Well actually, I'm not going to berate anybody on their vote for mayor, although Helfer is clearly the better choice :) Definitely vote NO on Prop 1, for the love of all that is secular. Sheldon Silver and his cronies haven't learned how to properly run state government yet; the last thing he needs is more power.
I feel like absolute ass. I stayed home today (not like there is anything for me to do at work lately) so I went to vote, then went to Talking Leaves. You know, its amazing how many obscure art magazines with virtually no circulation they shelve there in the place of news magazines. I guess if I want to read something relevant to anything I'll have to trek to Borders. I did pick up the lastest issue of High Times though, because (a) I'm dying to smoke, and (b) I've wanted to pick up an issue for the longest time but I can' t exactly pick that up when I'm travelling and my co-worker is around.
The girl at the counter of Talking Leaves was like, "I swear I recognize you from somewhere!" Seriously, its not even a joking matter.... I get that ALL the freaking time. So she asked me, "What high school did you go to?" It turns out she is 3 or 4 years younger than me, and we both went to the same high school! Now this may not be terribly rare for you people who grew up in the Buffalo area, but for me this is a rare occurance. She was a cutie, too!
There is only one thing pulling me out of this apartment today - okay, maybe two.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/08/2005 13:00 #24568
Vote Helfer and NO on Prop 111/04/2005 09:51 #24567
StoryCorpsI've heard of this thing before from NPR, and they were talking about it again today. You can read about it here - 
If you haven't heard about this project, check it out. Its got to be one of the most interesting and important projects going on in America today. Essentially the idea is to bring in your relatives and record them - an oral history project. Have them talk about their lives; funny stories, sad stories, the whole gamut. This way, you have a recorded piece of your heritage that you can reflect on years later when those people have passed. Copies of these recorded conversations are then kept at the Library of Congress. I wish that I could have done this with my grandfather before he died, VERY badly. StoryCorps has recording booths in two locations around Manhattan, as well as two roaming trailers that travel the country to get people to come in and do this.
How I would love to prepare a list of questions to ask my grandmother, and get her to go record it all with me. I'd love to ask her questions about her relationship with my grandpa, her circumstances growing up, the type of jobs she did when she was young and recently married, what she was thinking when (e:jason) and I were born, her happiest moments, her proudest moments, mentionings about her sisters and brothers, her advice for my brother and I on how to deal with life as we go, and anything involving what she would like to do with herself now and in the future. Among other things!

If you haven't heard about this project, check it out. Its got to be one of the most interesting and important projects going on in America today. Essentially the idea is to bring in your relatives and record them - an oral history project. Have them talk about their lives; funny stories, sad stories, the whole gamut. This way, you have a recorded piece of your heritage that you can reflect on years later when those people have passed. Copies of these recorded conversations are then kept at the Library of Congress. I wish that I could have done this with my grandfather before he died, VERY badly. StoryCorps has recording booths in two locations around Manhattan, as well as two roaming trailers that travel the country to get people to come in and do this.
How I would love to prepare a list of questions to ask my grandmother, and get her to go record it all with me. I'd love to ask her questions about her relationship with my grandpa, her circumstances growing up, the type of jobs she did when she was young and recently married, what she was thinking when (e:jason) and I were born, her happiest moments, her proudest moments, mentionings about her sisters and brothers, her advice for my brother and I on how to deal with life as we go, and anything involving what she would like to do with herself now and in the future. Among other things!
ladycroft - 11/04/05 21:33
That's great. I actually had to do interviews with some of my relatives as papers for lifespan development psych. I really like the idea of recording it, so you can hear the inflection in their voice as they tell their stories.
That's great. I actually had to do interviews with some of my relatives as papers for lifespan development psych. I really like the idea of recording it, so you can hear the inflection in their voice as they tell their stories.
hodown - 11/04/05 10:59
I am obsessed with StoryCorp. They have 2 booths in NYC. One at grand central and one downtown at the PATH station. The one downtown is really emotional because alot of times you see people go in to tell their stories about 9/11. There is one story about this guy who waited his whole life to find the love of his life and a year after they were married he lost her to 9/11. Its an amazing project.
I am obsessed with StoryCorp. They have 2 booths in NYC. One at grand central and one downtown at the PATH station. The one downtown is really emotional because alot of times you see people go in to tell their stories about 9/11. There is one story about this guy who waited his whole life to find the love of his life and a year after they were married he lost her to 9/11. Its an amazing project.
paul - 11/04/05 10:41
Thats awesome, I have that same feeling although I did record my nonna a lot. It is part of why I am starting the rememberbuffalo.org project.
