i was running late for school--->a whole ten minutes---> so i decided to skip it. probably not a good idea but its my only class and they don't take attendance although with my luck he decides to give the 1 minute paper today.
oh well.
i'm gonna do homework instead.
i was thinking yesterday about how people post artwork and pictures on here and how most people don't copyright them. Someone can just come along and take your image and put it on a mug and sell it on ebay or something. I was thinking people should start putting that little copyright sign on their work with their initals and the year or something. orrrrr if
(e:paul) can do this, have it when you right click to save a picture, have the "save picture as.." disabled. I've seen it on other sites where a little warning box comes up and says you can't save the picture. I think that would be the best, but I don't know how involved it is.
I should really go to school......... argh, now its too late for real. I hate walking in class after its started. oh well. homey worko here i cometh.