Yep, everyone knows it's hot right now. My turn to complain about it.
Often, i think to myself that i am fortunate that i now live in Buffalo and not Knoxville anymore, where the heat is worse. But it's not too bad, Knoxvegas ain't the "deep south", where i am sure i would be seen on the news on a roof with a gun. Even this heat up here makes me feel like i'm gonna snap.
Yesterday, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i went to a mall in Mississauga. So we could be in a/c... and see something and be somewhere we haven't been before. Went to dinner with my parents.
Today, it was a local mall.. and swimming with Kirsten.
Oh, please, how i hope the weather critters are right and it will be cooler tomorrow....!!!!
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/02/2006 19:06 #25660
The Heat, This Damn Heat!!07/30/2006 10:09 #25659
Back In Buff With Unburned BridgesI have returned from my grand road trip (e:LeeTee,206) to Franklin Furnace, Ohio 
I missed (e:Uncutsaniflush,242) . It's the first time since we have been together that we have spent the night apart. I told Kirsten to not mind me if i cuddled up to her in the night. But i was surrounded by puppy (and my teddy bear, Petey), so i didn't get a chance... lucky her.
We laughed a lot on the way there. I feel so comfortable with Kirsten... not as uptight as i can be with other people. We got really punchy near the end, though. And i got me some serious cases of the giggles. As did she. Particularly when i mentioned her glasses. She wears contacts, and i have never seen her with her glasses on. Now i know why. Damn, thems some glasses she has. Bent arm on one side, wobbly frame and no arm on the other side. I think it took us 15 minutes of recovery to stop that giggle fest. I think the dogs stopped playing to look at us in wonderment at some point...
I confirm that (e:Uncutsaniflush) would have found the trip to be torture. It was so all about the pugs.
As expected, i took pictures. Should i start calling them pugtures? I was saddened to see a lot of them were blurry. I need to experiment more with our camera when i'm in less of a hurry to see how i can get more from it. It's a good, but suffering thing, with me.
I don't know what the lil guy is called yet. We were searching for a name, but none have "clicked" with Kirsten yet. I thought she settled on Sebastian, but then a neighbour with a pug named Cosmo suggested Milo... and now, he's just the "lil man" again.
But here he is...

And here is this cool action shot of the lil guy and Ava, playing on the bed in the Days Inn in Wheelersburg, Ohio

On another, completely different note, i am glad for myself that i didn't burn my bridges with neighbour and Her Sailorness, Deb. (e:LeeTee,204) and (e:LeeTee,205) I felt then, as i do now, that i handled things the way i was meant to, like a grown up... despite the times i wanted to push her off the sailboat. But i digress...
Deb works for the state. I never knew in what capacity. When Kirsten and i were loading up the car, Deb was on her way to work and stopped to chat for a moment. She asked me if i was working. When i said no, she asked what i did or wanted to do, and would i be interested in helping people, in particular, the developmentally delayed. When i told her i would, she said she thought i would be great at it and could get me a job "in 24 hours" and to let her know when i am ready to go to work. I thanked her and told her i would talk with her more about it when i got home.
Kirsten let me in on what she thinks the job would be (Kirsten also works for the government -- as a therapist at ECMC) and where and what Deb does. We don't think she would be my direct supervisor... we think she is more in the administrative side of the organization.
Now, i would love love love to have a job as an aide working with developementally delayed adults. Working for the state would just be an added bonus. The more i think about it, the more excited i get... Trying not to keep my hopes up. I need to talk to Deb more about all of this before i go and get too much more excited.

I missed (e:Uncutsaniflush,242) . It's the first time since we have been together that we have spent the night apart. I told Kirsten to not mind me if i cuddled up to her in the night. But i was surrounded by puppy (and my teddy bear, Petey), so i didn't get a chance... lucky her.
We laughed a lot on the way there. I feel so comfortable with Kirsten... not as uptight as i can be with other people. We got really punchy near the end, though. And i got me some serious cases of the giggles. As did she. Particularly when i mentioned her glasses. She wears contacts, and i have never seen her with her glasses on. Now i know why. Damn, thems some glasses she has. Bent arm on one side, wobbly frame and no arm on the other side. I think it took us 15 minutes of recovery to stop that giggle fest. I think the dogs stopped playing to look at us in wonderment at some point...
I confirm that (e:Uncutsaniflush) would have found the trip to be torture. It was so all about the pugs.
