I'm a loser......a big loser, :( :(
I put off things until what I deem the "very last minute"......of course inevitabley the "very last moment" turns out to be several moments too late to get anything done.
I stink..... :( :(
Jill's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/10/2005 19:41 #24383
Fed up11/21/2004 22:53 #24382
I love the colors....
I'm ready for Thanksgiving break......
For the tasty food, and seeing my friends, and.....hmmmm, I would say seeing my family but I have just learned that my Aunt has invited everyone over to her house for Thanksgiving exept for my family.
I think that is incredibley cruel.....
Especially at Thanksgiving time.
But friends and immediate family are still good.......
and my Gramps, I love my Gramps.
So whatever Aunt Jeannie.........
I love the colors....
I'm ready for Thanksgiving break......
For the tasty food, and seeing my friends, and.....hmmmm, I would say seeing my family but I have just learned that my Aunt has invited everyone over to her house for Thanksgiving exept for my family.
I think that is incredibley cruel.....
Especially at Thanksgiving time.
But friends and immediate family are still good.......
and my Gramps, I love my Gramps.
So whatever Aunt Jeannie.........

11/11/2004 16:20 #24380
Sad sad Jill
I lost my day planner......
It's been gone for about a week now and I've been trying desperatley to locate it....... but I think it's officially gone.
And it was so lovely too.......its pages filled with doodles and concert dates.......how sad........
I feel like I am going to miss some big important event now that it's gone.....I guess I had better go and buy another one.........
But if anyone happens upon it in their travels....at UB or Spot or somewhere,
It is blue and covered in "THe Good Life" stickers.........if anyone finds it, I will be your slave for a week......
In other news, Picasso Mimes at the art gallery on Friday........Mike and I shall be there.....invisible box (yep, I think it's only fitting that Mike and I would share an invisible box if we were mimes.....) and all.
Go to Team-love.com and download some of Willy Mason's new cd. It's free and he's SWELL......
and while you're there, download Tilly and the Wall too, because you really haven't lived until Tilly has forced a little but-wiggling out of you.......(plus it's also free)!!!!!!!!!!