The Alito nomination. Once again the idiots on the left failed in trying to paint a decent man as a racist bigot sexist homophobe. Who the hell came up with the idea of Ted *hiccup* Kennedy as the Grand Wizard of Morality for the Democratic Party... do you have any idea about how hilarious that is? Here's a guy who is responsible for the death of a girl a few decades back, who can't keep his lips away from the bottle, who made a Sen. Kennedy/Sen. Dodd sandwich with some girl in a hotel, who belonged to the Owl Club at Harvard - you know... the very club that Grand Wizard Kennedy belonged to that was in reality what GWK was trying to allege the CAP was about? I'm 138% convinced that somebody on the inside is trying to sabotage the liberal cause from the inside out. Personally I'm grateful.
Last - todays Supreme Court ruling re: the Oregon assisted suicide law. Did anyone see the USA Today article on this? I've never seen so many people grinning eagerly from ear to ear about having the right to kill themselves - its pathetic. FREEDOM!!! No Euthanisation without Representation! Euthanasia for all! Give me euthanasia or give me... um.. er... wait. What the fuck, do we really want to be like the Netherlands? Then again, likely these are the same people who believe that theres a Constitutional right to privacy... you know.... somehow somewhere if you cross your eyes, drink a quart of scotch and throw up on the Constitution it surely is in the 4th Amendment somewhere. Doctors that help people kill themselves are breaking the Hippocratic Oath, PERIOD.
Anyhow, that political rant was for the enjoyment of the Ho sisters, because they are the coolest chicks that are both here (Sarah) and not here (Jessica). Happy New Year to you both! Clinkie clinkie! When I hear the call for controversy I can't help but chip in.
Lets change channels to topics non-political. I fly home tomorrow on Ye Olde JetBlue Redeye (or the browneye as I like to call it, since everybody on the overnight flights smell like shit and make strange noises). The problem with being gone for so long is that when you come home you feel like a stranger in your own house... thats one of the hardest things about having the job I have. I'll be getting pictures of Mt. Rainier and Seattle proper tomorrow, so when I come home I'll be sure to post them. Until then, I have a couple from our trip through the mountain pass from Cashmere to Seattle. Enjoy! A special thanks to (e:matt) - thank you for tipping me off on GIMP for Windows - it was EXACTLY what I was looking for, and now hopefully when I travel I'll be able to update my journal with pictures!

The red bins in that one picture are the bins that the apples arrive to the processing plants in. I'm just saying... Washington state is very beautiful. This trip has been long and hard, but I feel glad and fortunate to have been able to go. You'll be seeing my face again soon, neighbors. I'll be around, but I most definitely want to drink this weekend.
i dunno joshua... i tend to agree with you on most fronts, but i'm not sure sure about the physician-assisted suicide. It's definitely an ethical morass and a slippery slope blah blah, but i think there is a place and time. and also- you might get a chuckle out of the original hippocratic oath- it contains stuff like "i will not accept money for my services" "i will teach others for free" "I will not give abortifacent drugs"- we skim over a lot of that stuff and only hear the 'will do no harm' part. I dunno, it's a tricky can of worms...
The business I work in Salesreps bring us stuff or buy luch. In our business it is a common practice it is a thank you for giving them fright. It isn't a we give you this so you give us that. The problem with the special interest groups is that they buy votes with trips and gifts. This has been going on for a long time both dems and republicans). It is ok to except gifts and trips but it isn't ok to say that a trip for your entire family to a tropical island A new car Hookers who you do lines of coke of their tits is so they vote a certain way. The problem is when looking from the outside you don't know when it is a thank you or a way to try to get some one to come around to your way of thinking. I guess another example is guys who buy girls drinks at bars, it isn't I'm buying you $30 in drinks so you are going to come back to myplace and fuck, its if I buy her drinks maybe she will blow me in the car. Some girls will do you and your four roomates and some will take all the free drinks and leave with her girlfriends. Not sure How I feal on the entire it is ok to kill yourself Idea. I think if the person really wants to then it might be Ok. The problem is most people who do want to kill them selves are not in there right mind when they feal that way.
I appreciate the props and i give YOU props for those very rad landscape pix.
Try not to confuse "Democrat" with "Liberal"...they're two very different things right now.