Thats awesome, I have that same feeling although I did record my nonna a lot. It is part of why I am starting the rememberbuffalo.org project.
10/31/2005 10:50 #24566
InterestingMy boss told me this morning that over the weekend a certain video game company is requesting our services! I will beg, borrow and/or steal to go to those audits.
ladycroft - 10/31/05 11:48
Hell yeah!
Hell yeah!
10/29/2005 00:36 #24564
12 Tribes and Mike NimanCategory: outrage
I read Mike Niman's article in the Artvoice, essentially lighting up the communal religious organization known as 12 Tribes. I went ahead and did what Mike Niman DIDN'T do, which is engage these people in conversation today. Yes thats right - Mike Niman was given an opportunity to actually talk to 12 Tribes before publishing his article and he didn't. Why am I not surprised? The man has an irrational and innate hatred of anything related to the Bible, and the fact of the matter is that the other side of the story didn't matter to him. Only his prejudiced and halfwitted opinion article matter to him.
Want the truth? Different races live together in the local 12 Tribes commune. The organization consists of every race on Planet Earth, and there are multiple communes around the world. Wow, clearly they are white supremacists if they are best friends, live together and take care of each other. The organization is neither Christian or Jewish, but they live by the Bible in a peaceful and if anything, reclusive lifestyle. I'm completely outraged and incensed by Mike Niman right about now. I mean, don't get me wrong, his completely lopsided and irrational articles appear in Artvoice practically every week - the only thing that he suceeds in every week is displaying how much of a fringe lunatic he is. I've hated Mike Niman for a long, long time but this week is absolutely the pinnacle. If it doesn't scare you that this man is a college professor paid by the state, it should. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU READ IN THAT ARTICLE.
Artvoice should be held responsible for publishing such utter garbage. Do you think you'll see an apology from Mike Niman anytime soon? Hell no - he's busy with his head in the sand and I personally guarantee that he is a chickenshit just like every other radical left wing writer in this country. Flip through the Artvoice this week - practically every response to Mike Niman's article lambbastes him and points out his obscure, poorly researched and small-minded predilection. He feels the need to defend himself by suggesting that because he's participated in Co-Op organizations for 25 years that he has the authority to speak on the subject? HORSESHIT. Not good enough for ANY publication in America let alone our shitty local pubs. Want the truth? Guys like him get away with this crap because they are completely unpoliced by their higher ups. I'm certainly not surprised that Jamie Moses let this one pass - he's just as much of an asshole as Mike Niman.
Want the truth? Different races live together in the local 12 Tribes commune. The organization consists of every race on Planet Earth, and there are multiple communes around the world. Wow, clearly they are white supremacists if they are best friends, live together and take care of each other. The organization is neither Christian or Jewish, but they live by the Bible in a peaceful and if anything, reclusive lifestyle. I'm completely outraged and incensed by Mike Niman right about now. I mean, don't get me wrong, his completely lopsided and irrational articles appear in Artvoice practically every week - the only thing that he suceeds in every week is displaying how much of a fringe lunatic he is. I've hated Mike Niman for a long, long time but this week is absolutely the pinnacle. If it doesn't scare you that this man is a college professor paid by the state, it should. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU READ IN THAT ARTICLE.
Artvoice should be held responsible for publishing such utter garbage. Do you think you'll see an apology from Mike Niman anytime soon? Hell no - he's busy with his head in the sand and I personally guarantee that he is a chickenshit just like every other radical left wing writer in this country. Flip through the Artvoice this week - practically every response to Mike Niman's article lambbastes him and points out his obscure, poorly researched and small-minded predilection. He feels the need to defend himself by suggesting that because he's participated in Co-Op organizations for 25 years that he has the authority to speak on the subject? HORSESHIT. Not good enough for ANY publication in America let alone our shitty local pubs. Want the truth? Guys like him get away with this crap because they are completely unpoliced by their higher ups. I'm certainly not surprised that Jamie Moses let this one pass - he's just as much of an asshole as Mike Niman.
jason - 10/29/05 18:52
Niman got some bunk info from someone, liked what he heard, and started telling people the 12 tribes are white supremacists. He didn't need or want anything other than what he agreed with. He wrote an entire article making his case. He is peddling his opinion as if it is fact, and people are going to read the article thinking it is fact. If you were to ask Niman if what he wrote was opinion or fact, what do you think he would say? The "this is just an opinion piece" argument shrivels up as a result.
