Have i mentioned recently how much i hate going to the dentist? I am sure somewhere along the line i must have. Ahem. Well. Ok, then.
Today's dental appointment was no fun. Oh, don't get me wrong. I think i go to a great dentist, and i still appreciate the recommendation very much, (e:Mike). But it still isn't fun. I brought a walkman. With a book on tape of Stephen Fry's autobiography, Moab is My Washpot, with the author reading. It's soothing. Stephen Fry has a beautifully soothing silken British accented voice. I could listen to him for days.
When the dentist said to his assistant that he thought he should use a "lighter" local becuase i only needed to have a small filling done, i should have said more than, "well, ok, i trust you". I do trust him. But what i know about me is that i don't respond well to locals. They often, quite simply, do not work. It's not the first time i have run into this problem, and not just when i needed dental work. If you need stitches, always make sure they use the good local... hurts like shit otherwise. I have a high tolerance to a lot of meds... i think my history of drug abuse has much to do with that.
OK, today, yeah, that's where i was.
So, at first, i think that the reason i can feel what the dentist is doing is because i have really senstive teeth... particularly to cold. That water thingie they use really should have tepid water, if ya ask me. I think THAT is the real water torture. So, they squeezed on a dental dam. And to anyone that has seen my motley mouth, i have some amount of teeth crammed into a fairly small space. Damn, i am STILL pissed at my 'rents for not getting me braces when i was a kid. So, once that is attached, they start drilling again. OUCH! I don't know how come i feel it, doc, i just know i do... On to more needles. Which i am so not afraid of. No self respecting heroin addict is (not that the term self respecting and heroin addict go well in a sentence together anyway). Ouch again. Needle again. I was numb for hours. I would rather be than feel the pain.
And damn it, if it doesn't hurt more now than it ever did when it was just a stupid cavity. It feels like a cavity now... and didn't when it was. *Sigh*
Since then, all i really want to do is cry. PMS doesn't help matters, of course. Even buying and listening to the wonderful new double cd release of Kate Bush, Aerial, helped the crying. May have made me more meloncholy...
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/08/2005 23:49 #25548
Recurring Theme11/07/2005 08:47 #25547
PugglesCategory: pets
11/06/2005 12:18 #25546
Interesting MorningToday, before the wicked weather the weather critters are promising happened, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i thought we would go for a walk at Tifft. We thought the colours would be nice, and we have a track record of going there just as the weather is turning bad. When we got there, we were disappointed to find that it was closed!! *insert pouty face here* Last time we were there, there was a sign that said the info center would be closed and at what times, but the actual preserve was open. Today, the sign simply said that it was closed uless open for events. Shame.
We went for a walk by the water instead. Interesting to see seagulls ride the high winds. We didn't tred on too much good poop, either. And it was just starting to rain when we left.
We thought we would go to the Towne for brunch... since we clearly remember doing that the day after we moved to Buffalo a year ago. It was crowded, as we expected, but we got their last parking space. When we got in, the hostess told us there would be a 5 - 10 minute wait for a table. OK, shouldn't be too bad, there were people leaving, so we thought that time would be shortened slightly. After a few minutes, another hostess asked us how many people were in our party. The first hostess then barked at her, "No, we need to wait 5 - 10 minutes to seat anyone" We all looked at her puzzled and she told us her manager told her to not seat anyone because the kitchen and wait staff were not able to keep up. I asked her if we could sit down and have coffee while we waited and she said no. She repeated that it was her manager telling her not to seat anyone. OK, this is when i got bitchy. I told her that i would like her manager to see my middle finger. To which the hostess sarcasticly said "so would i, Sweetie". I gave her a look and said "Sweetie??" Then turned to Walt and said "i think i would like to leave". We did. And i think the hostess didn't handle my bitchiness very well and i think that the manager is a moron turning people away. Least they could have gotten a couple of bucks out of us for coffee. I guess the Towne has enough customers and doesn't need us?
Now, i am going to chill out for a bit and get going doing things around the house. We have some furniture coming tomorrow, after all. Speaking of, i emailed you, (e:Matthew), as (e:Paul) asked me to!!
Have a good Sunday everyone!
We went for a walk by the water instead. Interesting to see seagulls ride the high winds. We didn't tred on too much good poop, either. And it was just starting to rain when we left.
We thought we would go to the Towne for brunch... since we clearly remember doing that the day after we moved to Buffalo a year ago. It was crowded, as we expected, but we got their last parking space. When we got in, the hostess told us there would be a 5 - 10 minute wait for a table. OK, shouldn't be too bad, there were people leaving, so we thought that time would be shortened slightly. After a few minutes, another hostess asked us how many people were in our party. The first hostess then barked at her, "No, we need to wait 5 - 10 minutes to seat anyone" We all looked at her puzzled and she told us her manager told her to not seat anyone because the kitchen and wait staff were not able to keep up. I asked her if we could sit down and have coffee while we waited and she said no. She repeated that it was her manager telling her not to seat anyone. OK, this is when i got bitchy. I told her that i would like her manager to see my middle finger. To which the hostess sarcasticly said "so would i, Sweetie". I gave her a look and said "Sweetie??" Then turned to Walt and said "i think i would like to leave". We did. And i think the hostess didn't handle my bitchiness very well and i think that the manager is a moron turning people away. Least they could have gotten a couple of bucks out of us for coffee. I guess the Towne has enough customers and doesn't need us?
Now, i am going to chill out for a bit and get going doing things around the house. We have some furniture coming tomorrow, after all. Speaking of, i emailed you, (e:Matthew), as (e:Paul) asked me to!!
Have a good Sunday everyone!
11/05/2005 16:47 #25545
For Sale Or....Category: for sale
Is anyone in need of a dinning room set? A table, and 4 chairs -- 3 chairs without arms and 1 chair with arms?
You see, we were going to have a quiet day at home today. Maybe go out for dinner.. But, we decided to go to an estate sale on Lafayette between Elmwood and Delaware late this morning. We thought we would park near the sale, look at the stuff and the house (what can i say, i am a nosey parker sometimes... beautiful house, too, by the way), go to the Co-Op, head to our bank if we needed some cash. Nothing too exciting. Then, we saw this really nice dinning room set. I fell in love with it. The price was way to high, but they were eager to sell it and we bargained with them. In fact, Walt did a lot of it, for which i am proud of him for, since it isn't in his nature. They were very accomidating to what we want to pay for it. And it will be delivered on Monday afternoon. It's a solid Walnut table with self storing leaves, 6 chairs, a sideboard and a buffet. Ah, but we already have a set for our dinning room.
If anyone is interested, we will sell what we have now at an insanely low price...
Here's the chair with the arms

