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Lisa's Journal

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06/10/2004 12:48 #26389

random things
1. I agree with Lilho about keeping journals shorter if possible. Sometimes I read half and then feel compelled to move on to another journal. Gotta keep up. I am also guilty but sometimes I can't stop writing. I don't care if mine gets skipped. I just gotta finish writing.

2. Last yr. we had bikes stolen from our backyard. They took the most expensive bike and mine, the least expensive. In fact, mine was worth maybe 2 dollars. Rusty up the ying yang. I feel so violated when something is stolen from me. Like it was a personal attack. After that we kept them in the living room. Nice.

3. Happy Birthday Robin! I don't know who you are but I like wishing people Happy Birthdays.

4. I forget who said they were going to Alaska but that's awesome. Your trip sounds like fun. I've always wanted to drive cross country. Maybe one day before I really settle down.

5. I decided one thing I will miss a lot when I have kids is that I won't be able to walk around naked or pee with the door open after they are a certain age. I don't want my 5 yr. old to have a memory of mommy walking around naked when he's 20.

6. I told Matthew we have resident toads. Here's a picture of one. Tom-Tom. He's the fattest little toader and he likes to hang out in the grill cover. Katie likes to chase them.


06/09/2004 13:12 #26388

Last year about this time D and I went on a cruise to Alaska. It truly is a beautiful place. It just doesn't seem like its part of the US, you feel like your somewhere special and far far away. I guess groceries are expensive because of the distance from farms and things. This one guy we met said the grocery was out of garlic for two weeks! And milk costs a pretty penny. Here are a few pics. They're really small because they wouldn't fit any bigger. The last one is from Victoria, B.C. What a beautiful place. Seattle was nice too. Very clean and hilly. Wow was it hilly.






06/08/2004 03:12 #26387

and I have to reference Jessbob's comment on Maculay Culkin. His lips DO always look chapped. Gross! Maybe that's his thing. Blonde, red eye rims, chapped lips to match and unfunny chit chat. He was on one of the late nights and he still looks 16. I'm not nice.

06/08/2004 03:06 #26386

i wasn't going to but....
since i was on reading i might as well post. so far hummingbird feeder has only had one guest and it was a beetle of some sort. i decided if and when i get a customer, i will name it Kirby. Maybe its the lack of flowers in my yard joined with the fact that sometimes it takes a few weeks to even attract a h-bird. Kirby, where art thou?

I wish I had a pool to swim in. I think that would be the only exercise I could really like.

How'd it get to be 2am?

06/05/2004 12:46 #26385

wisdom teeth?
more like ouchie hurties pay big bucks to remove. shouldn't we have evolved these teeth right out of our genetic makeup by now?? so yesterday was a blur although I am so thankful i decided to be sedated. i started coming out of it right when they took a drill to one of the wisdom teeth. then as quickly as i was waking up i was out again. i wonder if the heart monitor beeped to show i was starting to freak out. i remember getting in a wheel chair and feeling nauseas on the way home but i don't remember much else. nausea sucks. i had to stick my head in the toilet bowl a couple times even though i had nothing to eat or drink in over 12 hours.. i know it'll be all worth it in about 2 weeks. for now my diet consists of carnation instant breakfast, grits, yogurt and pills. soon ramen noodles and chicken noodle soup. can't wait.

i'm having trouble changing my user pic. i got frustrated so this one will stay for now. i'm getting bored of it.