Maybe you're right. Maybe he isn't lying. Maybe he didn't already have his opinion in his head before he tried making a case for it. Maybe he just got BS information. Apparently that passes as a legitimate argument nowadays. We are seeing it more and more.
Don't think that just because I don't talk about Fox News that I don't have an opinion about them. There are 120239879834798 people talking about Fox News, and zero talking about the alternative press, who get a free pass from everyone. You tell me to be skeptical about what I read, but are you skeptical about what you read from the alternatives or from any information source? I'm sure the answer is yes but I've never asked. I want to make sure that you are willing to be as honest as you want me to be.
I'm willing to "set the example" but I feel like I am completely alone in that sentiment. I feel like people just want ME to point the finger at the right so they can tell me how correct they are, while they stay silent. Nobody wants to point the finger at the people who represent their political "side". As of yet I am the only person on e-strip who is willing to do this. Will you join me? =)
Yes I know Fox News reporting is skewed to the right, everyone knows that. They are the only TV news outlet in the USA that reports this way. There isn't any reporting from any media outlet that isn't skewed. They do report facts, but not the same facts and not in the same context. Hannity and O'Reilly and Rush and the rest - no I do not think everything that comes out of their mouth is fact. I am not so far to the right as a Hannity or a Rush.
Ultimately I want truth, and truth does not come from a single source. It comes from reading a broad spectrum of pieces. I feel like I'm the only person on e-strip who does that as well. I feel like I'm the only one who is willing to challenge his/her ideas and to grow. I'll never be a partisan.
Niman got some bunk info from someone, liked what he heard, and started telling people the 12 tribes are white supremacists. He didn't need or want anything other than what he agreed with. He wrote an entire article making his case. He is peddling his opinion as if it is fact, and people are going to read the article thinking it is fact. If you were to ask Niman if what he wrote was opinion or fact, what do you think he would say? The "this is just an opinion piece" argument shrivels up as a result.
Maybe you're right. Maybe he isn't lying. Maybe he didn't already have his opinion in his head before he tried making a case for it. Maybe he just got BS information. Apparently that passes as a legitimate argument nowadays. We are seeing it more and more.
Don't think that just because I don't talk about Fox News that I don't have an opinion about them. There are 120239879834798 people talking about Fox News, and zero talking about the alternative press, who get a free pass from everyone. You tell me to be skeptical about what I read, but are you skeptical about what you read from the alternatives or from any information source? I'm sure the answer is yes but I've never asked. I want to make sure that you are willing to be as honest as you want me to be.
I'm willing to "set the example" but I feel like I am completely alone in that sentiment. I feel like people just want ME to point the finger at the right so they can tell me how correct they are, while they stay silent. Nobody wants to point the finger at the people who represent their political "side". As of yet I am the only person on e-strip who is willing to do this. Will you join me? =)
Yes I know Fox News reporting is skewed to the right, everyone knows that. They are the only TV news outlet in the USA that reports this way. There isn't any reporting from any media outlet that isn't skewed. They do report facts, but not the same facts and not in the same context. Hannity and O'Reilly and Rush and the rest - no I do not think everything that comes out of their mouth is fact. I am not so far to the right as a Hannity or a Rush.
Ultimately I want truth, and truth does not come from a single source. It comes from reading a broad spectrum of pieces. I feel like I'm the only person on e-strip who does that as well. I feel like I'm the only one who is willing to challenge his/her ideas and to grow. I'll never be a partisan.
ajay - 10/29/05 17:55
First of all, lying can only be associated with facts; opinions, are, well, just opinions. And most of Niman's writings are opinions; if his facts are incorrect, feel free to point them out.
Second, instead of saying "why don't the lefties do this or that", why not set an example and show us what needs to be done, by doing it to your paragon of impartial reporting, Faux News? Talk about a pack of liars!
First of all, lying can only be associated with facts; opinions, are, well, just opinions. And most of Niman's writings are opinions; if his facts are incorrect, feel free to point them out.
