Anyway, I will skip the rest of the annoyingness and say that we eventually met with them sunday night and my message and themes prevailed. On Sunday night, we also discovered that the person for the House dems that was supposed to deliver half of our response was not going to be back in Syracuse in time to deliver the speech. I volunteered to do it cause I am an egotistical glory-hog, plus I took multiple public-speaking courses. As far as delivery, the speech went pretty well. First, during the president's speech, we got the dems to clap when they weren't supposed to. After the line, "Parts of the Patriot Act are set to expire" It was very funny especially cause the dems in real life clapped at that same point on the real state of the union address. We then delivered ours and the Republicans were pretty rude about it booing and yawning loudly. But I got them back, while I was talking about preserving Social Security, one of the Republicans yawned loudly, I was able to react to it and say, "we need to protect social security so our seniors can enjoy the benefits they are entitled to <yawn> like that elderly man back there." I was thrilled that I was able to come up with that off hand. It really helped make the speech and a bunch of people later told me how much they liked the speech.
The rest of the week was also stressful. I set up a series of press conferences the Democrats message an created a template press release so everyone could write a press release on their issue. They went pretty well, but it is annoying trying to edit press releases that explain a person's position that you are unsure of. They did end up going pretty well and I was impressed with how my group handled themselves once they actually were talking about the issues. One of the highlights was when my press release was cut and pasted into the first five paragraphs in the lead story of the paper.
On thursday, we had hearings, they went ok. The first two panels we couldn't really get the best of, but we rocked the third. It was mainly because of my real-life hatred of boeing and my wanting to show what a bad organization they are. We were also told that we were by far the better prepared of the House Dems committee.
This weekend has been nice. We got friday of as our spring break. I cleaned my apartment caught up on my reading etc. Friday night, I went to the b-day party of someone in the program. It was nice, pretty laid back, but AWFUL music. (who plays Nirvana's unplugged version of Come as You Are at a party).
Saturday I caught up on more reading cleaned up a bit more and played in the weekly game of ultimate frisbee. I also talked to a bunch of people I haven't spoken to in a while. I talked to my friend Jennie who is getting married in 2 weeks. Unfortunately I won't be able to make the wedding, but it was nice to talk to her.
Also, for all of you who are wondering, the part in the Gorillaz song "Feel Good INC" where it goes "Windmill, Windmill . . ." the music is a rip off of U2's Staring at the Sun. I don't know about you, but it was killing (e:Maureen) and myself.
This week we actually vote on the bills we wrote for this simulation. Apparently, this has a tendency to take forever. I am dreading it cause I don't know if we are going to be prepared or get our bills through. Eh, we will just have to cause as much trouble as we can.
I guess that is all for now. I am sorry if this was incredibly boring for you and you now know how much of a poli-sci snob/nerd I am. Whatever, it is your own fault for reading my journal. Take care.
"Where's the leadership?" - I'm not surprised your democrats wanted some kind of theme like this. I agree it is very poor, but then again it does go along with the lefty line. Democrats, liberals, and ultra-leftists don't tout their initiatives or ideas. They rarely do this, instead going for a "R's are bad, evil" kind of line, attacking the other side instead of forming some kind of coherent strategy. It's not surprising they do so shitty in elections.
there is no longer any question...you are the biggest dork ever. clapping at the wrong time during the speech, come on now (okay, you know I think that is hilarious).