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06/23/2004 11:14 #26406

new userpic
that pic was from sometime during my freshman year at UB. I was home with my comforter so it had to be Xmas or Summer. I liked my hair like that.. it was good for headband wear.

06/23/2004 10:56 #26405

Would it be unfair to staple a note to D's head to remind him to take out the trash.

06/23/2004 10:53 #26404

hate titles.

this reminded me of my own funny story. i think its funny anyway. last summer D and i lived in an apt complex with our Katie. everyone knew Katie's name before they even attempted to know ours but they eventually did. usually when we saw anyone they said, "Katie!!."
Then we would talk about how cute Katie was. Well this one guy from downstairs would say, "Hey Derek and Katie." When we would see him. I was beginning to think he got confused and that my name was Katie. I wasn't positive but it had already been about 5 months since he had been calling me Katie. Finally one day I wasn't with Katie outside and sure enough, he goes, "Katie! How are you?" Yep, He's really been calling me by my dog's name for more than 6 months. Then we moved out.. haha

06/21/2004 11:44 #26403

oh yeah, beach
right, we went to the free beach near sherkston. we brought cheezits, pretzels and juice. it was in a bag hidden from sight. well, we decided to go for a walk so we did. as we were getting closer to our stuff on the way back you could see a swarm of seagulls on our things. we couldn't tell if it just looked like they were on our stuff or if they were trying to heist our goodies. sure enough those sea birds went into the bag and pulled out the bag of cheezits and ate a ton!!! They also got about a pound of sand in the bag. How did they know!? They can't smell can they, at least from a distance like a dog? I hate those birds. I got pooped on last summer. Right in the hair. Also, when I was 16, I was with my Highschool boyfriend at the boardwalk in NJ and a bird pooed on my leg. A boardwalk guy saw it and announced it on his microphone. He was real cool.

06/21/2004 11:37 #26402

(e:mk) [inlink]mk,96[/inlink]

i have one of those mousepads and its so hard to sketch something on it.

I watched Carrie, that freaky movie. I have never seen it so I watched it. It was on TNT Saturday and if you remember the movie they show Carrie taking a shower in the beginning which is just weird to start with. They actually showed her butt plain as day and a far shot of her boobies. I was surprised.


If I had telekenises, I wouldn't make a scary bugged out face when I did it. Even though you want people to know you mean business I think they can gather that from the way their dress just spontaneously combusts. And I think the mother was freakier than Carrie. I'm glad I caught it on TV. I was really missing out on something.