Have i mentioned recently how much i hate going to the dentist? I am sure somewhere along the line i must have. Ahem. Well. Ok, then.
Today's dental appointment was no fun. Oh, don't get me wrong. I think i go to a great dentist, and i still appreciate the recommendation very much,
(e:Mike). But it still isn't fun. I brought a walkman. With a book on tape of Stephen Fry's autobiography, Moab is My Washpot, with the author reading. It's soothing. Stephen Fry has a beautifully soothing silken British accented voice. I could listen to him for days.
When the dentist said to his assistant that he thought he should use a "lighter" local becuase i only needed to have a small filling done, i should have said more than, "well, ok, i trust you". I do trust him. But what i know about me is that i don't respond well to locals. They often, quite simply, do not work. It's not the first time i have run into this problem, and not just when i needed dental work. If you need stitches, always make sure they use the good local... hurts like shit otherwise. I have a high tolerance to a lot of meds... i think my history of drug abuse has much to do with that.
OK, today, yeah, that's where i was.
So, at first, i think that the reason i can feel what the dentist is doing is because i have really senstive teeth... particularly to cold. That water thingie they use really should have tepid water, if ya ask me. I think THAT is the real water torture. So, they squeezed on a dental dam. And to anyone that has seen my motley mouth, i have some amount of teeth crammed into a fairly small space. Damn, i am STILL pissed at my 'rents for not getting me braces when i was a kid. So, once that is attached, they start drilling again. OUCH! I don't know how come i feel it, doc, i just know i do... On to more needles. Which i am so not afraid of. No self respecting heroin addict is (not that the term self respecting and heroin addict go well in a sentence together anyway). Ouch again. Needle again. I was numb for hours. I would rather be than feel the pain.
And damn it, if it doesn't hurt more now than it ever did when it was just a stupid cavity. It feels like a cavity now... and didn't when it was. *Sigh*
Since then, all i really want to do is cry. PMS doesn't help matters, of course. Even buying and listening to the wonderful new double cd release of Kate Bush, Aerial, helped the crying. May have made me more meloncholy...