apparently, everybody i work with gets to have some time off. well, not me. im looking at minimum 65 hour work weeks up until the new year.
the upside: lots of overtime and holiday pay.
the downside: missing out on lots of fun time.
i think the new year has many promising prospects, and things are definitely looking up.
if only i can muster up the strength to clean my godman apartment, and decorate for xmas. i need to get a tree and more lights. garunteed none of it will be red and green, more along the lines of green and pink and gold.
i managed to get some pretty sweet gifts, thanx to my xmas bonus and my first credit card, which i will probably regret having.
i did buy a few things for myself two... i deserve it right?
my wish list, not that i will be getting any of this, but:
- an ipod sound dock
- laptop
- diamonds, or anything that sparkles or glistens
- sunshine
- a pretty dress
- time with friends and family
- camera
- haircut
- new scissors(to cut hair with)
- any sort of artwork for my walls
- perfect pair of jeans
actually the list goes on, but ill stop there. im such a product of this consumer culture. i do really want a sound dock for my ipod though, and a camera. maybe i will just buy those for myself. maybe not.
i think i shall nap more before the dreaded night of studying.
I agree with what Jason said. Just becuase your sis rocks dosn't mean that us guys can't to.
Men have penises.
C'mon now.
That is a very unique stereo system - JBL is a great company. I'm officially jealous.