As expected, i took pictures. Should i start calling them pugtures? I was saddened to see a lot of them were blurry. I need to experiment more with our camera when i'm in less of a hurry to see how i can get more from it. It's a good, but suffering thing, with me.
I don't know what the lil guy is called yet. We were searching for a name, but none have "clicked" with Kirsten yet. I thought she settled on Sebastian, but then a neighbour with a pug named Cosmo suggested Milo... and now, he's just the "lil man" again.
But here he is...

And here is this cool action shot of the lil guy and Ava, playing on the bed in the Days Inn in Wheelersburg, Ohio

On another, completely different note, i am glad for myself that i didn't burn my bridges with neighbour and Her Sailorness, Deb. (e:LeeTee,204) and (e:LeeTee,205) I felt then, as i do now, that i handled things the way i was meant to, like a grown up... despite the times i wanted to push her off the sailboat. But i digress...
Deb works for the state. I never knew in what capacity. When Kirsten and i were loading up the car, Deb was on her way to work and stopped to chat for a moment. She asked me if i was working. When i said no, she asked what i did or wanted to do, and would i be interested in helping people, in particular, the developmentally delayed. When i told her i would, she said she thought i would be great at it and could get me a job "in 24 hours" and to let her know when i am ready to go to work. I thanked her and told her i would talk with her more about it when i got home.
Kirsten let me in on what she thinks the job would be (Kirsten also works for the government -- as a therapist at ECMC) and where and what Deb does. We don't think she would be my direct supervisor... we think she is more in the administrative side of the organization.
Now, i would love love love to have a job as an aide working with developementally delayed adults. Working for the state would just be an added bonus. The more i think about it, the more excited i get... Trying not to keep my hopes up. I need to talk to Deb more about all of this before i go and get too much more excited.
07/28/2006 07:48 #25658
Road Trip!!Kirsten, Ava and i are headed off on a road trip to pick up a wee lil baby pug. All the way down to Franklin Furnace, Ohio, right on the Kentuky border.
(E:Uncutsaniflush) isn't coming along... he prolly thinks it would be torture.
Speaking of torture.... expect pictures when we get back, (e:peeps)!!
(E:Uncutsaniflush) isn't coming along... he prolly thinks it would be torture.
Speaking of torture.... expect pictures when we get back, (e:peeps)!!
07/24/2006 19:49 #25657
No Sailor's Life For MeThanks for the input, (e:Folks)! (e:LeeTee,204) and (e:Twisted,414)
OK, here's what i did. I called my mom. Moral support from my sweetie, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and my Mom was most excellent. Mom agreed with my gut about not going.
Since i know Deb had today off, wasn't at home and she was planning on seeing Al Gore today, i called her on her cell. She didn't answer. So, i left her a message saying, basicly, that i wanted to call her and give her plenty of warning that i would not be on her crew for Tuesday night's race. I just didn't see the point of explaining to her why on a cell phone message. Then, i told her i hoped she was having a good day and to have fun seeing Al Gore.
She returned my call when i was in a store laying on a mattress (my back is sore every morning and i know if i had a little less front i would have less back pain) in Carolina Furniture on Sheridan.
Deb's message to me said, basicly, that she was disappointed i wasn't coming to the race on Tuesday 'cause she thought i liked it. And that Al Gore was actually funny... but the same stuff was said as his book and the movie.
Haven't seen her or called her back. If i see her and she asks, i will be honest with her about my reasons. But not if she doesn't. She lives next door and in general terms, on dry land only it seems, i like her. She and her husband are getting divorced, and i think she is moving out (she gets the ski chalet in Ellicotville)... but in the meantime, i do have to live beside her.
OK, here's what i did. I called my mom. Moral support from my sweetie, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and my Mom was most excellent. Mom agreed with my gut about not going.
Since i know Deb had today off, wasn't at home and she was planning on seeing Al Gore today, i called her on her cell. She didn't answer. So, i left her a message saying, basicly, that i wanted to call her and give her plenty of warning that i would not be on her crew for Tuesday night's race. I just didn't see the point of explaining to her why on a cell phone message. Then, i told her i hoped she was having a good day and to have fun seeing Al Gore.
She returned my call when i was in a store laying on a mattress (my back is sore every morning and i know if i had a little less front i would have less back pain) in Carolina Furniture on Sheridan.
- Side note to (e:Paul). There's a store in that shopping plaza called Banzai. It's a Japanese and Dollar store that sells candy. If i knew what kind you liked, i would have gotten you some.**
Deb's message to me said, basicly, that she was disappointed i wasn't coming to the race on Tuesday 'cause she thought i liked it. And that Al Gore was actually funny... but the same stuff was said as his book and the movie.
