So I guess I have already broken my "I'll post once a day promise." I'll try to get back on track but I am now on a different schedule with my new class so I will have to work that out. My new class is basically one big simulation with all 130 of us playing different roles in government - whenther members of congress, the cabinet, interest groups or the media. I am the ranking member on intelligence. http:/ It can be interesting, but too many of the people in this school are over achievers so in order to keep up with them I actually have to try. This makes it kind of difficult and I stress out a bit. What also compounds the situation is that the House of Representative, which I am a part of, is one of the least desired positions meaning that I have a ton of people who didn't care about where they were put because they are not that big into American politics. On my committee, I am the only native born American and there is only one other american citizen on a committee of 7. This presents a problem in that I really have to push the issue. Plus, I think I am one of the few American political science students in our group so I have to explain the process to them as well. This is good in that I can offer assistance an hopefully they can trust and help me, but bad in that it means I have to do a lot of work. I almost can't wait until I have normal classes. It will be so much less stressful. Oh well, in the mean time I have to get back to politicking.
As far as my exam last friday. I think it went pretty well. Thanks to (e:leetee) and (e:maureen) for the well wishes. My weekend with Elena was nice. Go see Wedding Crashers, it is hilarious. I especially love Vince Vaughn in the movie. His character is great. Ok, off to class. Take care.
Jessbob's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/04/2005 16:46 #24140
Pretend PoliticsCategory: school
07/29/2005 22:12 #24139
ExamCategory: school
My first exam in grad school is about to begin. I am really nervous. I have a study sheet and I went over a lot of the stuff that will be on the exam, but I really should have taken practice problems and exams to prepare me for the pressure. I have to go and stop studying and just relax. Otherwise I will be too nervous to do anything. My biggest fear is that I get into the exam get nervous and seize up and can't think through the problems clearly. Cause most of the problems can be done if you just think through them. It is a lot of common sense. But if I start to get too nervous, I might start to confuse myself rather than just think through the problems. Wish me luck.
leetee - 07/29/05 22:12
Good Luck! I hope you did well! I can completely understand how you feel... i stress before most kinds of testing. But, as you say, if you can manage your stress enough so you will be able to think things through, you will be fine. Thinking possitively is a great first step. Let us know how things went!!
Good Luck! I hope you did well! I can completely understand how you feel... i stress before most kinds of testing. But, as you say, if you can manage your stress enough so you will be able to think things through, you will be fine. Thinking possitively is a great first step. Let us know how things went!!
maureen - 07/29/05 11:30
Good luck!! You are a test-taking machine, I have no worries :)
Good luck!! You are a test-taking machine, I have no worries :)
07/28/2005 09:01 #24138
I dont hate black people. I hate hippiesCategory: school
Ugh, I am such a bad student. First it was putting off completing my budget til the last second. Now it is studying for my final. We have two review sessions for my final on friday. In both we go over one practice exam. Both times I have not done the practice test going into the review session causing them to be not that helpful to me. I really got to get on studying. If I fuck it up it is my own fault.
Also, you know you are in a school of ever achievers when you have to get to class 10 minutes early to get a seat. I just had to go drop my stuff at class and then come back and post to be sure I can have a seat.
Another random thought, in avoiding studying for my exam, I have been watching a lot of South Park, and Cartman is just hilarious. He is such a great character. I especially love his hippy bashing, for example, Cartman talking in his sleep while having a nightmare, "Hippies, Hippies. They're everywhere. They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad." For more choice quotes, here is a website
. Well, I got to go to a review session I am not prepared for. Take care.
Also, you know you are in a school of ever achievers when you have to get to class 10 minutes early to get a seat. I just had to go drop my stuff at class and then come back and post to be sure I can have a seat.
Another random thought, in avoiding studying for my exam, I have been watching a lot of South Park, and Cartman is just hilarious. He is such a great character. I especially love his hippy bashing, for example, Cartman talking in his sleep while having a nightmare, "Hippies, Hippies. They're everywhere. They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad." For more choice quotes, here is a website

07/27/2005 12:45 #24137
Funny, Ha Ha Funny?Category: quizzes
So I really didn't have anything to write but then I looked at my friend jess' journal and there was a quiz about your sense of humor
. Here are my results:
the Wit
(60% dark, 39% spontaneous, 38% vulgar)
your humor style:
You like things edgy, subtle, and smart. I guess that means you're probably an intellectual, but don't take that to mean you're pretentious. You realize 'dumb' can be witty--after all isn't that the Simpsons' philosophy?--but rudeness for its own sake, 'gross-out' humor and most other things found in a fraternity leave you totally flat.
I guess you just have a more cerebral approach than most. You have the perfect mindset for a joke writer or staff writer. Your sense of humor takes the most effort to appreciate, but it's also the best, in my opinion.
Also, you probably loved the Office. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out here:
PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Jon Stewart - Woody Allen - Ricky Gervais