Here is the detail of the chairs

Here's the set, the table with the leaf and the chairs

Here is the detail of the legs of the table and the chairs

Our goal would be to have this stuff out of the house by Monday... it would be easier to get out of the house by the dinning room than if we brought it up to the attic.
And, as a reminder. i mean crazy insane low price!!! Email me or (e:Uncutsaniflush) if you are even the least bit interested!!
You see, we were going to have a quiet day at home today. Maybe go out for dinner.. But, we decided to go to an estate sale on Lafayette between Elmwood and Delaware late this morning. We thought we would park near the sale, look at the stuff and the house (what can i say, i am a nosey parker sometimes... beautiful house, too, by the way), go to the Co-Op, head to our bank if we needed some cash. Nothing too exciting. Then, we saw this really nice dinning room set. I fell in love with it. The price was way to high, but they were eager to sell it and we bargained with them. In fact, Walt did a lot of it, for which i am proud of him for, since it isn't in his nature. They were very accomidating to what we want to pay for it. And it will be delivered on Monday afternoon. It's a solid Walnut table with self storing leaves, 6 chairs, a sideboard and a buffet. Ah, but we already have a set for our dinning room.
If anyone is interested, we will sell what we have now at an insanely low price...
Here's the chair with the arms

Here is the detail of the chairs

Here's the set, the table with the leaf and the chairs

Here is the detail of the legs of the table and the chairs

Our goal would be to have this stuff out of the house by Monday... it would be easier to get out of the house by the dinning room than if we brought it up to the attic.
And, as a reminder. i mean crazy insane low price!!! Email me or (e:Uncutsaniflush) if you are even the least bit interested!!
11/05/2005 09:50 #25544
Happy Anniversary New BuffaloniansCategory: buffalo
Who just happen to be myself and (e:Uncutsaniflush). Yes folks, it has been a whole year since we moved to Buffalo.
We arrived at about 4pm a year ago today, afer a 2 days in the car (i don't drive, so (e:Uncutsaniflush) broke it up into a 2 day drive) from Knoxville, TN. In our little Toyota Prius were all the possesions we could cram into it; things we thought we may need in the coming and unknown days, weeks or months.
Our house in Knoxville sold really quickly. We geared up for it for a long time. With a brief break in early 2004 due to some dental problems and tramas for me [inlink]leetee,24[/inlink] we worked for about a year getting things ready. We painted and repaired things. I got into those decorating shows telling people how help sell a house with careful placement of plants and removal of clutter. We had our agent over once before we started to tell us what would be important to do and again after we had done a bunch of things. She listed our house on September 24, 2004, and the following weekend, we were off to my cousin Krista's wedding in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
When we returned home, we found a couple of messages on our answering machine. It seemed there had been a problem with one of the keys in our lock box thingie. Someone had wanted to see our house while we were away but wasn't able to. Could they come soon? Yeah, ok, we cleaned up, unpacked a bit and left so they could see the house. Then see it again soon afterwards. The second time we went home and they were still there, so we drove around our neighbourhood for a while. We thought it was a good sign. And it was. They made an offer on the house.
There was some confusion about decisions and i felt a lot of pressure to move on their time frame and get things done in the house they were asking for (like fixing a toilet that had nothing wrong with it) and i broke into tears in our agent's office. Eventually, things got sorted out. There was a bad day in which we had to pay way too much money to have someone backhoe our backyard looking for our septic tank on the same day we had to have poor Diamond put to sleep [inlink]leetee,15[/inlink] that i somehow managed to survive. It was a stressful time. We managed though.The moving guys were really good... and the people that bought our house bought some of the stuff in it, too.
Our last night in Knoxville, we had dinner with friends at our favorite mexican place, El Charro. Little did we know we would find 2 places here that had a connection to East Tennessee. We joked that we needed to convince someone to move to Buffalo from Knoxville and we had no idea that someone would. Check out El Caporal on Union... they have good food. OK, where was i???
