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Lisa's Journal

My Podcast Link

04/08/2004 13:39 #26369

compliments of my bro
my brother had this in his IM away message. his link read, "what the f___ is wrong with people?" Sooooo of course i clicked on the link to check it out.

this is just weird>>>

here's something just as weird!!

there is too an easter bunny!!

04/08/2004 21:47 #26368

hey mr. detective.
i am a huge fan of the law and order shows. well, not law and order: CI. i just don't like that guy. i love the reality ones on court tv too. forensic files, the system. all that. and who woulda thought gangsta turned rapper turned actor ICE-T would have a part in this? no, not him. scroll down!



04/08/2004 13:46 #26367

this is moses the iguana. he is close to 4 yrs old now. can you believe how much these things change?



04/06/2004 12:28 #26366

william hung
well, william hung's new album is out. this poor guy. he always seems so naive and sincere on tv. does he know this CD is such a joke or is he so smart that he knows people will buy this CD because its a joke and he will make money off of it... well he is already making money...

i went to his website and you can even get william hung cursors.

image you can go here to listen to a sound clip from his CD. just scroll down.

04/06/2004 12:07 #26365

look ma! noooo cavities!!
i went to the dentist yesterday for the first time in a while and amazingly i do not have cavities! they did a panoramic xray, which is pretty cool, and it turns out that my bottom four front teeth have no roots! EWw. she said that sometimes when you have braces and your teeth get moved too quickly the roots absorb. i don't even think the bottom ones were moved much, it was the top where i had problems. anyways, she said i need to be careful. if i hit my mouth those teeth could fall right out!! she also said if they get loose, go to the dentist right away. now i am all paranoid that i am going to lose these teeth.. i wish she didn't tell me so i could go on living my life without this shred of paranoia. how gross to not only lose a tooth but 1 or 4 right in the front of my mouth!!

d and i spent 2.5 hours giving myself hilights sunday night. d decided to pull a lot of hair from every other hole instead of a little from every hole. anyways, i turned out more yellow than brown hair. i was a zebra. my main intention was to get highlights then color my hair the usual mahogony shade. well i was kind of freaking that my hair would turn out a freakish red so i did a light brown but all of the highlights disappeared! all of that work for nothing. so bored with that brown color, i finally did it my mahogony. that's a lot of dying in 2 days.

i went to sally hansen beauty supply to get those scissors to thin my hair out. that store is so cool! i can buy my feria hair color for 6$ instead of the grocery store 10$. cooool. and those scissors are awesome, i cut out so much hair. i did realize that if you cut the outside of your hair, don't do it too close to your roots because you get little spikeys. lesson learned.