Second, instead of saying "why don't the lefties do this or that", why not set an example and show us what needs to be done, by doing it to your paragon of impartial reporting, Faux News? Talk about a pack of liars!
jason - 10/29/05 15:54
Ajay, how could you possibly equate "policed by their higher ups" with the condoning of a police state? More importantly, why don't you think that the alternative press should be accountable for the inaccurate things they write? Why do you think that anybody (err, I mean lefties) should be able to lie and lie and lie and not suffer the consequences? This isn't a challenge against diversity of opinion, and any honest reader could (should) have gotten that out of Josh's post. It is a challenge against inaccurate and hatefully biased pseudo-journalists who "police" every other media outlet, yet refuse to police themselves. Who else is going to watch the "watchdogs" for us?
Ajay, how could you possibly equate "policed by their higher ups" with the condoning of a police state? More importantly, why don't you think that the alternative press should be accountable for the inaccurate things they write? Why do you think that anybody (err, I mean lefties) should be able to lie and lie and lie and not suffer the consequences? This isn't a challenge against diversity of opinion, and any honest reader could (should) have gotten that out of Josh's post. It is a challenge against inaccurate and hatefully biased pseudo-journalists who "police" every other media outlet, yet refuse to police themselves. Who else is going to watch the "watchdogs" for us?
ajay - 10/29/05 14:21
"Guys like him get away with this crap because they are completely unpoliced by their higher ups."
Right!! That's what we need: a police state. Everyone's opinions must be checked and vetted by someone "higher up", for God forbid that there be a diversity of opinions. But who'll vet Bush's opinions? Hmmm.... wait! Bush already claims that God speaks to him, so I guess that's covered. Damn! You Righties are so smart....
"Guys like him get away with this crap because they are completely unpoliced by their higher ups."
Right!! That's what we need: a police state. Everyone's opinions must be checked and vetted by someone "higher up", for God forbid that there be a diversity of opinions. But who'll vet Bush's opinions? Hmmm.... wait! Bush already claims that God speaks to him, so I guess that's covered. Damn! You Righties are so smart....
10/30/2005 15:56 #24565
In Response to AjayCategory: just for laughs
(e:ajay) I think you actually didn't read who posted the rant - it was me. You may be actually talking about the commentary that (e:jason) left on my last post... you know, that stuff you couldn't respond to directly so you chose to ignore it?
Anyhow, in response - I read 4 newspapers a day and parts of others - if you are suggesting that Niman is a "black sheep" you couldn't be more wrong. The thrust of his horeshit commentary is just as prevelant in major print media - the only difference is that in major media they are professionals and Mike Niman isn't. What does that mean? Its the difference between what you say in polite company and what you say amongst your friends - its the wording. His crybaby antics are inspired by and parroted because of what you read in papers like the New York Times, Washington Post and Baltimore Sun. Maureen Dowd is just as radical and arrogant as Mike Niman is.
As far as my comment concerning "policing" what journalists write - stop changing the subject - we aren't talking about President Bush, we are talking about Mike Niman. What I'm getting from you is that journalists, in your opinion, should be able to write as irresponsibly and untruthfully as they want to. That is hilarious to me considering that what I'm talking about precisely is the reason why Rather got in trouble. His editors did little to no fact checking because they were so in love with a false story that it didn't matter if it was true or not. You are fucking absolutely right that journalists should be policed by their editors in order to adhere to a standard. To not do so is absolutely insane because what you end up with is a media that you can't trust because of their partisanship and arrogance. The Minnesota Star-Tribune got into trouble recently because of this exact problem, and when the facts came out they got a black eye. Only after intense pressure did they feel compelled to write a correction. After that fiasco, who is actually going to trust what they read in that paper now? Editors checking the journalists is extremely important because it provides something that the print media sorely lacks right now - INTEGRITY. Now, for fucks sake please, don't digress. Do you think that its important for journalists to have integrity in the eyes of the readership?
Anyhow, I find it interesting that you would bring the war stuff up, considering that my post that you are responding to had NOTHING TO DO with the war. I expect better. Try to stay on topic please. The only thing I might add to your digression, since I'm feeling charitable, is that a) Cheney liquidated his Halliburton assets in 2000, and b) if you are suggesting that the Oil for Food scandal was somehow the United States' fault that is the stupidest thing I've ever read. The most interesting thing out of the OFF scandal, by the way, is that Marc Rich (Clinton's boy that got pardoned) was found out to have been wheeling and dealing with Saddam Hussein directly during the embargo. Notch another one up for Slick Willy!
