i went to the dentist yesterday for the first time in a while and amazingly i do not have cavities! they did a panoramic xray, which is pretty cool, and it turns out that my bottom four front teeth have no roots! EWw. she said that sometimes when you have braces and your teeth get moved too quickly the roots absorb. i don't even think the bottom ones were moved much, it was the top where i had problems. anyways, she said i need to be careful. if i hit my mouth those teeth could fall right out!! she also said if they get loose, go to the dentist right away. now i am all paranoid that i am going to lose these teeth.. i wish she didn't tell me so i could go on living my life without this shred of paranoia. how gross to not only lose a tooth but 1 or 4 right in the front of my mouth!!
d and i spent 2.5 hours giving myself hilights sunday night. d decided to pull a lot of hair from every other hole instead of a little from every hole. anyways, i turned out more yellow than brown hair. i was a zebra. my main intention was to get highlights then color my hair the usual mahogony shade. well i was kind of freaking that my hair would turn out a freakish red so i did a light brown but all of the highlights disappeared! all of that work for nothing. so bored with that brown color, i finally did it my mahogony. that's a lot of dying in 2 days.
i went to sally hansen beauty supply to get those scissors to thin my hair out. that store is so cool! i can buy my feria hair color for 6$ instead of the grocery store 10$. cooool. and those scissors are awesome, i cut out so much hair. i did realize that if you cut the outside of your hair, don't do it too close to your roots because you get little spikeys. lesson learned.
Lisa's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/06/2004 12:07 #26365
look ma! noooo cavities!!04/02/2004 15:21 #26364
musicalhey if you like dashboard confessional they have a concert coming up in niagara falls... may 16th maybe? tickets are pricey, 25$ but i havn't been to a show in close to two years so i don't careeee. i'm really excited about it not only because its been awhile but i love that guy's voice. whiny voice. yum. i also realized how fond of skinny nerdy boys i am. d has porked up a bit... he mentioned that he wanted to lose 30# but i discouraged it. it just sounds like A LOT but now that i think about it.... he should go for it.
that chick from black eyed peas is hot.
AND let's talk about the video from The Darkness, "a thing called love." freaky. weird naked man climbs out of steamy rocket ship tub into the arms of a gorilla type towel creature without a head. weird as it is, i can't help but watch that video every chance i get.
i'm going to go mop to music now. vh1's hits music channel is great, old and new songs and no commercials, e v e r.
that chick from black eyed peas is hot.
AND let's talk about the video from The Darkness, "a thing called love." freaky. weird naked man climbs out of steamy rocket ship tub into the arms of a gorilla type towel creature without a head. weird as it is, i can't help but watch that video every chance i get.
i'm going to go mop to music now. vh1's hits music channel is great, old and new songs and no commercials, e v e r.
04/02/2004 11:21 #26363
ode to k
this is k, my love. i love that dog more than anything in the world. she knows it too. when d leaves in the morning she takes over the bed and puts her head on my pillow. she can do no wrong, except counter surf (standing on her hind legs to take food off the counter). we gave her jalapenos thinking if they were too hot for her she might stop because everything up there must be hot. NOOOoo she liked them and asked for more. i don't think there is one thing she won't eat... brussel sprouts, kale, carrots. she eats it all. my k, little chow hound.

04/01/2004 15:26 #26362
Hmmmmmm.... HI!Hola elmwood strippers. Matt mentioned I should check this place and maybe join so I did! I have no job, I am not in school, I am a full time loser. I also don't like to capitalize "I's" and the beginning of sentences as you will learn. Well I guess you already learned that because I just told you. I'm going to work now to change that default face.. I never looked good blonde. later.