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 68% on dark
You scored higher than 31% on spontaneous
You scored higher than 64% on vulgar

the Wit
(60% dark, 39% spontaneous, 38% vulgar)
your humor style:
You like things edgy, subtle, and smart. I guess that means you're probably an intellectual, but don't take that to mean you're pretentious. You realize 'dumb' can be witty--after all isn't that the Simpsons' philosophy?--but rudeness for its own sake, 'gross-out' humor and most other things found in a fraternity leave you totally flat.
I guess you just have a more cerebral approach than most. You have the perfect mindset for a joke writer or staff writer. Your sense of humor takes the most effort to appreciate, but it's also the best, in my opinion.
Also, you probably loved the Office. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out here:

PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Jon Stewart - Woody Allen - Ricky Gervais

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 68% on dark
You scored higher than 31% on spontaneous
You scored higher than 64% on vulgar
07/26/2005 15:06 #24136
That Budgeting Project Can Kiss My AssCategory: school
For better or worse, it is done. My daycare budget is complete and was handed in at 9:00 this morning. All in all, I am very proud of the ways I thought to balance it and am happy with how thoroughly I examined the problem and the solutions. I think I really gained a good understanding of the dynamics of budgeting and felt that my method of calculation was much more accurate than a lot of other ways. At the same time, my presentation is pretty poor because I rushed at the end and was not sure the best way to present the information. I hope that the thoroughness of my analysis comes through inspite of my muddled presentation. But I do fear that the fact that TAs have to grade so many and that I can't really defend and explain the methods used, what I did will not be noticed and may hurt me because of my lack of definition. Ah well.
Today was a pretty good class (the last minute budgeting is why I am posting now and not earlier). The stuff we were talking about was really clicking and it made me think about different and innovative ways to create tax structures. It was like a whole puzzle laid out before me and I really want to start playing with it. (Wow,reading that tax structures line again, I am such a nerd).
Any way, right now I am enjoying some respite from budgeting until I have to start studying for my final on friday. I hope I can pull all the stuff I learned together because in doing this stuff, I find that either everything is clicking and the budget just flows or every little step is excrutiatingly difficult and you get frustrated and can't pull anything together for the life of you. Lets hope friday brings more of the former.
On to traveling news, my family is off to cancun to do a makeup vacation after last week's category 5 hurricane caused them to cancel their first attempt. Also Elena will be visiting this weekend. It will be nice to see her. I also got a few copies of the report I did for Citizens Against Government waste in the mail the other day. It is nice to have a hard copy for when it is pulled off the website or whatever.
My music club CDs finally came. I am soooo excited. I have waited for these 6 free cds for goddamn ever. I got the Beach Boys - Pet Sounds, Moby - Songs (his early greatest hits record); Velvet Underground - Greatest Hits; Echo and the Bunnymen - Greatest Hits; The Cars - Greatest Hits; and Marilyn Manson - Greatest HIts. Yes, I know there are a lot of greatest hits records and only poseurs buy greatest hits records, but I am trying to expand my music collection and explore new artists that I know a few of their songs and think I might like and if they tickle my fancy, I can purchase more of them. Anyway. That is all. I have to go and do all the stuff I didn't do the past few days cause of my budget.
Today was a pretty good class (the last minute budgeting is why I am posting now and not earlier). The stuff we were talking about was really clicking and it made me think about different and innovative ways to create tax structures. It was like a whole puzzle laid out before me and I really want to start playing with it. (Wow,reading that tax structures line again, I am such a nerd).
Any way, right now I am enjoying some respite from budgeting until I have to start studying for my final on friday. I hope I can pull all the stuff I learned together because in doing this stuff, I find that either everything is clicking and the budget just flows or every little step is excrutiatingly difficult and you get frustrated and can't pull anything together for the life of you. Lets hope friday brings more of the former.
On to traveling news, my family is off to cancun to do a makeup vacation after last week's category 5 hurricane caused them to cancel their first attempt. Also Elena will be visiting this weekend. It will be nice to see her. I also got a few copies of the report I did for Citizens Against Government waste in the mail the other day. It is nice to have a hard copy for when it is pulled off the website or whatever.
My music club CDs finally came. I am soooo excited. I have waited for these 6 free cds for goddamn ever. I got the Beach Boys - Pet Sounds, Moby - Songs (his early greatest hits record); Velvet Underground - Greatest Hits; Echo and the Bunnymen - Greatest Hits; The Cars - Greatest Hits; and Marilyn Manson - Greatest HIts. Yes, I know there are a lot of greatest hits records and only poseurs buy greatest hits records, but I am trying to expand my music collection and explore new artists that I know a few of their songs and think I might like and if they tickle my fancy, I can purchase more of them. Anyway. That is all. I have to go and do all the stuff I didn't do the past few days cause of my budget.
jason - 07/26/05 15:06
Pet Sounds is great. One of my fav discs.
Pet Sounds is great. One of my fav discs.
Still Havn't seen Wedding Crashers Yet but I want to. Vince Vaughn is an interesting guy. I don't find him funny but he is fun to watch. I glad it is a good movie. I hope to see it before it goes to video.
Establish your dominance in the pack. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, what matters is that THEY believe it. You should believe it, though. Damn that sounded Clintonian.