By the way, I voted for Clinton. The single worst decision I ever made as a registered voter. Well, no... maybe I regret Gore more. :)
Anyhow, in response - I read 4 newspapers a day and parts of others - if you are suggesting that Niman is a "black sheep" you couldn't be more wrong. The thrust of his horeshit commentary is just as prevelant in major print media - the only difference is that in major media they are professionals and Mike Niman isn't. What does that mean? Its the difference between what you say in polite company and what you say amongst your friends - its the wording. His crybaby antics are inspired by and parroted because of what you read in papers like the New York Times, Washington Post and Baltimore Sun. Maureen Dowd is just as radical and arrogant as Mike Niman is.
As far as my comment concerning "policing" what journalists write - stop changing the subject - we aren't talking about President Bush, we are talking about Mike Niman. What I'm getting from you is that journalists, in your opinion, should be able to write as irresponsibly and untruthfully as they want to. That is hilarious to me considering that what I'm talking about precisely is the reason why Rather got in trouble. His editors did little to no fact checking because they were so in love with a false story that it didn't matter if it was true or not. You are fucking absolutely right that journalists should be policed by their editors in order to adhere to a standard. To not do so is absolutely insane because what you end up with is a media that you can't trust because of their partisanship and arrogance. The Minnesota Star-Tribune got into trouble recently because of this exact problem, and when the facts came out they got a black eye. Only after intense pressure did they feel compelled to write a correction. After that fiasco, who is actually going to trust what they read in that paper now? Editors checking the journalists is extremely important because it provides something that the print media sorely lacks right now - INTEGRITY. Now, for fucks sake please, don't digress. Do you think that its important for journalists to have integrity in the eyes of the readership?
Anyhow, I find it interesting that you would bring the war stuff up, considering that my post that you are responding to had NOTHING TO DO with the war. I expect better. Try to stay on topic please. The only thing I might add to your digression, since I'm feeling charitable, is that a) Cheney liquidated his Halliburton assets in 2000, and b) if you are suggesting that the Oil for Food scandal was somehow the United States' fault that is the stupidest thing I've ever read. The most interesting thing out of the OFF scandal, by the way, is that Marc Rich (Clinton's boy that got pardoned) was found out to have been wheeling and dealing with Saddam Hussein directly during the embargo. Notch another one up for Slick Willy!
By the way, I voted for Clinton. The single worst decision I ever made as a registered voter. Well, no... maybe I regret Gore more. :)
joshua - 10/31/05 10:46
Believe me, I acknowledge the insignificance of Artvoice. My problem is that people like him are indicative of a larger issue - infallability and irresponsibility in journalism. No, I won't be going after the Bee!
I beat you to the Marc Rich punch - at least acknowledge that Clinton pardoned a guy that should be in prison right now. Also, I do not believe that Cheney carries options right now - if anything he may carry a retainer of some sort just like any CEO gets when they retire from a job. Who is next on the list to go after if they are suspected of being corrupt, Michael Eisner? Lol.
Cheney was not actively trying to get the sanctions lifted, that is a factually incorrect statement - what you are referring to is a separate entity related to Halliburton that Cheney didn't manage. $100M to Republican supporters as a result of no-bid contracts... Ajay that is horseshit. I'm still waiting for my check. ;-)
I could go after a veritable plethora of people besides Niman - there are plenty of journalists with no integrity or fallability that are caught up like Niman are. I merely use Niman because a) he's a local "journalist" (at least you agree that Niman is a crackpot) and b) he wrote a story that was factually incorrect but ran with it because he liked what he heard - just like Rathergate!
I'm all for Iraq having to pay us back, at least partially. Are you suggesting its a good idea, or are you merely using that as a crutch to point out that NO will have to pay for part of its reconstruction? I mention it because I know god damn well that liberals do NOT like the idea (at least those that I've read on the subject) because they feel that it would be just another way for Big Bad America, their sworn enemy, to take advantage of poor people. So, which side is it for you Ajay? You can't have it both ways.
Believe me, I acknowledge the insignificance of Artvoice. My problem is that people like him are indicative of a larger issue - infallability and irresponsibility in journalism. No, I won't be going after the Bee!
I beat you to the Marc Rich punch - at least acknowledge that Clinton pardoned a guy that should be in prison right now. Also, I do not believe that Cheney carries options right now - if anything he may carry a retainer of some sort just like any CEO gets when they retire from a job. Who is next on the list to go after if they are suspected of being corrupt, Michael Eisner? Lol.
