This is where I need some technically savvy people to give me some advice - (e:paul), (e:ajay), (e:ucsf) and the like.
Before I do that though, I would like to thank (e:ladycroft). Its always a birthday or holiday that I am always reminded about how distracted and too wrapped up into my own bullshit I can be. Not the best occasions to be sure but I have to tell you guys a story and thank a very thoughtful person.
I got up at 7am on my day off today to bring (e:jason) to work so that I could go get my check and a new tire for the car up at Uncle Wally. Seriously, they have fantastic looking pizzas and lasagnas at Wal-Mart and for a good price - I got a fresh lasagna for $6.50 today! Anyway, I digress. I have been BSing and running errands for almost 4 hours today in the rainy weather when I walk up my stairs and see a gift bag hanging by my doorknob. I'm thinking, "WTF, did my neighbor give Jay and I something? I barely see her!" I bring it in and open it, its from (e:ladycroft)!! I have no idea how that wound up on the doorknob and this is not the first time that she has managed to get a gift past the locked door into our hallway. If I ever need something stolen back for me I know who to call!
Anyway thank you (e:ladycroft) - you are an incredibly thoughtful person and you make me realize that at times I need to do more thoughtful things for people. (e:jason) cannot have the hat, and it is going to pain him not to know what I'm talking about until he comes home. I sincerely hope that this brings you at least a little bit of pleasure! Hahahaha. ITS MINE JASON!
I have a technical question to ask the compunerds around here. Cutting to the chase, this is what I want to know - is there a way to take a java applet based document and convert it into a format that I can either turn into a pdf, or otherwise make it so that I can at least cut and paste the text? We are putting together a package at work and instead of having to manually copy and retype everything manually I want to know if there is a way to do this easier.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/22/2006 11:47 #24713
Technical question, and thanks!12/21/2006 17:30 #24712
Stars of Track and FieldFantastic band - my bet is that they will be one of the next American bands to make it big.
12/19/2006 16:17 #24711
Hi!Nothing to report - just wanted to say hi.
12/15/2006 14:43 #24710
Splitting FeathersThom Yorke has released an EP with 2 videos on it, Japanese import only, called 'Splitting Feathers."
They are selling it for $24.99 at New World, but I'll spare you spending the cash. Don't bother. Its an Aphex Twin retread and as a massive Radiohead fan I'm thrilled that Thom is getting this utter garbage out of his system, therefore sparing his main band from having to turn down this dreadful direction.
I'm ultra critical as a music buff, especially so regarding the bands that I love. Radiohead is no exception here. I'm convinced that anybody that thinks this is even remotely brilliant is simply paying lip service.
Anybody have any recommendations on some new and unheard stuff out there?
They are selling it for $24.99 at New World, but I'll spare you spending the cash. Don't bother. Its an Aphex Twin retread and as a massive Radiohead fan I'm thrilled that Thom is getting this utter garbage out of his system, therefore sparing his main band from having to turn down this dreadful direction.
I'm ultra critical as a music buff, especially so regarding the bands that I love. Radiohead is no exception here. I'm convinced that anybody that thinks this is even remotely brilliant is simply paying lip service.
Anybody have any recommendations on some new and unheard stuff out there?
12/14/2006 08:56 #24709
TIM HORTON'S!!Category: coffee
If you go to Tim Horton's today you get a free key chain! Ok... I'm easy to please at times. Leave me alone!
Still though, the reason why they are giving the key chains out is because they are opening their 3,000th store today. Can you believe it - 3,000 stores? I am fairly savvy about these kinds of things but I would have never guessed that there are 3,000 Timmy stores out there, especially considering that most of them are essentially in Canada and border areas.
They have a strawberry banana coconut doughnut now - its pink. Its amazing how people freak out over the doughnuts in that store. (e:jason) and I have a weekend ritual of getting up early enough for one of us to get coffee and snacks for us to wolf down while we watch football (soccer for you American types) and wake n' bake. I go to the newish Timmy on Delaware Ave. across from Gordon's, and that place is just obscenely busy if you stop there at noon on Saturdays.
Anyway, if you are a diehard Tim Horton's fanatic and want a keychain, allegedly they are giving these things away everywhere today.
