Ahhhhh. So I just spent a while writing a fairly lengthy journal and then I lost it. Oh well, maybe the forces of the universe are telling me something.
Well I am glad this week is over. It was pretty stressful and I am ready to start anew, even if the new start is only on the calendar and not really in my heart. I took the GREs and then went ok. Basically, the most important thing is that they went. Now that I don't have to study anymore I feel like summer has really started. It's funny because everyone else is starting school and I feel like I am finally on vacation. I'm glad that I don't have to go back for another week. It's nice to have a little longer then everyone else for once. I suppose the trimester system does have its rare moments of benefit.
Anyway, going back to school is bittersweet this year. I am excited to get out of my house, although I really have nothing to complain about. It will also be nice to see all of my school friends again. However, it is hard to go back to the high-stress lifestyle. I will be TAing for three classes and doing my thesis ontop of the normal course load so it should be a busy year. Andrew and I decided, after a lot of discussion and pro/con listmaking, that we are going to be crazier this year, hehe. But seriously, I do need to try to balance work and fun better this year. If I don't try to relax more and hang out instead of work I will probably explode.
Well before I end this journal I just want to resond to two other friends journals quickly.
Jesse: I have the pics of your nipple piercing. Do you want me to send them to you or even possibly post them? They came out pretty good, especially the group photo!
Teres: In response to your journal I just want to say a big I LOVE YOU! That's really all. I know you get upset and those boys are great at treating you like crap, but you deserve better. They may be nice sometimes, but sometimes isn't really good enough. I know you like to be challenged so go for whatever makes you happy...just remember, this is not making you happy. I think you are totally right for cutting them off if they are making you this upset. No matter what we all love you. I'd love to see Justin and/or Jeff and give them both a swift kick in the groin for making you feel like this.
P.S. I saw De-Lovely today and I really liked it. Although it got bad reviews I thought it was definitely worth seeing. I never agree with the critics anyway!
Maureen's Journal
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08/30/2004 01:30 #27646
Various A Sundries08/25/2004 15:41 #27645
Big Klutz, Worst TimingI am such a klutz. Yesterday (Tuesday) I was in the kitchen grabbing a handful of peas (mmm) from the fridge. Of course I dropped some on the floor and when I went to pick them up I smashed my head on the counter. Like not just bumped a little, smashed so hard that I was bleeding. I was so annoyed and in pain that I almost cried. If you have never walked around your house bleeding because of something stupid or klutzy you've done, then you prob don't know what I am talking about. Anyway, I grabbed an ice pack and a glass of water after examining my cracked head in the mirror and walked into the living room. On my way I began to feel a little dizzy. My foot reached the carpet and that is the last thing I remember until my mother was shaking me on the floor after coming home from work. Basically, I must have blacked out and fallen because there was water all over the carpet from the drink I was carrying and my face had a rug imprint on it. Not pretty. I felt really bad for my mom because I know she almost had a heart attack finding me passed out on the floor.
The worst part about all of this is that I have a terrible headache today and a big gouge in skull. I have to take my GREs TOMORROW so that is possibly the worst timing ever for one of my klutzy episodes. I feel so stupid because this all happened due to my complete lack of depth perception and grace. Hello assisted living. I mean seriously how will I ever function alone!? This is the sad truth about my life. On the up side this whole thing has preoccupied my mind so that I haven't been worrying that much about my exam. I guess there could be a good side.
The worst part about all of this is that I have a terrible headache today and a big gouge in skull. I have to take my GREs TOMORROW so that is possibly the worst timing ever for one of my klutzy episodes. I feel so stupid because this all happened due to my complete lack of depth perception and grace. Hello assisted living. I mean seriously how will I ever function alone!? This is the sad truth about my life. On the up side this whole thing has preoccupied my mind so that I haven't been worrying that much about my exam. I guess there could be a good side.
08/23/2004 18:35 #27644
Mia's WeddingMy sorority sister (actaully my Big) got marriend this weekend. Her wedding was beautiful. I was neat because so many of my friends from school were not only there, but in the bridal party. Everyone looked amazing and it was truly an occassion of joy. Here are some pics from Mia's (and Grant's) big day.

Mia and Grant at the altar

They're offically married!!!

Maria was such a beautiful bride.

I can't believe she's married...
Basically it was a great day. Although every hour or so all of my friends and I looked at each other in disbelief that Mia was actually married. It just seems unreal. I hope they are happy. They are in Disney World now for their honeymoon. I think that is the perfect place for them...Grant is totally a big kid. I have to say that I am really going to miss Mia. :(

Mia and Grant at the altar

They're offically married!!!

Maria was such a beautiful bride.

I can't believe she's married...
Basically it was a great day. Although every hour or so all of my friends and I looked at each other in disbelief that Mia was actually married. It just seems unreal. I hope they are happy. They are in Disney World now for their honeymoon. I think that is the perfect place for them...Grant is totally a big kid. I have to say that I am really going to miss Mia. :(
08/20/2004 01:32 #27643
ErikHere's my turtle Erik...
I'm a little nervous that he's depressed lately. Don't ask me why.
I'm a little nervous that he's depressed lately. Don't ask me why.
08/19/2004 20:49 #27642
This WeekendWell this weekend should be a good one. I know that Mike's B-day party is going to be a blast and I wish more than anything that I could be there (I really mean that). But instead I will be attending the wedding of one of my best friends at school. This occasion is quite a momentous one for a couple reasons. First off, Maria (my friend) is getting married!! That is so crazy. When I met her three years ago she was dating this guy who she had been with for four year. Now she is getting married...to a different guy! Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is a fly-by-night wedding, but it is very fast to me. At this point, half of the time they have known each other they have been engaged. I hope their marriage works out...they are both great people.
The other reason that this wedding is a momentous occasion is because it is the first "friend wedding" that I have ever attended. There are bound to be more (I already know about another in Sept) and they should all be fun. It's scary to think that it is now fairly normal for my friends to tell me that they are getting married. I am starting to feel old! Anyway, the friend weddings are definitely something to look forward to, even if they do make me a little nervous.
Besides going to the wedding this weekend I will also be seeing Jesse for the first time in forever! I am excited about that. I'm glad he's coming home while I'll be here although it is in the week of hell (translation: GREs are on Thursday). It will be nice to see him again. I hope he hasn't grown! haha.
Well I will check in when this busy weekend is over. I hope EVERYONE goes to the party on Friday night!!! Have some extra fun for me cause I wish I was going to be there too. ;)type
The other reason that this wedding is a momentous occasion is because it is the first "friend wedding" that I have ever attended. There are bound to be more (I already know about another in Sept) and they should all be fun. It's scary to think that it is now fairly normal for my friends to tell me that they are getting married. I am starting to feel old! Anyway, the friend weddings are definitely something to look forward to, even if they do make me a little nervous.
Besides going to the wedding this weekend I will also be seeing Jesse for the first time in forever! I am excited about that. I'm glad he's coming home while I'll be here although it is in the week of hell (translation: GREs are on Thursday). It will be nice to see him again. I hope he hasn't grown! haha.
Well I will check in when this busy weekend is over. I hope EVERYONE goes to the party on Friday night!!! Have some extra fun for me cause I wish I was going to be there too. ;)type