Dinner Knoxville. We stayed in a hotel our last night in Knoxville, too. Poor (e:Uncutsaniflush) wasn't feeling well after celebrating too much with margaritas and didn't even have the comfort of his own toilet to puke into.
We drove to our house the next morning to load up our car and give the keys to the people who bought our house. I cried as we pulled away from the house. We were married on the deck of that house...
Two days later we were here. We have been trying to remember where we ate our first meal as Buffalonians... and we think it was either the Towne or New York Pizza on Allen as a take away.... We think we want to eat at that place today.
Thank you, all (e:Peeps) for welcoming us. Thank you so very much (e:Paul) for creating and maintaining this space for us to get to know our new city and some pretty damn cool people in it. We learned a lot about Buffalo through here. I know there are people i have met through this space that i will cherish always.
We arrived at about 4pm a year ago today, afer a 2 days in the car (i don't drive, so (e:Uncutsaniflush) broke it up into a 2 day drive) from Knoxville, TN. In our little Toyota Prius were all the possesions we could cram into it; things we thought we may need in the coming and unknown days, weeks or months.
Our house in Knoxville sold really quickly. We geared up for it for a long time. With a brief break in early 2004 due to some dental problems and tramas for me [inlink]leetee,24[/inlink] we worked for about a year getting things ready. We painted and repaired things. I got into those decorating shows telling people how help sell a house with careful placement of plants and removal of clutter. We had our agent over once before we started to tell us what would be important to do and again after we had done a bunch of things. She listed our house on September 24, 2004, and the following weekend, we were off to my cousin Krista's wedding in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
When we returned home, we found a couple of messages on our answering machine. It seemed there had been a problem with one of the keys in our lock box thingie. Someone had wanted to see our house while we were away but wasn't able to. Could they come soon? Yeah, ok, we cleaned up, unpacked a bit and left so they could see the house. Then see it again soon afterwards. The second time we went home and they were still there, so we drove around our neighbourhood for a while. We thought it was a good sign. And it was. They made an offer on the house.
There was some confusion about decisions and i felt a lot of pressure to move on their time frame and get things done in the house they were asking for (like fixing a toilet that had nothing wrong with it) and i broke into tears in our agent's office. Eventually, things got sorted out. There was a bad day in which we had to pay way too much money to have someone backhoe our backyard looking for our septic tank on the same day we had to have poor Diamond put to sleep [inlink]leetee,15[/inlink] that i somehow managed to survive. It was a stressful time. We managed though.The moving guys were really good... and the people that bought our house bought some of the stuff in it, too.
Our last night in Knoxville, we had dinner with friends at our favorite mexican place, El Charro. Little did we know we would find 2 places here that had a connection to East Tennessee. We joked that we needed to convince someone to move to Buffalo from Knoxville and we had no idea that someone would. Check out El Caporal on Union... they have good food. OK, where was i???
Dinner Knoxville. We stayed in a hotel our last night in Knoxville, too. Poor (e:Uncutsaniflush) wasn't feeling well after celebrating too much with margaritas and didn't even have the comfort of his own toilet to puke into.
We drove to our house the next morning to load up our car and give the keys to the people who bought our house. I cried as we pulled away from the house. We were married on the deck of that house...
Two days later we were here. We have been trying to remember where we ate our first meal as Buffalonians... and we think it was either the Towne or New York Pizza on Allen as a take away.... We think we want to eat at that place today.
Thank you, all (e:Peeps) for welcoming us. Thank you so very much (e:Paul) for creating and maintaining this space for us to get to know our new city and some pretty damn cool people in it. We learned a lot about Buffalo through here. I know there are people i have met through this space that i will cherish always.