Haven't seen her or called her back. If i see her and she asks, i will be honest with her about my reasons. But not if she doesn't. She lives next door and in general terms, on dry land only it seems, i like her. She and her husband are getting divorced, and i think she is moving out (she gets the ski chalet in Ellicotville)... but in the meantime, i do have to live beside her.
leetee - 07/24/06 23:02
Thanks, (e:Mrmike) . I'm sure all will be ok. I did talk to her breifly tonight. Chitchat kinda stuff. And i was over at another neighbours when she came over...
Thanks, (e:Mrmike) . I'm sure all will be ok. I did talk to her breifly tonight. Chitchat kinda stuff. And i was over at another neighbours when she came over...
mrmike - 07/24/06 22:17
It will probably wind up being no big deal. Try not to worry about it.
It will probably wind up being no big deal. Try not to worry about it.
07/24/2006 01:26 #25656
Sail Away?I can't sleep right now. I have something on my mind. I need to vent.
I take promises very seriously. Even ones that could be casual. If i say i am going to do something, i do it.... even if i sometimes change my mind or think it might not be in my best interest. My word means a lot to me.
As i mentioned in an earlier post, (e:LeeTee,203) i was asked to help out our neighbour, Deb, and be a needed body for her during an upcoming sailing race. We were supposed to go out for a fun sail Saturday, but it rained. So, we went on Sunday.
(E:Uncutsaniflush) wasn't really into it, but since i was and he wanted to support me, he came along. I'm glad he did, despite his sunburn (i still don't understand why my pale freckeled skin didn't get sunburned and his medium complected skin did... makes no sense, we both used the same sunscreen).
Before meeting Deb at the boat, i called her to ask her what i should wear. I don't sail, have never been out on Lake Erie, and i didn't know if i should wear a swimsuit, because she told me earlier we might go in for a dip. She said to bring a jacket. Puzzled, i asked if it would be cold, and she told me not to wear a swimsuit and bring a jacket. OK. I wore a pair of 3/4 length light knit cotton pants and a t-shirt.
Getting a sail boat ready to sail, i found out, can be work. I got sweaty. I was offered another, lighter shirt, which i declined. I don't like sweating, but i figured once we were out in the open air, i would cool off.
Seems Deb took offense to this somehow. Told me if i didn't like it and the amount of work i could get off the fucking boat. But shit, i wasn't even complaining about being too warm... which is so unlike me, since i hate being warm. I thought i was on my best behaviour.
She warned me that when we were sailing, she would be barking orders. And i have heard that people in charge of a sail boat (skippering?), have a reputation of being mean, cruel and nasty. So, i was prepared. More or less.
She barked a lot of orders, repeatedly, without explaining to me, or (e:Uncutsaniflush) (who has sailed before, but it was about 30 years ago) what some of the things she was barking at us meant. Yes, the night before, she gave me basic lessons on what things were called.... but i am not a seasoned sailor. Excuse the fuck out of me for asking what something is, or what she may have meant by something. So much for a casual fun sail.
Thank goodness there was someone else on the boat to soften her for us... and explain, politely and pateintly, what some things were and what we needed to do. I think he may have talked to her because she was soooo nice after we docked, telling both (e:Uncutsaniflush) how well we did.
Now, even though i made the promise to her and she took the time to teach me things and take us out for a "fun" sail, i just feel so put off and i am not sure i want to follow through with my promise to be "rail meat" for her race on Tuesday.
Barking orders at me during the race is one thing, even during our sail that was supposed to be fun. But yelling, swearing and disrepecting me for being sweaty... well, it just doesn't help me want to do her a favour. I thought it would be fun, but i didn't find it particularly fun. And not just because i thought she was being a bitch.
I know that i need to stand up for myself and give her a completely, but not necesarily cruel (just 'cause she was mean to me doesn't mean i should be mean to her), honest reason as to why i do not want to be "rail meat" for her race if i decided it isn't what i want to do. That's hard for me. Not just because i think my word means a lot, but because i don't want to offend her. Or maybe i am just a big wuss. I don't know.
I have no idea what i am going to do. It's a little thing. But my plan of "sleeping on it" just isn't working.
I take promises very seriously. Even ones that could be casual. If i say i am going to do something, i do it.... even if i sometimes change my mind or think it might not be in my best interest. My word means a lot to me.
