I just sold L$30,000 and got over $100.
Some of you know what that means.
I sold this fake game money from Second Life and got real money for it.
Essentially, I made a profit of about $100 for playing a game and having fun.
This boggles my mind.
Here I am as BatGirl at the Heros and Villians Night I hosted last night:
01/09/2005 13:45 #26847
the day as of yet
making waffles in the kitchen, we heard some people having sex
we don't know which apartment it was coming from, but we doubt it was next door
cuz that lady is like 65 and lives alone
we think is was the girl downstairs
then, we had no electricity on one side of our kitchen
so i had to flip the circuit breaker
what will happen between now and the waffles being finished?
wait and see...