned so much from her about how to make the right decisions, even when they are not easy. She lets me make mistakes, never blames me for being human, and loves me even when I am wrong.
The only bad part about having an amazing mother is that you become spoiled. At least I know I have. I can't imagine a life without her. I often take her for granted and assume that she will always be around for me. Even though I know that my mother isn't going anywhere, I should be more appreciative of her. Sometimes you realize that there really isn't anyone else you would rather be with than the person who just left you. I don't want that to happen with my mother. I want her to know how much I love and appreciate her, how much I would miss her if she was gone. Not that she is going anywhere anytime soon... ;)