Last weekend I saw "Supersize Me" with Mike and Maureen...... after the film, as I waited in line for the ladies room (tiny a mouse) I was privy to the conversation of a group of fifteen year-old primping and preening girlies...
Here's a snippet of their conversation:
Pretty Tiny Girl: "Oh my gosh you guys... (pause for dramatic effect)
....every Tuesday and Thursday my dad and I go to Mighty Taco"
Friends: (Silence.....look of stunned disbelief......then resumed chatter)
Pretty Tiny Girl: "No seriously, EVERY Tuesday and Thursday" this is what these itty bitty, barely post-pubescent girls took away from the documentary.....A trip to Mighty Taco twice a week is cause for the re-examination of one's life......
Entertaining movie though...
Tonight I went to see "The Notebook" with Beast and Diana (and others of non-epeeps fame)......I didn't really have any desire to see it but I got free passes from work (and any excuse to eat popcorn, especially out of a gigantic tub, is a definite go)
......Man does that film use every oppurtunity to emotionally rape its audience.......I'll admit, I cried (of course it doesn't take much).....and at one point my sobs had to compete with my heaving laughter (thanks to the play by play of the old ladies next to us), and the result was this ungodly series of snorts and coughing......
Needless to say, I didn't make any friends in the theatre.....
Fun night though....