EDIT: Two quick news stories that I found interesting today.
1. This is absolutely amazing. A former employee of IBM is suing them for wrongful termination and accusing them of causing his Internet addiction. $5 million in damages. He was fired for discussing a sex act in a chat room while at work. Sorry pal, life doesn't work that way. You fucked up, got fired for a clear breach of their Internet use policy and now you are out in the cold. Claiming that IBM is at fault because of your irresponsibility is laughable, and I'm certain that your case will be thrown out. This is one of the reasons why I feel that our legal system is at times an absolute farce with all of these frivolous cases. Anyway, here is the article -
2. A NYT article is highlighting a clinical trial that showed that circumcising African men may cut their risk of AIDS by 50%! This is a whopping and drastic decline... even modern medicine isn't as effective as putting the manhood 'under the knife.'
Still though, the reason why they are giving the key chains out is because they are opening their 3,000th store today. Can you believe it - 3,000 stores? I am fairly savvy about these kinds of things but I would have never guessed that there are 3,000 Timmy stores out there, especially considering that most of them are essentially in Canada and border areas.
They have a strawberry banana coconut doughnut now - its pink. Its amazing how people freak out over the doughnuts in that store. (e:jason) and I have a weekend ritual of getting up early enough for one of us to get coffee and snacks for us to wolf down while we watch football (soccer for you American types) and wake n' bake. I go to the newish Timmy on Delaware Ave. across from Gordon's, and that place is just obscenely busy if you stop there at noon on Saturdays.
Anyway, if you are a diehard Tim Horton's fanatic and want a keychain, allegedly they are giving these things away everywhere today.
EDIT: Two quick news stories that I found interesting today.
1. This is absolutely amazing. A former employee of IBM is suing them for wrongful termination and accusing them of causing his Internet addiction. $5 million in damages. He was fired for discussing a sex act in a chat room while at work. Sorry pal, life doesn't work that way. You fucked up, got fired for a clear breach of their Internet use policy and now you are out in the cold. Claiming that IBM is at fault because of your irresponsibility is laughable, and I'm certain that your case will be thrown out. This is one of the reasons why I feel that our legal system is at times an absolute farce with all of these frivolous cases. Anyway, here is the article -

2. A NYT article is highlighting a clinical trial that showed that circumcising African men may cut their risk of AIDS by 50%! This is a whopping and drastic decline... even modern medicine isn't as effective as putting the manhood 'under the knife.'

mrmike - 12/14/06 09:14
Not to mention that Timmy ho's be coming downtown. We got the HSBC Center one and there is a Key Center one set to open in the next month or so.
Off to get my keychain. Thankfully the addiction can be fed close by.
Not to mention that Timmy ho's be coming downtown. We got the HSBC Center one and there is a Key Center one set to open in the next month or so.
Off to get my keychain. Thankfully the addiction can be fed close by.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "Java Applet-based document", but if I was trying to harvest info from Java Applet that didn't allow me to cut and paste, I'd run the Java applet alongside a packet sniffer such as Ethereal to see where the data was coming from and what format it was being transmitted in.
If you're lucky, the applet might be just hitting up an external URL, and then you might be able to just point your browser to it. Or the applet might be using some kind of streaming XML, and in that case you might be able to write a seperate program that mimicks the communication/XML protocol to nab your nuggets of data (or just copy the text you're getting from the Ethereal logs and paste it somewhere).
If the applet is serializing java objects/strings/whatever and sending them through the wire, then whoever is responsible for the applet is probably already making it too much work for anyone to effectively reuse this data in any kind of way, and you may want to question exactly why are you using this Applet/company/whatever that's making open information interchange such a pain in the ass. Usually such annoying people tend to be 3rd party vendors that your company somehow thinks will save them money and make use of an error-free pre-existing solution but instead take the money while not fixing the code themselves or letting you buy/license/change the code to fix it.
Check out :::link::: to get the packet sniffer.
In the better late than never department:
If you can get your data into you can export your data as a pdf.
But I think the problem is that you can't cut and paste if I am understanding you correctly. And if that is the case, I'm clueless.
Good Luck.