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01/18/2005 16:24 #26514

saved by the bell
[size=m]well school started. i already feel super anxious. i feel like i should be doing something right now but there is nothing really. i could buy my books and start reading but i don't feel like i should do that the first day. i was reminded that you should spend 3 hours per credit for each course studying per week. WHO realistically came up with that equation? that would equal 8 hours a day of studying in addition to class, eating, sleeping.... if i worked, work. [/size]

i also feel like i should take a nap, but i think that's because i'm cold and my bed is warm.

01/16/2005 12:53 #26513

my skin is sick
i have this marvelous pimple between my eyebrows. its great i can start the semester off this way.

01/14/2005 00:30 #26512

i i i i i i i i iiiiiiiiii
my bad, its snowing now. what a weird day. maybe i should turn the heat on so we don't wake up with icicles on our nosies.

01/14/2005 00:26 #26511

quit your messin' around
i got a hair cut today but its not very exciting. i got to see a school friend though so that was nice. the weather was a nice pick me up today, katie and I took a stroll.

our brand new 6 mo. old TV has turned black and white. and our bedroom TV now shows a horizonal line across the screen. that one i got for my 13th birthday so its not a surprise but the 6 mo. old one sucks. we don't know what to do. it also makes me sad that we care so much about TV. but i guess we're just those kinds of people. i like to sit and not really have to use my brain to do anything but be entertained at the same time. its how i relax. oh well. i hate to admit it.

my mom told me she is thinking, once again, about moving up here. she wants to get out of polluted, crowded jersey. plus she wants to be closer to me. awww.

matthew i took a picture of that angel fish you gave up for adoption. he is so big now. the other two silver dollar fish are doing well also. i'll have to post the pics when i upload them.

i've been having trouble sleeping lately but tonight i actually feel sleepy. i hope i don't have to lay in bed for 2 hours before falling asleep again. i get so frustrated.

i wish i could open the window and listen to the rain, sometimes its a good sound.

12/16/2004 17:48 #26510

you need a title to publish
one more one more one more one more one more test!!

i don't even feel like studying and the prof took the notes off the web (a mistake?) so i don't have the last couple of notes (which me need) SOoooooooo now i have to drive down to south campus to borrow someone else's notes to make copies so i can study the last part........

and its all my fault............ if i would have only printed out the notes 2 weeks ago like i should have...........

don't you hate when something is your fault and you screw yourself over especially because of laziness??

i do.

Katie says, that's why i pooped on the floor!! <
cause for more angriness

Katie's almost 2 and hasn't had an accident in at least a year and BAM! she poops two days in a row on the floor!!!

i bet she is protesting the cold, she shakes so bad out there.