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Lisa's Journal

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11/13/2004 14:00 #26507

loly saturday

Did you guys see this webpage? This kid from CA made a 'sorry everybody' webpage to apologize to the world for the re-election of Bush. There's a gallery with a million pictures on it of people who are also sorry. Its kinda funny.


11/08/2004 14:59 #26506

i don't see no snow
i think i see my stupid problem. let's see if this works...

11/08/2004 14:57 #26505

im fretting. my words don't stay the color i ask them to. of course i have to play now when i have a a poo load to do. i hate this week.

11/08/2004 14:56 #26504

stay blue!

11/02/2004 23:20 #26503

where am i, you, they, she, us?
oh my goodness, some changes to the site i see. i've been so busy and pooped lately, i feel like my life if wearing away purposelessly. i did get to see my family this weekend which was good. now sleep i go.