As i mentioned in an earlier post, (e:LeeTee,203) i was asked to help out our neighbour, Deb, and be a needed body for her during an upcoming sailing race. We were supposed to go out for a fun sail Saturday, but it rained. So, we went on Sunday.
(E:Uncutsaniflush) wasn't really into it, but since i was and he wanted to support me, he came along. I'm glad he did, despite his sunburn (i still don't understand why my pale freckeled skin didn't get sunburned and his medium complected skin did... makes no sense, we both used the same sunscreen).
Before meeting Deb at the boat, i called her to ask her what i should wear. I don't sail, have never been out on Lake Erie, and i didn't know if i should wear a swimsuit, because she told me earlier we might go in for a dip. She said to bring a jacket. Puzzled, i asked if it would be cold, and she told me not to wear a swimsuit and bring a jacket. OK. I wore a pair of 3/4 length light knit cotton pants and a t-shirt.
Getting a sail boat ready to sail, i found out, can be work. I got sweaty. I was offered another, lighter shirt, which i declined. I don't like sweating, but i figured once we were out in the open air, i would cool off.
Seems Deb took offense to this somehow. Told me if i didn't like it and the amount of work i could get off the fucking boat. But shit, i wasn't even complaining about being too warm... which is so unlike me, since i hate being warm. I thought i was on my best behaviour.
She warned me that when we were sailing, she would be barking orders. And i have heard that people in charge of a sail boat (skippering?), have a reputation of being mean, cruel and nasty. So, i was prepared. More or less.
She barked a lot of orders, repeatedly, without explaining to me, or (e:Uncutsaniflush) (who has sailed before, but it was about 30 years ago) what some of the things she was barking at us meant. Yes, the night before, she gave me basic lessons on what things were called.... but i am not a seasoned sailor. Excuse the fuck out of me for asking what something is, or what she may have meant by something. So much for a casual fun sail.
Thank goodness there was someone else on the boat to soften her for us... and explain, politely and pateintly, what some things were and what we needed to do. I think he may have talked to her because she was soooo nice after we docked, telling both (e:Uncutsaniflush) how well we did.
Now, even though i made the promise to her and she took the time to teach me things and take us out for a "fun" sail, i just feel so put off and i am not sure i want to follow through with my promise to be "rail meat" for her race on Tuesday.
Barking orders at me during the race is one thing, even during our sail that was supposed to be fun. But yelling, swearing and disrepecting me for being sweaty... well, it just doesn't help me want to do her a favour. I thought it would be fun, but i didn't find it particularly fun. And not just because i thought she was being a bitch.
I know that i need to stand up for myself and give her a completely, but not necesarily cruel (just 'cause she was mean to me doesn't mean i should be mean to her), honest reason as to why i do not want to be "rail meat" for her race if i decided it isn't what i want to do. That's hard for me. Not just because i think my word means a lot, but because i don't want to offend her. Or maybe i am just a big wuss. I don't know.
I have no idea what i am going to do. It's a little thing. But my plan of "sleeping on it" just isn't working.
twisted - 07/25/06 00:01
I can't believe she actually said that! I was hoping you were paraphrasing to capture the spirit of the moment. Not actually quoting VERBATIM what she said!!! OMG!
I have to agree with (e:Paul) then. Bring me onboard to bring her down. Although, if you want to take the "high road," more power to you. But she so doesn't deserve that.
I can't believe she actually said that! I was hoping you were paraphrasing to capture the spirit of the moment. Not actually quoting VERBATIM what she said!!! OMG!
I have to agree with (e:Paul) then. Bring me onboard to bring her down. Although, if you want to take the "high road," more power to you. But she so doesn't deserve that.
theecarey - 07/24/06 18:10
Tell her to fuck off?? What kind of advice is that?? haha-- Get out there on Tuesday and be the all the rail meat you said you would be!!
..And just after you push her overboard, and as Her UnGratefulness is bobbing in lake erie, you can tell her just how to stick her mast up her *%# ! Ofcourse, you will be polite and patient in explaining all this to her ;)
and you wont even break a sweat :)
yeh, as much as I would love to tell someone to fuck off, I usually think it through. Is she a neighbor you see regularly? But of course, that shouldnt stop you from letting her know that her words and behavior were unreasonable, rude and mean spirited.
if you decide to go the route of making her fish food, let us know-- we'll make it an
epeep event haha
My money is on LEE!!!
Tell her to fuck off?? What kind of advice is that?? haha-- Get out there on Tuesday and be the all the rail meat you said you would be!!
