01/06/2005 11:45 #26846
random photosICICLES:
01/03/2005 12:42 #26845
R.I.P. and Photos Kaia, my beloved red betta, has passed away this morning. He endured a terrible ordeal, surviving almost 48 hours after attempting to commit suicide by jumping from his bowl. May his little fishie soul be swimming peaceful in the ocean of eternity.
Photos from New Year's Eve, which I took with my handy dandy new digital camera.
01/01/2005 02:27 #26844
greetings from me and Butterfly BoucherHAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
(photos soon to come, from downtown and my new digital camera)
PS: sorry I haven't written in so long
11/29/2004 10:52 #26843
frozen babyCategory: dreams
i dreamed that i had a baby but i wasn't ready for a baby yet so i put it in the freezer. a couple days later i decided i could handle having a baby, so i took her out to thaw. i was worried because it was taking a long time and i had to go to the bookstore, so i took the frozen baby with me. it took a really long time and i was worried because the ice was melting but the baby wasn't moving. eventually she opened her eyes. she wriggled around a lot like a kitten. i told my dad, "i didn't know you could freeze humans like you freeze chicken." he laughed because i was so ignorant. [bgcolor]#ffffff[/bgcolor]
11/28/2004 12:12 #26842
dreamCategory: dreams
I was on some sort of game show with 8 contestants. We all had our own turtle and we had to flush the turtles down toilets at exactly the same time. The turtle would move along, unharmed, through a series of clear pipes and basins. Whichever turtle popped out at the end first was the winner. My turtle came in second place. [bgcolor]#00ff19[/bgcolor]