I love the movie "Harold and Maude", I watched it again for the first time since highschool .....I forgot how fantastic it is......
I think I might want to be Maude for Halloween, of course, a Maude without a Harold is just a crazy old lady so it looks like I'll have to recruit someone......
I love Halloween......two of my favorite thingd in the world are costumes and candy..........so it really is the perfect holiday.
I had hoped to make my seven month old nephew his very first Halloween costume.......I was going to make him a little turtle outfit, with a little green hood and a shell backpack............I had such big plans, but my sister-in-law has decided that she is not going to let Aiden celebrate Halloween until he is old enough to understand what it means. I think she is worried because it is a pagan holiday........that makes me sad.........
Pagans have the best holidays.......
Twisted, you did a fantastic job on that voolcano costume, what a lucky kid!
Googdight Guys!!!
By the way, if you have an extra $10.79 lying around go pick up Bright Eyes' two newly released singles,(New World).........
"Take It Easy".......is acoustic and parred down, incredibley intimate, relly good
Lua"......is almost danceable (if you can belive that), it's a fantastic mix of heartbreaking songwriting and chugging guitars......