i can't see it, can you??? :( oh, maybe my computer is being dumb, i'll try again later ;)
Julie's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/16/2004 22:43 #24740
where is the picture???09/16/2004 22:41 #24739
what a pretty plot of land, eh???back to my senior design thing, here's the plot of land we are suppossed to design our building on. It's right next to a golf course and also surrounded by several big time gov't buildings. I wouldnt know that except when we were out checking out the spot taking pictures, these two big official looking men came out to us, showed us their badges and were like, "what are you doing taking pictures of federal agencies???" eeek, we all got a little nervous, they had big guns and looked really mean. but luckily after we said who we were and what we were there for they were really nice and told us to build a nice building and wished us luck.
and hey, this shot may not look all that exciting now, but just wait till we get our big exciting "office building" in there ;)

and hey, this shot may not look all that exciting now, but just wait till we get our big exciting "office building" in there ;)

09/14/2004 22:31 #24738
"Hey, I didn't know they could fly!"ok, so i was walking to class with my roommate (jess) earlier today....
we see a flock of ibis walking in front of us, which is quite a common thing on campus, they are EVERYWHERE, especially by the lake. well she gets all excited at seeing them for some reason and screams out, "Look at the Ibis!! I want to play with them!" she then goes running after them. They fly away... jess again,
"Hey, I didn't know they could fly!" :(
hehehehehe, look what i have to live with... :) jk
we see a flock of ibis walking in front of us, which is quite a common thing on campus, they are EVERYWHERE, especially by the lake. well she gets all excited at seeing them for some reason and screams out, "Look at the Ibis!! I want to play with them!" she then goes running after them. They fly away... jess again,
"Hey, I didn't know they could fly!" :(
hehehehehe, look what i have to live with... :) jk
09/13/2004 20:34 #24737
i just wanna be a toys R us kidi don't want to grow up, or have to go find a job, start a career, ahhh, i just want to go back to kindergarden where they sat us at our tables, sprayed some foam/shaving cream stuff on the table and let us play with it until it all disolved. those were the good old days. now it's sr year of college, i have never had any engineering experience, i don't know of any places or people i can get a job through, and we have just begun our sr design project that we will spend from now till may working on. it's described as,
"The main objective of our senior design project is to work as team to build an office building while taking into consideration important factors such as safety, environmental impact, cost, transportation, architectural, mechanical, civil, and other aspects. The building will be architecturally and aesthetically pleasing to the eye which will attract business and customers. The project will consist of a single building with an integrated parking garage. Specific plans and details of the design will be developed after our group has been given a site and specifications for this project. Group member’s names, majors, and the field of interest are listed below. Our organizational chart shows the diverse interest and abilities of our group and maps out how everyone will help each other during this project." - and then there are a bunch of charts that describe who is heading each category. but come on now, i still don't know what on earth i am suppossed to do with this thing. well i guess i'll have to see how the semester pans out... ahh and then next semester too 8*
"The main objective of our senior design project is to work as team to build an office building while taking into consideration important factors such as safety, environmental impact, cost, transportation, architectural, mechanical, civil, and other aspects. The building will be architecturally and aesthetically pleasing to the eye which will attract business and customers. The project will consist of a single building with an integrated parking garage. Specific plans and details of the design will be developed after our group has been given a site and specifications for this project. Group member’s names, majors, and the field of interest are listed below. Our organizational chart shows the diverse interest and abilities of our group and maps out how everyone will help each other during this project." - and then there are a bunch of charts that describe who is heading each category. but come on now, i still don't know what on earth i am suppossed to do with this thing. well i guess i'll have to see how the semester pans out... ahh and then next semester too 8*
09/04/2004 01:07 #24736
Lock Down...due to all of the "possible" hurricane frances effects, we have been evacuated from our apartments and sent to the dorms. now its not so crouded since most of the local florida kids have gone home for the long weekend, but we are locked in this building until up to monday night and the storm is not coming anywhere near us. if anything we are going to have a lot of rain and a lot of wind, but thats really not much of a danger is it??? ahhh, but this is soo boring. they made it a dry campus for the weekend so not only are we stuck in this building, but we are all stuck sober, cramped, and bored... ahhh, all we can do now is just pray it weekens more and we can get out!!!
well i can't say its been all boring, we were allowed outside today where we "attemped" to play a little bit of ultimate frisbee. aside from the winds carrying it off across the field, we had loads of fun then and the several movies watched today and of course the card games... well more fun to come... hopefully ;)
well i can't say its been all boring, we were allowed outside today where we "attemped" to play a little bit of ultimate frisbee. aside from the winds carrying it off across the field, we had loads of fun then and the several movies watched today and of course the card games... well more fun to come... hopefully ;)