..And just after you push her overboard, and as Her UnGratefulness is bobbing in lake erie, you can tell her just how to stick her mast up her *%# ! Ofcourse, you will be polite and patient in explaining all this to her ;)
and you wont even break a sweat :)
yeh, as much as I would love to tell someone to fuck off, I usually think it through. Is she a neighbor you see regularly? But of course, that shouldnt stop you from letting her know that her words and behavior were unreasonable, rude and mean spirited.
if you decide to go the route of making her fish food, let us know-- we'll make it an
epeep event haha
My money is on LEE!!!
jason - 07/24/06 15:59
Damn, Lee, you're too nice sometimes! You had a glaring green light to verbally assault that bitch! Next time bring me! Haha.
Damn, Lee, you're too nice sometimes! You had a glaring green light to verbally assault that bitch! Next time bring me! Haha.
mrmike - 07/24/06 12:05
Damn, didn't know America's cup was being run on Lake Erie. Her Ladyship expect you to take an advanced sailing course between the invite and the induction to "rail meatness." Seems a pretty harsh way to bring you on-board. I'm with Paul.
Damn, didn't know America's cup was being run on Lake Erie. Her Ladyship expect you to take an advanced sailing course between the invite and the induction to "rail meatness." Seems a pretty harsh way to bring you on-board. I'm with Paul.
leetee - 07/24/06 10:27
Thanks, (e:Kara) for the built in weather excuse!
And thanks for the laugh, (e:Paul). I know you would tell her to fuck off... and maybe, if you have the time, i can rent your spine from you? ha ha ha...
I think i will tell her i can't be in her crew for her race on Tuesday. I only have her cell number, or i could try and catch her at home. Either way, i will tell her i can't and that if she wants more details as to why, i will tell her honestly. That after our fun sail, i realized i'm not really into sailing and would have considdered being in her crew as a favour to her if she hadn't of been such a bitch to me before we even left the dock. Or something like that. Where's your spine (e:Paul), i need it... ha ha ha.
Thanks, (e:Kara) for the built in weather excuse!
And thanks for the laugh, (e:Paul). I know you would tell her to fuck off... and maybe, if you have the time, i can rent your spine from you? ha ha ha...
I think i will tell her i can't be in her crew for her race on Tuesday. I only have her cell number, or i could try and catch her at home. Either way, i will tell her i can't and that if she wants more details as to why, i will tell her honestly. That after our fun sail, i realized i'm not really into sailing and would have considdered being in her crew as a favour to her if she hadn't of been such a bitch to me before we even left the dock. Or something like that. Where's your spine (e:Paul), i need it... ha ha ha.
kara - 07/24/06 08:17
We've taken people out on our boat, and even if we were trying to race, we treat them as our guests. That means thouroughly explaining the parts of the boat and terminology, safety issues (don't get your feet wrapped in lines, for examples), and what their tasks will be/what to expect once we start moving.
An excuse for you might be that you didn't feel comfortable/safe while you were out there. This week, isolated thunderstorms are predicted most evenings - that might cancel the races, obviating your need to find a decent excuse.
I agree with one thing she did: tell you to bring a jacket. I generally have another change of clothes available - one never knows if you'll get completely soaked.
There must be a reason that she doesn't have another person for her crew, and that reason is that she's a tyrant. Her behavior sounds beyond reason and I'm sad that there's someone like her out on the lake.
Was this for the local J-22 races?
We've taken people out on our boat, and even if we were trying to race, we treat them as our guests. That means thouroughly explaining the parts of the boat and terminology, safety issues (don't get your feet wrapped in lines, for examples), and what their tasks will be/what to expect once we start moving.
An excuse for you might be that you didn't feel comfortable/safe while you were out there. This week, isolated thunderstorms are predicted most evenings - that might cancel the races, obviating your need to find a decent excuse.
I agree with one thing she did: tell you to bring a jacket. I generally have another change of clothes available - one never knows if you'll get completely soaked.
There must be a reason that she doesn't have another person for her crew, and that reason is that she's a tyrant. Her behavior sounds beyond reason and I'm sad that there's someone like her out on the lake.
Was this for the local J-22 races?
paul - 07/24/06 01:47
"but because I don't want to offend her." I wouldn't go. You are way too nice, I would tell her to fuck off.
"but because I don't want to offend her." I wouldn't go. You are way too nice, I would tell her to fuck off.
lil' man looks like a keeper - Ava has a playmate - congrats