Cheney was not actively trying to get the sanctions lifted, that is a factually incorrect statement - what you are referring to is a separate entity related to Halliburton that Cheney didn't manage. $100M to Republican supporters as a result of no-bid contracts... Ajay that is horseshit. I'm still waiting for my check. ;-)
I could go after a veritable plethora of people besides Niman - there are plenty of journalists with no integrity or fallability that are caught up like Niman are. I merely use Niman because a) he's a local "journalist" (at least you agree that Niman is a crackpot) and b) he wrote a story that was factually incorrect but ran with it because he liked what he heard - just like Rathergate!
I'm all for Iraq having to pay us back, at least partially. Are you suggesting its a good idea, or are you merely using that as a crutch to point out that NO will have to pay for part of its reconstruction? I mention it because I know god damn well that liberals do NOT like the idea (at least those that I've read on the subject) because they feel that it would be just another way for Big Bad America, their sworn enemy, to take advantage of poor people. So, which side is it for you Ajay? You can't have it both ways.
ajay - 10/30/05 19:38
Josh, there is a difference between an op-ed piece and a news report. People who read newspapers know the difference. Heck, I am a liberal and I am sure I've read Niman way less than you have. Your fixation with Niman is intriguing, though.
Here's the bottom line: if what Niman writes is crap, then don't read it! Simple! Problem solved. Artvoice is such a small "newspaper" that they have to give it away free to get readership. Don't you think if Niman was that great, he would have been syndicated by bigger newspapers? Next, you'll start targetting the Amherst Bee! ;-)
The Billion-dollar loss I was talking about was the corruption scandal in the Iraqi Ministry of Defence. Obviously, since the media is so liberal as you claim, every major newspaper is screaming about it, right? So the 4 newspapers your read must have covered it in great detail, right? And hence you must have read about it, right?
BTW: Cheney may have liquidated his stock, but he has options. And you know how valuable options are when a stock goes up.
And before you trot out Marc Rich, remember that Cheney was actively campaigning to get the sanctions on Iraq lifted, and Halliburton set up offshore shell corporations to deal with Iraq even while sanctions were in place. And they did the same with Iran. And do I need to point out the no-bid contract that Halliburton got? The largest such in history? With no oversight? With 100s of millions of dollars siphoned off into Republican supporters' pockets?
Your talk about Niman is the classic strawman argument: find one lame figure on the other side and hammer away at him. All you're doing is fiddling while your Republican government burns down the house. 300+ Billion in Iraq and counting. And the ironic part? The Iraqis don't have to repay Uncle Sam, but the Katrina victims do!
Don't forget to get your magnetic sticker! ;-)
Josh, there is a difference between an op-ed piece and a news report. People who read newspapers know the difference. Heck, I am a liberal and I am sure I've read Niman way less than you have. Your fixation with Niman is intriguing, though.
Here's the bottom line: if what Niman writes is crap, then don't read it! Simple! Problem solved. Artvoice is such a small "newspaper" that they have to give it away free to get readership. Don't you think if Niman was that great, he would have been syndicated by bigger newspapers? Next, you'll start targetting the Amherst Bee! ;-)
The Billion-dollar loss I was talking about was the corruption scandal in the Iraqi Ministry of Defence. Obviously, since the media is so liberal as you claim, every major newspaper is screaming about it, right? So the 4 newspapers your read must have covered it in great detail, right? And hence you must have read about it, right?
BTW: Cheney may have liquidated his stock, but he has options. And you know how valuable options are when a stock goes up.
And before you trot out Marc Rich, remember that Cheney was actively campaigning to get the sanctions on Iraq lifted, and Halliburton set up offshore shell corporations to deal with Iraq even while sanctions were in place. And they did the same with Iran. And do I need to point out the no-bid contract that Halliburton got? The largest such in history? With no oversight? With 100s of millions of dollars siphoned off into Republican supporters' pockets?
Your talk about Niman is the classic strawman argument: find one lame figure on the other side and hammer away at him. All you're doing is fiddling while your Republican government burns down the house. 300+ Billion in Iraq and counting. And the ironic part? The Iraqis don't have to repay Uncle Sam, but the Katrina victims do!
Don't forget to get your magnetic sticker! ;-)
There's a better choice for what amounts to a figurehead office? lol
You are a lazy jerk. Fuck you!!! jk
Dying to smoke you say?