Internet lives again in my house. We switched from digital everything to satellite and DSL. Saving us 40-50 $$ a month. I mentioned that already but I just think its cool to save so much money and get pretty much the same service.
Maidencateyes, I did my student teaching at Kenmore Middle. What teacher(s) are you assigned to??
and Matthew,
I love love love your cutouts. I can't wait to have a kid so you can make him/her a cut out.
Lisa's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/24/2004 14:35 #26475
........09/20/2004 14:48 #26474
jimmy mac's closing is sad and i feel for the restaurants who suffer because of the smoking ban. i really can't understand or empathize with smokers. i mean i understand it to a certain degree but smoking sucks. smoking is horrible and disgusting and more people should try quitting. i see mother's, nurses, teens smoking and i feel even more sad for them. it makes your hair smell, your breath, your teeth turn yellow and those are just the superficial problems. i won't go on because we all know this.
why do people start? does a cigarette really look and smell that appetizing that you will throw away your health to even taste it? yeah so what, your friends are all doing it. who cares. are we all so weak? in highschool i was that one who didn't smoke. all my friends did. just hanging out with them caused me to develop this perpetual phlegm in the back of my throat that i didn't get rid of until i left and came to buffalo and happened to make friends with predominately nonsmokers. when i went back home, the phlegm came back. go figure. what's worse is that sometimes i caught myself inhaling deeply when my friend exhaled her 2nd hand smoke.
jimmy mac's closing is sad and i feel for the restaurants who suffer because of the smoking ban. i really can't understand or empathize with smokers. i mean i understand it to a certain degree but smoking sucks. smoking is horrible and disgusting and more people should try quitting. i see mother's, nurses, teens smoking and i feel even more sad for them. it makes your hair smell, your breath, your teeth turn yellow and those are just the superficial problems. i won't go on because we all know this.
why do people start? does a cigarette really look and smell that appetizing that you will throw away your health to even taste it? yeah so what, your friends are all doing it. who cares. are we all so weak? in highschool i was that one who didn't smoke. all my friends did. just hanging out with them caused me to develop this perpetual phlegm in the back of my throat that i didn't get rid of until i left and came to buffalo and happened to make friends with predominately nonsmokers. when i went back home, the phlegm came back. go figure. what's worse is that sometimes i caught myself inhaling deeply when my friend exhaled her 2nd hand smoke.
09/19/2004 00:20 #26473
..we decided to go mountain biking without the mountain on the trails behind my house today. what a nice exercise until it got unbearably muddy which actually made it a little more fun. at one point my foot just kept sliding in the mud and i could not keep myself up on my bike. that caused me to laugh which caused me to get even more out of breath which caused me to ride at a pace of 1 mile an hour. I think i'm allergic to some plant out there though. my hands started itching, it was disgusting.
then we decided to pull out the snake's bush and do some bush trimming. an elderly neighbor from a few doors down came over to say hi but didn't say much of anything else which was awkward. very awkward. we kinda just stared a lot at each other. he was wearing a mighty pink shirt which looked pretty nice on him. i bet he's happy pink is now popular once again and he can wear it. as a matter of fact, i'm wearing pink too. what's with that. why is pink the new 'it' color?
today was terribly productive.
we got a satellite installed today. unfortunately we don't get bravo anymore. i guess i'll live. we are saving 40-50$ per month with the new arrangement. that's 480-600$ per year. wowo. with DVR too.
i'm tired. to sleep i go.
then we decided to pull out the snake's bush and do some bush trimming. an elderly neighbor from a few doors down came over to say hi but didn't say much of anything else which was awkward. very awkward. we kinda just stared a lot at each other. he was wearing a mighty pink shirt which looked pretty nice on him. i bet he's happy pink is now popular once again and he can wear it. as a matter of fact, i'm wearing pink too. what's with that. why is pink the new 'it' color?
today was terribly productive.
we got a satellite installed today. unfortunately we don't get bravo anymore. i guess i'll live. we are saving 40-50$ per month with the new arrangement. that's 480-600$ per year. wowo. with DVR too.
i'm tired. to sleep i go.
09/17/2004 09:53 #26472
wa whahah fhwlaloiI have a presentation today which is more like a mock interview with a partner. we had to make up all the questions and the answers which is a lot harder than i thought. i didn't think i would get nervous but i'm feeling nervous this morning. we have to mock it in front of the whole class which is also awkward because i don't really know anyone and i have to act like i've had two strokes.
i should shower.
i should shower.
09/16/2004 13:41 #26471
i hate titlesI put up a new UserPic. This is proof that on average I wasn't very cute and that I had what I would call, "a minor mullet." I got my hair cut like that all because my friend in 2nd grade cut her hair like that. I was such a copier.
and on another note:
i finally bought grass seed today so i could rip out the eyesore of a bush we have growing. its kinda of like ground cover but if you let it grow it gets taller and taller. of course before i actually get to do it, I saw this:

I think i'll wait for derek to come home so he can rip it out while i scream.
the odd thing is that I have a snake... but i don't let it slither around like a wild man or bite me. i'm afraid of what else is under there.. ewww!!
and on another note:
i finally bought grass seed today so i could rip out the eyesore of a bush we have growing. its kinda of like ground cover but if you let it grow it gets taller and taller. of course before i actually get to do it, I saw this:

I think i'll wait for derek to come home so he can rip it out while i scream.
the odd thing is that I have a snake... but i don't let it slither around like a wild man or bite me. i'm afraid of what else is under there.. ewww!!